Present:Bruce Wisemanjoe Melroybrent Grening

Present:Bruce Wisemanjoe Melroybrent Grening

Port of Ridgefield

Regular Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2014

Present:Bruce WisemanJoe MelroyBrent Grening

Laurie OlinBill ElingRandy Mueller

Ellie LewisLeighton LewisJohn Barbieri Lee Wells Jeanette Ludka Sandra Day

Betty T. Roy GarrisonRhidian Morgan

John MainMarie StephensonGary Adkins


At 3:05pm Chair Bruce Wiseman called the Port of Ridgefield Commission meeting to order.


Chair Wiseman led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Joe Melroy made a motion to approve the April 23, 2014 regular meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


WPPA Spring Meeting: May 14 – 16, 2014, Vancouver

Next Commission Workshop: The next commission workshop is scheduled for Friday, May 30.

PNWA Summer Conference: June 23 – 25 (Coeur d’ Alene)

WPPA Port Director’s Seminar: July 10 – 11 (Bellingham)

SPPA Commissioners Seminar: July 27 – 29 ( Skamania Lodge)


Sandra Day reported that she had met one of our tenants from Ammo Depot and had a pleasant chat with him. He lots of comments about how he was happy to be in Ridgefield.

John Main reported that he had seen a story on the Port sale of property to Elie Kassab on KGW that morning.


  1. Finance

Payment of Bills- Joe Melroy reported that he had reviewed the bills and found them to be property presented and made a motion to pay the bills. Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried. The bills totaled $265,363.38.

General Fund - Jeanette Ludka placed the weekly cash graph, May 2014 Dashboard and the May Budget vs Actual in the commissioner’s dropbox.

  1. Operations – Laurie Olin presented Resolution 2014-282, A Resolution accepting the bid and awarding the contract to Advanced Excavating Specialists, LLC. For Phase II of the construction of a railroad overpass. Laurie explained that there had been 8 bidders with the winning bid being $1,597,000.10. Joe commented that this company has a good reputation. Phase II of the rail overpass is the land side approach from Division to Mill St. This is the second of three phases; the Port has not procured funding for Phase III. The work will begin in June and should be done by Thanksgiving. There will also be a new pump station built during this phase and it will be built large enough to serve the entire site. Clark Regional Wastewater wants to put in a pump large enough to lift all sewage to the Salmon Creek site and Clark Regional will pay for all the upsizing and change order costs to make that possible. Bruce Wiseman reported that Clark Regional will also be paying for part of the pump station. Laurie reported that part of the work is in a contaminated area and Department of Ecology will be paying about $300,000 through our Grant for dirt removal.

Joe Melroy made a motion to adopt Resolution 2014-282, Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Laurie presented the Board with a construction window timeline worksheet. The bid opening for the Lake River dredging will be one week from Friday. DOE website and the Port website will have the timeline. There will be lots of trucks coming and going, approximately 2700 trips. There will some limiting of access to the trails but not Mill St. Clark Regional will be closing Division St

two weekends and some other times for the pipe laying.

Rhidian Morgan asked if Fish and Wildlife will be making any improvements to the connection between Carty Lake and Lake River after the Carty Lake dredging is finished. Brent said that in his conversations with Chris the Fish and Wildlife wants to improve the hydraulic connection between Carty Lake and Gee Creek.

  1. Ridgefield Economic Development Corporation

Brent presented Resolution 2014-283 – A resolution appointing the Directors of the Ridgefield Economic Development Corporation. This resolution appoints Sandra Day to replace Roy Garrison. Joe Melroy made a resolution to adopt Resolution 2014-283, Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Port Commissioner Wiseman will serve as the Chair of the REDC for 2015. Commissioner Hughes, will serve as the REDC Secretary for 2015.

  1. Executive Report

RFQ Status Report – Brent Grening distributed a copy of the request for qualifications (RFQ) process diagram to the commission. A review and discussion of the RFQ process for Discovery Ridge and the Waterfront was explained. The RFQ is designed to solicit qualifications and interest of potential development partners. The Port desires to engage a development partner early in the development process in order to gain the expertise of a developer sooner and have a better product. We have a nearly complete RFQ at this point and will be putting it out to the public soon. The RFQ package includes Discovery Ridge and the Waterfront and allows a developer to present their qualifications for one or both of these properties. The RFQ process provides numerous opportunities for the Port Commission to exercise control and if necessary stop the process at any time.

Brent formally recommended that the Port solicit a developer by RFQ.

Roy Garrison asked what the time line would be; 10 years, longer, shorter? Brent replied that he sees the early stage work by 3 to 5 years to get a Master Agreement with a developer in place.

Brent noted that the RFQ will be sent out nationally, and that even in the event of limited interest, we are showcasing opportunities in Ridgefield and there is huge value in that alone. John Main commented that you never know what make spark interest in Ridgefield. Brent does not see a downside to the RFQ process. Brent asked Bill Eling if he had any legal concerns, Bill said he is comfortable from a legal perspective and we will need to get into a more detailed conversation with an interested partner once a selection has been made and specific negotiations begin. Brent will work to finalize the RFQ and the schedule, he wanted to see if the present Commissioners are comfortable with him doing that and he will review this information with Scott. He reported that the packet is drafted and he could be ready to share that with the Commissioners by June 1. Bruce asked if he could possibly have it by May 28th or if not June 1 will be alright but to keep going. Brent committed to having a package for Commission review available at the May 28th Commission meeting.

  1. Commission

Joe Melroy reported that a new fishing season will be opening May 15th and run through the end of June. The Big Paddle parking plan will be influenced; Brent will work on that with Sandra Day.


There were no topics other than the RFQ package mentioned from the commission to discuss at the next meeting.


Lee would like to thank everyone for the participation at the Junction Association Annual Meeting, there were between 100 and 112 persons. Lee also made a call about the Division St closings and it will be closed two weekends and some week day evenings but not days during the week. The closures will take place between the round-a-bout and the freeway.


The meeting adjourned at 4:04pm with no further business or public comments. The next regular Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 3:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Port of Ridgefield office in the downstairs conference room, located at 111 West Division Street in Ridgefield.


D. Joe MelroyR. Bruce Wiseman

Respectfully submitted by

Jeanette Ludka


5/13/2014 Minutes