Avra Vista Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2008

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PLACE:Cadden Community Management, 1870 W. Prince Rd, #47, Tucson, AZ


The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m.


Directors Present:Alan Shuchter

Scott Shafer

Starr Walker

Chuck Johnson

Directors Absent:Phillip Breton

Management Representative:Gabriel Noriega, Cadden Management.

QUORUM: A quorum of three (3) directors is required. Quorum was established.


MOTION: A motion was made to increase the size of the Board of Directors to a 7 member Board. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

MOTION: A motion was made to appoint Donna Bores and Michelle Medina to the Board of Directors filling the two vacant seats on the Board. Motion seconded and approved unanimously.


MOTION: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2008 Board meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

MOTION: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2008 Board meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.



Mr. Shuchter is happy with the Board’s participation and with the addition of two new Board members that live on Tall Cotton; this gives a good balance of representation on the Board.


Mr. Noriega read the balances as of February 29, 2008. Mr. Noriega stated that he had not received the March financial statement from the previous management company. Mr. Noriega will coordinate with Y Cross regarding the March financial report.

Mr. Noriega reported that based on the February financial statement there were 21 homeowners that had paid the special assessment, but did not have the final tally yet.

ARC REPORT – Gabriel Noriega

Mr. Noriega presented the Board with an ARC application from Lot # 46 (installation of a pool and perimeter wall). The Board stated that this application had been approved.

Mr. Noriega presented the Board with an ARC application from Lot #47 (installation of concrete driveway and drainage). The Board discussed and approved this application. A letter of approval will be sent to the owner.

MANAGERS REPORT – Gabriel Noriega

Mr. Noriega read his attached manager’s report.

  1. Revised 2008 Budget – Mr. Noriega presented the Board with three versions of the revised budget: one without thrash service included, one with once a week trash service, and one with twice a week trash pick up. Discussion ensued regarding adding trash service to the HOA assessments. It was the consensus of the Board not to add trash service to the HOA assessments. The Board requested to find out from the trash service bidders if the price they quoted could be paid individually not by the association, Mr. Noriega will find out further.

The Board modified the revised budget.

MOTION: A motion was made to decrease the HOA annual assessments to $240 per year, payable in quarterly installments of $60 per quarter beginning on July 1st, 2008. The Board will like to add a line item in the budget of bad debt for $680 per year, and increase contingency to $1,000 per year. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

The Budget will be mailed to all homeowners at least 30 days prior to July 1st, 2008.

  1. Fidelity Bond requirement – Mr. Noriega advised the Board that the CC&R’s required the association to have a fidelity bond, which they do not have at this time. State Farm submitted a bid for $50,000 fidelity bond for the yearly amount of $418.

MOTION: A motion was made to accept State Farm’s fidelity bond bid. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Mr. Noriega was asked to obtain bids for association insurance.

  1. Trash pick up bids - discussion ensued regarding the bids. It was determined that trash pick up will not be included in the HOA Assessments. Mr. Noriega will find out if these prices could be paid individually from the homeowners.
  1. Speed hump status update – Mr. Noriega reported to the Board that Chucky’s Asphalt Paving was ready to go ahead with the work; they only needed the approval from Pima County. Mr. Noriega left a message to Any Medina from Pima County to call back. The Board wanted to know from Cadden if there was enough money collected and in reserve to go ahead with the project. Mr. Noriega told the Board that he will be transferring the association funds from Canyon Bank tomorrow and will find out how much money is in reserves. Discussion ensued regarding when to go ahead with the project.

MOTION: a motion was made to go ahead with the project if the reserve account and the special assessment account together equal the $8,005.00 needed for the project. If there was less money in both accounts then hold the project until the money is collected. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

  1. Approved Plant List – Mr. Noriega advised the Board that he did not received from Y Cross the approved plant list yet. Discussion ensued regarding the plant list. It was determined by the Board that a copy of the Pima County prohibited plants will be added to the Rules and Regulations along with a link for the Pima County website where homeowners could find the approved plant list.
  1. Wash Barriers – Mr. Noriega reported that Pima County was informed of the homeowners’ complaint regarding vehicles driving through the washes. Pima County will review the complaint to see if barriers were warranted on the washes.
  1. Rules & Regulations Draft – Mr. Noriega reported to the Board that Barbara Messner, association manager, will be drafting the rules and regulations for the association and will be turning to the Board for input. She will get that information to the Board shortly.
  1. Newsletter draft – Mr. Noriega presented the Board with a draft of the association newsletter. The Board requested to have a section on the newsletter that refers to bugs of the season. This information will be added. The Board requested to have the newsletter out when the financial statement is received from Y Cross to get an accurate number of homeowners who have not made their special assessment payment.

The Board requested for Mr. Noriega to contact Pima County and reducing the speed limit on Avra Valley Rd from 55 MPH to 45 MPH. There is a concern from all homeowners regarding the speed in the area, in the last two months there has been to fatal accidents in that stretch of road. The Board also requested to ask the county to install a right turn lane on both Tall Cotton and Avra Valley Drive entrance from Avra Vista Road. Mr. Noriega will advise the Board of the County’s response.




The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of Cadden Community Management located at 1870 W Prince Rd. Suite #47, Tucson AZ 85705.


MOTION: To adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.