Effective October 2006
Student Name______SS #______Date Tested______
Assessment scores will be used to place you into appropriate level classes. You may be referred to Adult Basic Education, StudentSuccessCenteror required to takedevelopmental education courses before you take 100 level college credit courses.
Placement Scores / Course Placement
ACT / Your scores / COMPASS
Mandatory placement in English courses is based on the COMPASS scaled score in Writing Skills.
Students with ACT English score 22-36 are eligible for ENG 101 / 0-25 / ENG 081—Writing Fundamentals I
26-48 / ENG 091—Writing Fundamentals II
49-65 / E-Write will determine placement into ENG 091 or 101
49-65 / Student eligible for 8 wk ENG 091 & 8 wk ENG 101 class.
66-99 / ENG 101—Composition I
0-5 / ENG 091—Writing Fundamentals II
6-8 / ENG 101—Composition I
WRITING SKILLSfor Business Career Programs that require BE 180 and COMM 105
Mandatory placement in English for Business Career Programs that require BE 180 and COMM 105
Students with ACT English test score 22-36 are eligible for BE 180 / 0-25 / ENG 081—Writing Fundamentals I
26-65 / COMM 105—Essentials of English
66-99 / BE 180—Business Communications or
BE 180—Business Communications and
COMM 105—Essentials of English concurrently
AA/AS Degree Students: Mandatory placement in REA 093 and REA 098 is based upon the COMPASS scaled score in Reading Skills.
AAS/Certificate Program Students: Advisory Placement in REA 093 and REA 098 is based upon the COMPASS scaled score in Reading Skills; mandatory placement for REA 093 and REA 098 exists for ADN and Physical Therapy Assistant.
Students with ACT reading test score 22-36 are eligible for ENG 103 or Study Unlimited / 0-30 / ContactStudentSuccessCenter at 796-5138 for learning information and services
REA 093—Development Reading I & REA098 Developmental Reading II during first year required for AA/AS degree.
65-82 / REA 098—Developmental Reading II during first year required for AA/AS degree.
83-99 / ENG 103—College Reading Skills strongly recommended; eligible for Study Unlimited courses
Effective October 2006
Student Name______SS #______Date Tested______
Assessment scores will be used to place you into appropriate level classes. You may be referred to Adult Basic Education, StudentSuccessCenteror required to takedevelopmental education courses before you take 100 level college credit courses. When choosing your math class, you must use the Placement Domain.
Needed Scores / Course Placement
ACT / Your score / COMPASS
Mandatory placement in math courses is based on the COMPASS scaled score in Pre-Algebra or Algebra. Some programs require students to take the technical math assessment. Check your program requirements to determine which math assessment and math courses you need to take.
Students with ACT math score 22-36 need COMPASS algebra testing only / 0-54 / MATH 08055-70 / MATH 081
71-99 / MATH 081or MATH 086
PRE-ALGEBRA for Business Career Programs that require BA 160
Mandatory math placement of Business Career Programs that require BA 160
Students with ACT math score 22-36 are eligible for BA 160 or need algebra testing / 0-31 / MATH 080 Basic Math Skills or MATH 103 Essentials of Technical Math32-99 / BA 160—Math as Applied to Business
0-25 / Pre-Algebra score determines placement26-35 / MATH 081 or 086
36-49 / MATH 090 or 091 (Can take 085 if needed – but still must take 090 or 091)
50-99 / MATH 100, 108, 110, 112, 116 or 118
0-45 / Algebra score determines placement46-99 / MATH 124, 131, 132, 161 or 228