CCE Team Meeting


HK 115 – 12:30pm

Present:Carolyn, Char, Dawn, Greg, Jamie, Jane, Kacie, Preshess, Michael, Wendy

Invitation for Agenda additions


Quick announcements

1)Dawn will provide front office assistance on an “on-call” basis

2)Thank you to Char, Preshess and Jane on the Harriet and ETF/DHRD contracts; Ian & Greg on C&C and UH contract training for bringing in different funding sources for all CCE courses

3)CCE hike is scheduled for Friday, November 7th at 1:30pm to Koolau Golf Course where there’s a hiking path close by, staff to car pool, those wanting to participate please meet in the lobby

Upcoming course enrollment report

See attached

Manually organized by start date - Kacie organized it by start day rather than course code; Kacie will teach Dal for future enrollment count reports

-Will keep ETF group separate section from the public section for a course

-Greg noticed he had 0 enrollment, where he had 1 enrolled


1)Step-by-step instructions for registration is available on website by Carolynn

2)EFT, Harriet, DHRD, DPS 3rd party forms do not require CCE’s 3rd party. Each agency must provide their own when it comes time to do student registrations. Dal will reorganize these forms and will be accessible for people to refer to

Reminder: CCE’s 3rd party form needs to be used when another person or company wants to pay for a student.

3)Course Forms/Section Forms

Harriet course forms will be going into Destiny–Char will sendpaperwork to the Front Office as soon as possible


1)Our catalog readership is still primarily those interested in personal enrichment. Carolynnwould like to propose changing the Spring catalog format to educate and create value to our workforce programs-like a Costco catalog/magazine or a mini newsletter.Space is limited so she would like to dedicate the catalog to this but may sprinkle it throughout the workforce section.

Some ideas: (or anything else you feel may be appropriate)

- Share a recent event with short description, photos with captions

- Write a short article

- Industry information and/or tips

- Pathway flow charts (a visual of prerequisites)

- Testimonial

- Upcoming/in development courses

2) Planning to include more information regarding ETF funding

3) The number of course listings per page will increase to keep everything within the existing

32-page format. Instructor bios will move to a back section in smaller type

4)Please let Carolynn know if you want to “hold space" and for what program

Additional items

1)Next modules for Captain’s courses- Greg is working on those and will be submitting forms soon for next module (possible for Summer catalog)

2)Nurse Aide (NA) course is in the works versus CNA

3)Ed2Go- need to relook at the backwards registration process on this - it’ll be offered to ETF funds

4)Evaluation & Scanner-will make some adjustments to the surveys and will pass out to the coordinators’ for further review

-System is looking to standardize the course eval survey

-2 weeks to implement

5) Grading in Destiny

Currently being researched by Kacie-once example is ready, she will teach it to Dal to inputall sections for Spring courses

5)Tai Chi-class is growing in size, reaching max capacity (there’s a mix up on what is the max

count) -in Destiny it says max count is 40 people, but we’re saying it’s 50 people. Tai Chi spills

over 35 people in the hallways and lobby, so max count needs to be revisited

Suggestions for promoting next year: 1) beginners are only allowed the first month of each quarter, so January, April, July, and October only; 2) break up the classes from beginners and advance like Mondays only beginners, Wednesdays only advanced; 3) make an annual section for the regular customers and offer a discount for registering for the entire year. If they miss a month, they will not get a partial refund.

Instructor wanted Registration to keep tract of the returning students and call them when it gets time to close off registration. Kacie is strongly against this- Front Office will not keep track of these things. It is the customers’ responsibility to register on time and if the class is full, it’s full. First come, first serve.

Still brainstorming ways to accommodate Tai Chi’s need without hampering the registration operations

Next meeting on November 19th

Meeting adjourned at 2pm