COMMITTEE DATE: 27/09/2010

Application Reference: / 10/0855
WARD: / Highfield
LOCAL PLAN ALLOCATION: / Protected School Playing Fields/Grounds
APPLICATION TYPE: / Full Planning Permission
APPLICANT: / Eric Wright Group
PROPOSAL: / Erection of new three-storey school with associated vehicular accesses from Lindale Gardens and pedestrian accesses from Highfield Road and Lindale Gardens, car parking, games areas, playing fields and boundary treatment, incidental temporary classroom accommodation and site access.


CASE OFFICER Malcolm Smith


The application relates to the 4.35 hectare split-level site, currently occupied by single-storey and two-storey buildings and playing fields, comprising HighfieldHumanitiesCollege which was originally built in 1933. The existing school buildings have a footprint of 9,124 sq.m with a gross internal area of 9,337 sq.m and are generally laid out in a linear form parallel to the Highfield Road frontage with the grassed playing fields and sports areas to the south of the site. The site accommodates 1,126 pupils (11 to 16 year-olds) and 120 staff.

The original 1933 buildings are constructed of brick with stone detailing and steeply-pitched tiled roofs. The later-built sports and technology buildings are of lightweight cladding construction.

There are two car parking areas within the site. The main car park, accommodating 61 car spaces, is to the north-east corner accessed directly from Highfield Road and the staff car park, accommodating 27 car spaces is to the south-west of the main building and accessed from LindaleGardens.

The main pedestrian access is from Highfield Road, with a second access from LindaleGardens. The site has frontages onto Highfield Road to the north and LindaleGardens to the west and adjoins rear gardens of dwellings on Kingsmede and Edgeway Road to the south and on Henson Avenue to the east.

Surrounding properties are mainly two-storeys in height with terraced and semi-detached dwellings being the predominant house type.

The Committee will have inspected the site on 27th September 2010.


The proposal represents part of the Council's Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme and is to replace the existing buildings on the site with a new, three-storey college providing accommodation for 1,216 pupils (11 to 16 year-olds) and approximately 150 staff. As well as modernising the teaching areas the new development "will allow HighfieldHumanitiesCollege to continue to be inclusive and an integral part of the local community".

The principle of redeveloping the site was established by the granting of 'Outline' planning permission, on 1st December 2008, for the erection of a two-storey school building to replace the existing school buildings, when all matters relating to layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping were reserved for subsequent approval, (application 08/1022 refers).

The submitted scheme is for a 'full' planning permission rather than seeking approval of 'reserved matters' but nevertheless takes account of and addresses the matters raised at the time of the outline application and which were the subject of specific conditions. The plans include a fully-detailed landscaping scheme for the site.

The new building will provide 12,675 sq.m. of gross floorspace, being an approx. increase of 28%, but represents only 65% of the footprint of the existing buildings. Located towards the centre of the site, it is set back 60 metres from the Highfield Road frontage and indicated as 55 metres from the nearest houses in LindaleGardens and 65 metres from houses in Kingsmede.

The main building is approximately 80 m. x 70 m. with a height of 16.5 m. above ground level.

As well as the required Design and Access Statement the application is accompanied by numerous supporting documents and surveys, including a Transport Statement, Noise Report, Archaeological Report, Ecology Reports, Renewable Energies Report, Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.


The main planning issues in this case relate to :

  • principle of redevelopment of the site,
  • appearance of the development in the general streetscene and surroundings,
  • impact of the development on the amenities of neighbours,
  • car parking, access. and highway safety,
  • ecology of the site,
  • landscaping/ provision of outdoor playspace/sports provision.


Head of Transportation (Traffic Management)

Has stated no objection to the application but adds the comments :

  • The relocation of the car parking to LindaleGardens will intensify the use of the Highfield Road / LindaleGardens junction at peak periods, coinciding with the start and end of the school day, and right-turning vehicles are likely to give rise to congestion. Junction improvements are recommended.
  • An updated School Travel Plan will be required.
  • Suggests upgrading of the bus stops outside the school on Highfield Road together with a review of the existing traffic orders and relocation of one speed hump in LindaleGardens.
  • Suggests minor revisions to the ingress/egress points, layout and designations of the car park and servicing areas and reinstatement of the footway to Highfield Road.
  • Requires a management plan for construction vehicles servicing the site.
  • Works required in the public highway to be the subject of a S278 Agreement.

Head of Transportation (Network Maintenance) - No comments received.

Assistant Director of Commercial Services

The development needs to make provision for 8 x 1280 litre Euro Bins for residual waste and 8 x 1280 litre Euro Bins for recycling purposes.

Head of Housing and Environmental Protection

Has no objection to the development but requests appropriate conditions requiring :

  • A detailed noise report relating to the plant and equipment within the building, to the potential noise relating to the relocation of speed bumps and to the use of the proposed outdoor sports facilities and the implementation of any necessary noise attenuation measures identified by the report.
  • A detailed lighting report to alleviate light trespass to surrounding properties.
  • Subject to the findings of the noise report it is recommended that delivery and service vehicles not be permitted between 20.00hrs and 08.00hrs the following day and the use of the outdoor sports facilities not be permitted between 20.00hrs and 08.00hrs.

Contaminated Land Officer

The extent of the site investigations carried out and the mitigation measures incorporated into the design of the building are considered satisfactory.

Environment Agency

No objection to the development in principle subject to the implementation of the surface water drainage strategy as submitted and to verification of the detailed designs prior to commencement of the drainage works.

Police Architectural Liaison Officer

Recommends that the design and construction of building should adhere to the principles of the Secure by Design specification (Schools 2010).

United Utilities (Water) - No objection subject to the provision of suitable drainage scheme. (see response from the Environment Agency)

Electricity Northwest

No objections raised but point out that the development is adjacent to operational land or electricity distribution assets and that the developer should be aware of access rights or easements.

Sport England

"Although the scheme proposes a significant level of investment into new indoor and outdoor outdoor sports provision at the site as well as a genuine area of replacement playing field for that being lost, the scheme as shown on the submitted drawings would still result in quantitative loss of playing field".

Have no objection to the application subject to the imposition of conditions requiring:

  • the approval of a scheme to provide a replacement playing field of not less than 0.54 ha.
  • full details of the design, specification and layout of the MUGAs, upgraded playing field and indoor sports hall to be agreed.
  • details of a Community Use Scheme for all indoor and outdoor sports facilities, addressing such matters as pricing policy, hours of use, access by non-school users etc.

However, if the Council decides not to attach the requested conditions Sport England would maintain a statutory objection to the application. They further advise that if the Council is minded to approve the application without such conditions then, in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009, the application must be referred to the Secretary of State prior to determination.

BlackpoolAirport - comments awaited.

Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)

The CABE assessment is marked against a list of 10 criteria under the headings of place, location, school grounds, organisation, the buildings, interiors, resources, feeling safe, long life and successful synthesis. The Overall Design Quality Rating for the scheme is 'Very Good' overall - being a development "which demonstrates not only that a sound design solution has been achieved, but also that an uplifting and inspirational educational environment is being created. The design of the school makes it an asset to its locality. Schemes achieving a Very Good exceed the BSF minimum design standard".


Neighbours notified - 13/07/2010

Site notices displayed - 15/07/2010

Press notice published - 22/07/2010

No response to notification.


None relevant.


LQ1- Lifting the Quality of Design

LQ2- Site Context

LQ3- Layout of Streets and Spaces

LQ4- Building Design

LQ6- Landscape Design and Biodiversity

LQ8- Energy and Resource Conservation

BH3 - Residential and Visitor Amenity

BH4 - Public Health and Safety

BH7 - Playing Fields and Sports Grounds

NE6 - Protected Species

NE7 - Sites and Features of Landscape, Nature Conservation and Environmental Value

AS1 - General Development Requirements

AS2 - New Development with Significant Transport Implications

AS3 - Provision for Walking and Cycling


Core Strategy Preferred Option (April 2010) -

S6- Quality of Place

S7- Climate Change & Sustainable Development

G1- Neighbourhood Regeneration

G3- Health & Education

G9- Energy Requirements of New Development

G10- Sustainable Design, Layout & Construction


Principle of Redevelopment of the Site,

Outline planning permission was granted on 1st December 2008 under application 08/1022 with all matters reserved, for the erection of a two-storey 11,256 sq.m. school building.

The present proposal, whilst for a three-storey building and of a slightly greater floorspace than originally envisaged, is still part of the Building Schools for the Future programme and as such the principle of re-development is supported and in accordance with local plan Policies BH7.

The acceptability of the scheme is considered to be therefore dependant upon the various details which make up the scheme. These details are set out against the appropriate headings.

Appearance of the Development in the General Streetscene and Surroundings,

The design for the new college has been developed over several months through many meetings and discussions involving the agents, the applicants, Council officers and the college. The layout of the floors, and the external learning zones, is designed to allow the creation of distinct 'learning communities' but also to allow maximum adaptability and flexibility in the future.

The new college is designed within a simple cuboid form as a piece of contemporary architecture 'to reflect the transformational nature of a new learning environment for Blackpool'. The form of the building is highly compact and by reducing the building footprint and raising the height of the building, it is considered the scheme will increase the college's visible presence within the community.

The scheme creates strong frontages to Highfield Road and LindaleGardens and it is considered that the scale of the building will give it a clear identity in the area as a significant landmark building. The central location within the site maximises the amount of site area available for external landscape particularly to the main entrance and Highfield Road frontage.

The car parking area with integral landscaping to the Lindale Gardens frontage, to the west, the external learning zones to the south and the sports pitches and games areas to the east, will enhance the setting of the main college building.

External facing materials are primarily green and blue glazed tiles at first and second floor levels with dark facing brick at ground level. There is extensive use of glazing with aluminium cladding and flashing details. In its assessment, CABE considers the design will sit well within its surroundings and school will be an asset to the community.

It is considered that the scheme accords with the aims of the Local Plan LQ policies

Impact of the Development on the Amenities of Neighbours,

The redevelopment of the site will inevitably give rise to some noise nuisance and possible disruption for neighbours during the construction period. However, the relevant distances of a minimum 55 metres to a maximum 100 metres, to adjacent residential boundaries will ensure that neighbours are not significantly overlooked from any high level rooms.

The Head of Housing and Environmental Protection has highlighted the potential for the use of the external sports pitches, and the plant and extraction system within the building, to be sources of noise nuisance and the recommended noise reports have been commissioned. It is expected that any recommendations to alleviate potential noise nuisance will be incorporated into the scheme or will be made the subject of appropriate conditions.

It is indicated that the proposed multi-use games areas will be floodlit in order to enable full community usage but the details of the floodlights are to be the subject of a separate and subsequent planning application. However, as recommended by the Head of Housing and Environmental Protection, a lighting report is to be required by condition.

It is considered that the scheme does not conflict with the aims of Local Plan policy BH3.

Car Parking, Access. and Highway Safety,

There are currently two vehicular access points serving the existing site. The main car park, accommodating 61 car parking spaces, is accessed from Highfield Road at the east end of the frontage. The staff car park accommodating 27 car spaces is accessed from LindaleGardens at approximately mid-point along this frontage. In total the existing school accommodates 88 car parking spaces.

The submitted scheme indicates the car parking and servicing area being laid out to the LindaleGardens frontage of the site providing a total of 92 staff and visitor car parking spaces with space for 5 motorcycles and 4 (SEN) minibuses.

The main cycle parking, accommodating 114 spaces, is located at the north-west corner of the site with an additional 10 cycle spaces in the vicinity of the sports pitches.

The existing access points to Highfield Road and LindaleGardens are to be closed. Two new access points are to be formed onto LindaleGardens to provide an ingress and egress to the one-way parking layout. The access points are to be controlled by electric gates.

The applicant has questioned the need for highway junction improvements, as raised by the Head of Transportation, and has commissioned further traffic studies. The results have been forwarded but not yet analysed and therefore the latest position regarding this aspect of the scheme will need to be reported verbally at the meeting.

The car parking provision roughly accords with the Regional Parking Standards in the North West Plan Partial Review (July 2009) (NWPPR) which is 2 spaces per classroom, but, the proposed motorcycle parking provision of 5 spaces and the 124 cycle spaces are less than the recommended 15 and 435 respective spaces. However, reference to the modal splits in the School Travel Plan indicates that the motorcycle and cycle spaces proposed would adequately cater for a significant increase in current cycle use and would satisfy current motorcycle use.

Subject to appropriate conditions, and clarification of the off-site works required, the scheme does not raise any significant highway safety issues, and satisfies the requirements of policies AS1, AS2 and AS3.

Ecology of the Site,

The application is accompanied by an Ecological Assessment (Habitat Survey) and a Bat Survey, neither of which indicates the likely presence of any protected species. It is considered that the proposed redevelopment of the site does not have any significant adverse ecological implications and that in this respect the requirements of policies NE6 and NE7 are satisfied. Moreover, the proposed landscaping and drainage works will significantly enhance the ecological status of the site.

Landscaping/ Provision of Outdoor Playspace/Sports Provision.

Landscaping : The submission includes a fully-detailed landscaping scheme which provides for retention of existing mature trees along the Highfield Road and LindaleGardens frontages, supplemental planting of new trees together with hard and soft landscaping works to enhance, stimulate and add interest to the external learning zones.

The scheme includes an ecology garden, pond, orchard, a school arboretum and habitat area as well as a variety of inter-linked external spaces. Fencing, access, pedestrian flows and security are among the matters which have been carefully integrated into the design and layout of the various external spaces.