The ATR on the decisions taken in the 57th DPCC meeting was presented before the DPCC by MS, DPCC. The Committee took note of the ATR and approved the minutes of the 57th DPCC meeting with following observations:
1. Installation of TOC analyzers in STPs and CETPs:
The following be implemented after meeting of MS, DPCC with DJB/ DSIIDC and CETP Societies.
· Installation of online flow meter at STPs & CETPs.
· Monthly meeting with nodal officer of CETPs & STPs with DPCC.
· Checking up all records of CETPs/STPs on regular basis.
· Installations of camera at important operational points at STPs/CETPs
· Installation of TOC analysers in new STPs under YAP-III and the same shall be installed at all STPs & CETPs subsequently.
Action by: MSW Cell
2. Synchronization of online monitoring results of TPPs on DPCC website:
Issue Show Cause Notice to BTPS for not providing access to online monitoring data to DPCC.
Action by: WMC Cell
3. Health Impact of Pollution:
The study on Health impact of Pollution be awarded afresh to some other organization.
Action by: RDPC
4. Introduction of pecuniary penalty in Water Act, 1974, Air Act, 1981, Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules made there under:
Request be made to CPCB to pursue the matter of introduction of pecuniary penalty in Water Act, 1974, Air Act, 1981 and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
Action by: Legal Cell
5. E-waste Management in Delhi:
Mass awareness on Do’s and Don’ts for E-Waste Management be created and public notice be released regarding guidelines on disposal of E-Waste like mobile, laptop etc. It was also decided that Consent to Establish/Operate/Authorization shall be granted for the activity of waste of electrical and electronic equipment collection, segregation, storage and dismantling (without recycling). Organization should be asked to monitor health & safety of handlers/labour on regular basis.
Action by: WMC-III Cell
6. Utilization of treated Okhla STP effluent by BTPS:
CPCB be consulted on the matter of reutilization of treated sewage from STPs of DJB.
Action by: MSW Cell
7. Replacement of physiochemical based treatment systems with biological wastewater treatment systems in five star hotels of Delhi:
1) Prepare guidelines for hotels/industries/hospitals.
2) Waste water from hotels may be utilized in horticulture and other purposes.
3) Review progress of implementation of environmental measures and guidelines on regular basis and all major decisions to be put up before the DPCC Board meeting.
Action by: CMC
8.Source Apportionment Study:
The ‘Terms of Reference’ of the proposed study to IIT Kanpur may be extended with reference to earlier Study carried out by CPCB.
Action by: Scientist-D, Lab.
9.Cess Assessment in case of small industries:
DPCC should send their comments to CPCB in accordance with the decision taken by DPCC on table agenda item no. 2 of this meeting.
Action by: Planning Cell
10.Climate change agenda:
It was informed by MS, DPCC that Committee headed by Chief Secretary, Govt. of Delhi, is looking after Climate Change agenda on regular basis.
11. SIIR Report regarding Assessment of Quantity and Quality of Effluent Generated in the Catchment Area of CETPs:
The effluent from the five identified CETPs, where CPCB has examined the effluent analysis report, and found it fit for horticulture use, be further analysed for toxic elements also. DPCC should ask CETPs concerned for ulilization of CETP wastewater in horticulture in nearby areas.
Action by: Planning & MSW Cell
12. Proposal for Staff Strengthening of DPCC:
The AR Department has recommended creation of 110 new posts in DPCC and the matter is under active consideration of the Govt.
Action by: Admn. Section
13. Conformity of Work Sheds / Complexes / Centres developed by DSIIDC located outside the approved industrial areas:
The Chairman, DPCC is requested to kindly take up the matter regarding applicability of the provisions of clause 7.6.1. (b) of Master Plan on all worksheds developed by DSIIDC with DDA.
Action by: CMC
14. Green & Orange categorization of the units; and effluent & emission standards:
MS, CPCB assured to send comments on the effluent and emission standards for Green and Orange categories as followed by DPCC. The DPCC shall pursue the matter with CPCB.
Action by: CMC
15. Construction of DPCC office building at Rohini:
The DPCC should take up the matter with DDA to resolve various issues regarding FAR and set back etc. for its proposed building in Rohini.
Action by: SS (IT)
16. 192nd report of Parliamentary Standing Committee
The Finance department of GNCTD be pursued to obtain nomination from it on the Committee constituted for examining the various options available for providing pension facility to DPCC staff, especially those who joined DPCC prior to 01.01.2004.
Action by: Admn. Section
The following agenda items were taken up by DPCC in its 58th meeting held on 06.10.2012:
Agenda No. 1A Policy of plea-bargaining for settling the cases filed under Environment Protection Act, 1986
Agenda No. 1B Policy of plea-bargaining for settling the cases filed under Water and Air Act
The process of plea-bargaining and mediation is already in place in DPCC after its approval by the Board in its meeting dated 22.12.2009. A list of 113 cases, which were settled through plea bargaining and mediation and for which a compensation of Rs. 1,52,87,000/- was received (One crore Fifty Two Lakh and Eighty Seven thousand rupees) for the period from September, 2010 to September, 2012, was placed before the Committee.
The present proposal is basically to streamline the compensation amount provided under various modes of settlements so as to minimize the element of discretion in the process. The Board approved the agenda.
Further, CPCB would like to examine the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Criminal Procedure Code with respect to areas of conflict, if any, before suggesting its replication at the national level during the next MS/Chairman conference of the PCBs/PCCs.
Agenda No. 2 Restaurants, Eating Houses, Sweet Shops, Dhabas & Hotels Policy
The Committee approved the policy as contained in the agenda note and further resolved that
· The policy and the guidelines for category I Hotels may be discussed with their representative associations for efficient implementation of mandatory & advisory conditions.
· The category-I Hotels may be advised to display the compliance of Green Hotel guidelines which may be got checked through third party inspections.
Agenda No. 3 DPCC policy guidelines regarding granting of subsidy to Battery operated vehicles, reconstitution of BMW Committee, Consent Management Committee, EIA, etc.
The Committee noted and consented to the policy guidelines regarding grant of subsidy to Battery operated vehicles, reconstitution of BMW Committees, Consent Management Committees, EIA, etc. recently implemented in DPCC.
Members appreciated the commendable work done by DPCC in implementation of Bio- Medical Waste Rules, E-Waste Rules and the initiatives taken in dealing with defaulters of Environmental Laws through plea-bargaining & mediation.
The Committee further resolved that in view of the hazards of Asbestos using units, such units may be examined for their inclusion in the negative list of MPD-2021 which is being reviewed by DDA by duly taking into account the document on Asbestos prepared by the CPCB.
The Committee desired that the list of Red Category industries as notified by CPCB / MoEF shall be reconciled by DPCC also by separately maintaining an additional list of Red Category activities for NCT of Delhi as per MPD-2021 and such industries not falling in the CPCB list of Red Category industries.
Agenda No. 4 General terms and conditions for retainership/empanelment of advocates in Supreme Court, High Court, Appellate Authorities, National Green Tribunal, Central Administrative Tribunal and District Courts
The Committee approved General terms and conditions for retainership/empanelment of advocates in Supreme Court, High Court, Appellate Authorities, National Green Tribunal, Central Administrative Tribunal and District Courts as contained in the agenda note.
Agenda No. 5 Levy of fee for authorization under E-Waste Rules
The Committee resolved that the matter contained in the agenda note on levy of fee for authorization under E-Waste Rules be referred to CPCB for examination.
The Committee agreed that in the mean-time, the existing practice in DPCC may continue.
Agenda No. 6 Delegation of power to MS, DPCC for E-Waste collection centres
The proposal made out in agenda item was approved by the Committee.
Agenda No. 7 Proposal for development of DPCC laboratory
The Committee resolved that Chairman, DPCC may constitute a Committee, if needed, with members from CPCB, DPCC and an independent member to look into the genuine requirements of instruments etc. for DPCC as per CPCB guidelines. The Committee may also consider the existing instruments and expertise available in DPCC. The said Committee may visit some reputed/distinguished laboratories for objective assessment of the requirements for a model environment lab. Based on the report of the Committee, the DPCC may take further action in coordination with NTPC as proposed in the agenda.
Agenda No. 8 Rates for commercial monitoring and supply of Ambient Air Quality data for commercial use
The Committee resolved to defer the agenda for consideration in the next meeting after thorough examination of the proposal.
Agenda No. 9 Renovation of DPCC office through DTIDC
The Committee granted ex post-facto approval of Rs 94.6 Lakhs and award of work to DTIDC for the 5th floor renovation work and monetary approval for undertaking the work of renovation of DPCC office space at the 4th floor along with the provision of modular furniture/ fixtures and other infrastructure paraphernalia required for the modern office of DPCC.
Agenda No. 10 Study of Mercury Exposure
Dr. T. K. Joshi briefed about the study undertaken by COEH regarding Mercury waste in hospitals in NCT of Delhi. The Committee accepted the report.
Agenda No. 11 Standards for New STPs & rehabilitation of STPs
The Committee approved the action taken by DPCC in compliance with the decision on Agenda 6 of 57th DPCC meeting to request DJB to provide time bound targeted action plan for up gradation of existing STPs to achieve higher standards of treatment i.e. BOD less than 10 mg/lt and SS less than 10 mg/lt. The Committee further resolved that coliform count should also be considered a criteria parameter whose limits may be decided in consultation with CPCB.
Agenda No. 12 Policy guidelines for Import of Hazardous Waste in Delhi
The Committee resolved to approve the agenda. It was however, suggested that the issue of storage time & safety of handling staff need to be further examined. Ms Bharti Chaturvedi offered guidance in this regard.
Agenda No. 13 EIA notification (Delegation of powers to State Board)
The Committee resolved that the proposal in the agenda be got placed in the agenda of the forthcoming MS/Chairman Conference.
Agenda No. 14 Delegation of Administrative & Financial Powers to DPCC officials
The Committee approved the proposal for delegation of Administrative & Financial Powers to DPCC officials.
Agenda No. 15 Recruitment Rules for DPCC posts
The Committee approved the proposal with the following modifications:
1. There shall be no separate cadre for Accounts Assistant/Internal Auditor. (S.No. 31 of draft RRs).
2. In the draft recruitment rules of Assistant Accounts Officer which were placed at S. No. 30, in the sequence of draft RRs, in the column No. 11, the words ‘Accounts Assistants’ shall stand omitted and shall be substituted with the word ‘Assistants’. Accordingly, column No. 11 of the draft RRs for the post of Assistant Account Officer as approved (as modified) shall now be read as below:-
Assistant with 5 years of regular service in post in the Pay Band PB-2 Rs 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-.
Agenda No. 16 Statutory audit report for the year 2006-07
The statutory audit report of accounts of DPCC for the year 2006-07 was placed before the members and the same was approved by the Committee. The Committee desired that the audit reports of pending financial years should be finalized by March 2013 and be put up before the DPCC Board.
Agenda No. 17 Revision of sitting fee to the members and officials
The Committee approved enhancement of sitting fee for non-official members of CMCs from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 4000/- per meeting and for official members attending the CMC meeting from Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 1500/- per meeting.
Agenda No. 18 Special Medical Reimbursement for six DPCC employees
The Committee approved as a special case proposal for Special Medical Reimbursement claim as shown in the agenda. The Committee further resolved that a suitable medical/ health policy be adopted by DPCC after examining the similar policies applicable in other Delhi Govt. Organizations.
Agenda No.19 Reimbursement of expenses to DPCC employees towards tea and snacks
The Committee approved the agenda for reimbursement of expenses towards tea and snacks for all officials drawing grade pay below 4600 per month at the rate of Rs. 400/- per month and for all the officials drawing grade pay of 4600 or above per month upto the level of SEE at the rate of 500 per month.
Table Agenda No. 1 Citizen Charter
The MS, DPCC placed before the DPCC Board the latest Citizen Charter prepared by the DPCC following the guidelines of the AR Department of GNCTD. The Committee appreciated the exercise and further suggested that the constitution of DPCC be also included in the Citizen Charter.
Table Agenda No. 2 Cess Assessment
The Committee discussed the agenda and resolved to reject the proposal.
The meeting ended with thanks to the chair.