Fostoria Industries, Inc. manufactures electric infrared heaters used for interior comfort heating and exterior snow and ice control heating, loading dock lights, and loading dock fans. These proprietary guide specifications have been developed to assist specifiers, architects, engineers, and other design professionals in specifying Fostoria products.
A series of four Fostoria product guide specifications have been developed.
Section 15761 - Quartz Lamp Infrared HeatersSection 15762 - Metal Sheath Infrared Heaters
Section 15835 - Dock Fan and Lighting Fixtures
Section 16555 - Dock Lighting
The above specification section numbers and titles are based on classifications and numbering contained in MasterFormat - Master List of Numbers and Titles for the Construction Industry, 1995 Edition, published jointly by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC). MasterFormat is a uniform system for organizing specification sections and other information in construction project manuals. This industry standard allows for the quick and easy retrieval of construction information.
Fostoria product guide specification sections have been organized according to SectionFormat - A Recommended Format for Construction Specifications Sections, 1997 Edition, published jointly by CSI and CSC. SectionFormat provides a uniform approach to organizing specification text by placing information in three standard parts:
PART 1 - GENERAL / Describes administrative and procedural requirements.PART 2 - PRODUCTS / Describes materials, products, and accessories to be incorporated into the construction project.
PART 3 - EXECUTION / Describes how the products will be installed at the construction site.
Fostoria product specification sections have been written using the writing principles and techniques contained in the Manual of Practice published by CSI. The goal is to develop specifications that are clear, correct, complete, and concise. Within the Fostoria guide specifications, the imperative mood has been used for instructions for providing, fabricating, and installing Fostoria products. It is understood that the specifications are addressed to the contractor who is legally responsible to the owner for constructing the project. Hence, the imperative mood is used to indicate actions to be performed by the contractor. Following is an example of a requirement in the indicative mood and as a more direct imperative instruction.
Indicative mood:
Contractor shall mount heating fixtures with pair of swivel brackets.
Imperative mood:
Mount heating fixtures with pair of swivel brackets.
Unnecessary words such as "the", "an", and "a" have been eliminated. Streamlining has also been used to reduce verbiage in the Fostoria product specifications. This technique places the subject first and hence provides key words for quick reference. The words "shall be" are included by inference where a colon (:) is used. For example,
Standard phrasing:
The heating element for the infrared heaters shall be clear quartz lamp.
The fan for providing air circulation in loading dock areas shall be an electric type capable of high velocity with 3 separate speeds. The diameter of the dock fan shall be 18 inches.
Streamline phrasing:
Heating element: clear quartz lamp.
Fan: High velocity, 3 speeds, 18 inches diameter, air circulation electric fan.
Throughout the Fostoria product guide specifications, references are made to other specification sections that might be contained in the project manual. These references are presented as examples and coordination reminders. For each project, these references will need to be revised to reflect actual sections being used. The referenced specification section numbers and titles have been derived from the CSI/CSC MasterFormat. Samples of references to be verified are:
Submit in accordance with Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures: . . .Power fixtures in accordance with Section 16100 - Wiring Methods.
The Fostoria product specifications will need to be edited by the specifier for a specific project and to reflect the Fostoria products, options, and applications being used. The guide sections have been written so that most editing can be accomplished by deleting unnecessary requirements and options. Depending on project requirements, some additional information will need to be added by the specifier. These items can be inserted at the appropriate locations according to CSI/CSC SectionFormat. Options are indicated by [ ]. Notes to assist the specifier in selecting options and editing the specification guide are printed in bold and indicated with *****. For final editing, all brackets and notes will need to be deleted from the guides. For example:
***** Four types of light source are available for Fostoria dock lights: incandescent, quartz halogen, metal halide, high pressure sodium, fluorescent and motion detector quartz halogen. Light output, life, and cost are light source variables. Refer to Fostoria product literature for selection guidelines. *****Lamp type: [Incandescent] [Quartz halogen] [Metal halide] [Fluorescent] [Motion detector operated quartz halogen].
Notes within the Fostoria product specifications list U.S. Imperial dimensions followed by metric equivalents derived from System International Metric (SI) in parentheses. Within the specification text, Imperial dimensions are presented first in brackets followed by SI metric equivalents also in brackets. Depending on project requirements, either the Imperial or the SI metric equivalents will need to be deleted. For example,
***** Include the following paragraph for a single 25 inches (635 mm) long flexible arm that can be attached to ceiling . . .Flexible arm support: [25 inches] [635 mm] long arm fabricated from elastomer tubing with . . .
Fostoria product guide specifications have been developed to assist the design professional in incorporating Fostoria products into a construction project. Hopefully, these guides will reduce the time and effort required to prepare project specifications. Your questions, comments, suggestions, and additional information requests will be appreciated and useful in preparing future revisions. Please respond to Fostoria Industries, Inc. by mail, telephone, FAX, or E-Mail.
1200 North Main Street
P.O. Box 986
Fostoria, Ohio 44830-0986
Telephone: 419-435-9201
Fax: 419-435-0842
Web site:
***** Fostoria Industries, Inc. manufactures several types of electric infrared heaters used for interior comfort heating and exterior snow and ice control heating. Multiple units can be used for total areas or single units can be used for spot heating. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation generated by vibrating molecules with a hot source such as a quartz lamp, quartz tube, or metal rod. Infrared energy is directed specifically onto people and objects. It is not absorbed by air and does not create heat until it is absorbed by an opaque object. Electric infrared energy travels at the speed of light in straight lines from the heat source. This energy diffuses as a function of the square of the distance it travels from the heat source. Intensity, therefore, decreases in a proportional manner. For example, at 20 feet from the heat source energy intensity is 1/4 the intensity developed at 10 feet.
This guide specification can be used to specify Fostoria's Mul-T-Mount Overhead Infrared Heaters, an overhead heating fixture with quartz lamp heating elements. Fostoria's Heavy Duty Metal Sheath Heaters use U-shaped metal rods called sheaths for heating elements. These fixtures can be specified with Fostoria's product guide specification SECTION 15762 - METAL SHEATH INFRARED HEATERS.
Heating levels will be determined by mounting height, spacing, reflector beam pattern, wattage of infrared heating fixtures, and by thermostatic controls. For each Fostoria heater there are options for reflectors, heat source wattage, controls, and method of installation. Refer to Fostoria product literature for availability of options, standard sizes, and guidelines for selection of heater model. Various options are listed in this specification section, but not all options apply to all heaters. The specifier will need to select the appropriate options, verify their availability, and delete non-applicable models and options. *****
A. / Section includes: Overhead mounted, electric, quartz lamp, infrared [comfort] [snow and ice control] heaters including contactor panels, controls, and mounting hardware.
***** List other specification sections dealing with work directly related to this section such as the following. *****
B. / Related sections:
1. / Section [02740 - Flexible Pavement] [02750 - Rigid Pavement]: Pavement to receive snow and ice sensors.
***** Suspension rods, bracing, and other support components for mounting heaters may need to be designed for specific applications, detailed on Drawings, and specified in other sections. *****
2. / Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications: Metal [channels] [angles] [rods] [bracing] [fasteners] and other components for supporting heaters.
3. / Section 09260 - Gypsum Board Assemblies: Suspended gypsum board ceilings to contain recessed infrared heating fixtures.
4. / Section 09510 - Acoustical Ceilings: Suspended acoustical panel ceilings to contain recessed infrared heating fixtures.
5. / Section 16100 - Wiring Methods: Electrical supply, conduit, wiring, boxes, and wiring devices for infrared heaters and controls.
A. / Submit in accordance with Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures:
1. / List of proposed products and product data.
2. / Shop drawings showing heating fixture layout, spacing, dimensions, method of attachment, and structural support.
3. / Electrical wiring diagrams for connection of heaters [controls] [sensors].
4. / Manufacturer's safety, installation, and maintenance instructions.
5. / Copy of warranty required by Paragraph 1.4 for review by Architect.
A. / Source limitation: Obtain infrared heating system from single manufacturer as a complete unit including contactor panels, controls, mounting hardware, and other accessories.
B. / Infrared heating fixtures shall be certified for use in the United States and Canada by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Inc. and shall bear UL and C-UL labels.
A. / Provide under provisions of Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures:
1. / 1 year warranty for heaters and controls
2. / 4 years pro-rated warranty for quartz lamp heating elements.
***** For large infrared heating systems, it may be appropriate to require extra quartz lamp heating elements for future maintenance. If extra materials are not desired, delete the following two paragraphs. *****
A. / Provide in accordance with Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: [[5] [_____] of] [[10] [_____] percent of number installed for] each type of quartz lamp heating element used.
B. / Delivery in manufacturer's unopened, labelled containers.
A. / Fostoria Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 986, Fostoria, Ohio 44830-0986; 419-435-9201;
B. / Manufacturers of equivalent products submitted and approved in accordance with Section 01630 - Product Substitution Procedures.
A. / Type: High density, electric, quartz lamp, overhead mounted, infrared [interior comfort] [exterior snow and ice control] heaters; [Mul-T-Mount Overhead Infrared Heater, Series [222] [223] [342] [343] [462] [463]] as manufactured by Fostoria Industries, Inc
***** Mul-T-Mount Heaters can be provided with either two or three quartz lamp heating elements. Standard lamp is clear. An optional red vycor sleeve can be provided to filter out bright light. Vertically mounted heaters require vertical-burn quartz lamps. *****
B. / Heating element: [2] [3] [clear] quartz lamps. [Provide vertical-burn quartz lamps for heaters mounted vertically.]
***** Refer to Fostoria product literature for heat output for selected fixture. *****
C. / Total heat output:
1. / [3,200] [4,800] [5,000] [7,300] [7,500] [10,950] watts.
2. / [10,922] [16,382] [17,065] [24,951] [25,598] [37,372] BTU.
***** Refer to Fostoria product literature for electrical characteristics for selected fixture. *****
D. / Electrical characteristics: [[208] [240] [277] [480] volts] [[single] [three] phase].
***** Housing for infrared heating elements are fabricated from either stainless steel or galvanized steel with baked brown enamel finish. *****
E. / Housing: Fabricated from [20 gage stainless steel] [20 gage galvanized steel with baked enamel brown finish].
***** Mul-T-Mount Heaters are provided 24, 33, and 46 inches (610, 838 and 1168 mm) long depending on length of lamps. Width of two lamp heaters is 15 inches (381 mm) and for three lamps is 21-1/2 inches (546 mm). All models of Mul-T-Mount Heaters are 10-7/8 inches (200 mm) deep. Refer (200 mm) deep. Refer to Fostoria product literature and select appropriate dimensions for heater being specified. *****
F. / Dimensions: [[24] [33] [46] inches] [[610] [838] [1168] mm] long by [[15] [21-1/2] inches] [[381] [546] mm] wide by [10-7/8 inches] [200 mm] deep.
***** Five reflector patterns are available with Mul-T-Mount Heaters. In order to provide efficient coverage of a total area, more than one type of reflector may be required. Drawings should indicate quantities and locations for each type of reflector. *****
G. / Reflector pattern: Provide units with the following reflector patterns. Refer to Drawings for required quantities and locations.
1. / [30 degrees symmetric.]
2. / [30 degrees asymmetric.]
3. / [60 degrees symmetric.]
4. / [60 degrees asymmetric.]
5. / [90 degrees symmetric.]
***** Mul-T-Mount Heaters are typically surface mounted directly to ceilings or projected from walls with brackets. Heaters can be tilted up to a 45 degree angle using the surface mounting hardware. Bracket VMB-41-SS can be used for mounting heater 36 inches (914 mm) from a vertical surface. *****
A. / Right angle mounting bracket: Projecting L-shaped stainless steel bracket for mounting heater [36 inches] [914 mm] from vertical surfaces; Model VMB-41-SS as manufactured by Fostoria Industries, Inc.
***** Mul-T-Mount Heaters may be provided with optional wire guards. If guards are required, include the following paragraph. *****
C. / Wire guards: Provide infrared heating fixtures with guards fabricated from [0.105 inch] [2.67 mm] diameter stainless steel wire in [2-1/4 inches] [57 mm] square grid.
***** Mul-T-Mount Heaters may be provided with an optional frame and wire guard for recessing heater in suspended acoustical panel or gypsum board ceiling. If recessed installation is required, include the following paragraph. *****
D. / Recessing frame:
1. / Provide [20 gage stainless steel] [20 gage galvanized steel with baked enamel brown finish] perimeter frames for recessing heater fixtures in suspended [acoustical panel] [gypsum board] ceilings; Model RMF and RMF-SS as manufactured by Fostoria Industries, Inc.
2. / Equip frame with guard fabricated from [0.105 inch] [2.67 mm] diameter stainless steel wire in [2-1/4 inches] [57 mm] square grid.
***** Infrared heaters do not have contactors built into units and it is necessary that contactors be provided for a complete installation. Fostoria manufactures several contactor panels to provide the proper KW load for a given infrared heater installation. Refer to Fostoria product literature for available options such as number of contactors, voltage, maximum amperage, and dimensions. Select model number corresponding to desired options. *****
A. / Type: Pre-wired contactor panels in NEMA 1 enclosure, constructed with UL and C-UL listed components; Model FPC-[_____]-[_____]-FA as manufactured by Fostoria Industries, Inc.
B. / Number of contactors: [1] [2] [4] [6].
C. / Power: [208 volts 3 phase] [240 volts 3 phase] [277/480 volts, 1 and 3 phase] [480 volts 3 phase].
D. / Maximum amperage: [50] [100] [200] [300].
E. / Dimensions: [[24] [30] [36] inches wide by [16] [24] [30] inches high by 6-5/8 inches deep.] [[610] [762] [914] mm wide by [406] [610] [762] mm high by 168 mm deep.]
***** Fostoria provides seven models of thermostats, a time delay controller, and a percentage timer to control operation of infrared heaters. Refer to Fostoria product literature for available options and applications. Include appropriate paragraphs from the following for selected controllers and delete others. *****
***** Fostoria provides four commercial grade thermostats with bimetallic sensing elements. Select description of desired thermostat and delete others. *****
A. / Thermostat with bimetallic sensing element: [Single pole, 22 amps, 120/240/18 amps 277V, [50 to 90 degrees F] [10 to 32 degrees C] range; Model TW141 as manufactured by Columbus Electric Products]
[Double pole, 22 amps, 120/240/277V, [50 to 90 degrees F] [10 to 32 degrees C] range; Model TW142 as manufactured by Columbus Electric Products]
[Two-stage control, approximately [1.5 degrees F] [0.8 degree C] between stages, 120/240/277V, [50 to 90 degrees F] [10 to 32 degrees C] range; Model ET5MS as manufactured by Columbus Electric Products]
[2 circuits, 22 amps each, calibrated to operate simultaneously with one sensing element, 120/240/277V, [50 to 90 degrees F] [10 to 32 degrees C] range; Model TW150 as manufactured by Columbus Electric Products]
***** Fostoria provides three industrial grade thermostats with liquid filled sensing elements. Select description of desired thermostat and delete others. *****
[Single stage, single pole snap action switch, 13.8 amps at 120V, 10 amps at 240V, [40 to 110 degrees F] [4 to 43 degrees C] range; Model CKTD-110 as manufactured by Columbus Electric Products]
[Single stage, single pole snap action switch, [66 inches] [1676 mm] cord with plug, 13 amps at 120V, [40 to 110 degrees F] [4 to 43 degrees C] range; Model CKT-121AF as manufactured by Columbus Electric Products]
***** Fostoria provides three voltage controlling devices to control heat output levels of infrared heating systems with multiple Mul-T-Mount heating fixtures. Devices can be provided open for field installation in enclosures or pre-installed in electrical enclosures. Consult Fostoria product literature for assistance in selection of type and options for a given application. *****
***** Include the following paragraph for open type controller of two Mul-T-Mount infrared heating fixtures. *****
A. / Type: Open type designed for field installation in electrical enclosure, 24V potentiometer heat output level control device with soft-start to prevent high in-rush current, 30 amps [240V] [208V], single phase; Model 18D-2-30iCF (Open) as manufactured by Fostoria Industries, Inc.
***** Include the following paragraph for enclosed type controller of two Mul-T-Mount infrared heating fixtures. *****
B. / Type: Enclosed type provided pre-wired in electrical enclosure, 24V potentiometer heat output level control device with soft-start to prevent high in-rush current, 30 amps [240V] [208V], single phase; Model 18D-2-30iCF (Enclosed) as manufactured by Fostoria Industries, Inc.
***** Include the following paragraph for enclosed type controller of two to six Mul-T-Mount infrared heating fixtures. *****
C. / Type: Enclosed type provided pre-wired in electrical enclosure, 24V potentiometer heat output level control device with soft-start to prevent high in-rush current, 80 amps [240V] [208V], single phase; Model 18D-2-80CF (Enclosed) as manufactured by Fostoria Industries, Inc.
***** Fostoria infrared heating fixtures can be used in exterior locations for snow and ice control systems. Temperature and moisture can be detected and system automatically activated to melt or prevent snow and ice accumulation. Sensors, detectors, and control switches are manufactured by Fostoria for these applications. Refer to Fostoria product literature for assistance in selection of equipment and options. *****