Denison Zoning and Planning Commission

August 11, 2008 Cronks Café

Call to order by Vice-Chairman Martens 12:00pm

Members Present: Dan Ahart, Brad Griffin, Brenda Martens, Doug Rohde, Rory Weis, Bob Hudson.

Visitors: Greg Seefeldt, Robert Arambula, Mike McKinnon, Richard Petersen, Deb Knowles, Greg Gallup, Tom Eller, Connie Eller, Vernon Kuehnhold

Motion to approve previous meeting minutes:

Motion by: Griffin, Second by Ahart.

Ayes: Ahart, Griffin, Martens, Rohde, Weis, Hudson

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Request to change City of Denison block 6 lot 4 to R-3. A duplex is built on lots 3 and 4. Lot 3 was changed to R-3 but lot 4 was not. This request will give the same zoning to both lots.

Motion to change City of Denison block 6 lot 4 to R-3

Motion by: Ahart, Second by Rohde.

Ayes: Ahart, Griffin, Martens, Rohde, Weis, Hudson

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Request by Greater Iowa Credit Union to purchase part of the existing North 7th St right of way, 58’ wide lying adjacent to and parallel with the northwesterly line of lots 1 and 2 of block 61 in the City of Denison. The purchase would allow for signage, landscaping and an ATM to be on Greater Iowa Credit Union property.

Motion to recommend selling the described parcel to Greater Iowa Credit Union with the provision all existing utility easements are retained.

Motion by: Ahart, Second by Hudson

Ayes: Ahart, Griffin, Martens, Rohde, Weis, Hudson

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Request for lot 11 and the West 27’ of lot 12 Block 56, City of Denison is now zones R-1. Request to make a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) a permitted use in R-1 a Zone and an exception for a Tea Room be granted. Concerns were discussed to change the permitted use of R-1 to include a B&B vs. special use approved by the Appeals Board. Permitted use in R-1 would allow B&B to be in all areas zoned R-1. Special Use would allow the Appeals board to approve on a case-by-case basis. The lack of off street parking was also raised. Richard Petersen will research how the other B&B in Denison are zoned.

Motion to defer further discussion until our next meeting when further info is available.

Motion by: Griffin, Second by Ahart

Ayes: Ahart, Griffin, Martens, Weis, Hudson

Nays: none

Abstain: Rohde

A number of Citizens were present to voice comments about the HC-1 zoning. The citizens believed the Planning and Zoning meeting wwas going to discuss annexing of property for a proposed hospital. The Planning and Zoning Commission is only working on a Zoning district for Hospitals (HC-1). The zoning is not specific to any location, just creation of a unique zone, which is better suited for Health care facilities. The Planning and Zoning Commission is looking at annexation of areas outside of the city of Denison that receive city water, sewer or power and to square up some of the boundaries. No specific action has been taken.

A short discussion of parking and driveway standards covered maximum grade of 12% for a driveway between the street and sidewalk. Location of driveways on a corner lot should be minimum 50’ back of curb and minimum of 25’ from the property line. A draft of the proposed ordinance will be requested from the City Attorney for review at the next meeting.

Three proposals from RDG, JEO and Schemmer were received for updating of the Denison codes. All three proposals were reviewed.

A motion was made for RDG & JEO to make in person presentations to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Presentations will be limited to 15 minutes with 15 minutes of Q&A. City Manager Greg Seefeldt will set up the presentations.

Motion by: Martens, Second by Ahart

Ayes: Ahart, Martens, Rohde, Weis, Hudson

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Adjourn 1:00pm