Founded 1974
9th May 2017
Holybourne Village Hall
1. / Opening of Meeting and Apologies for AbsenceThe meeting opened at 2000hrs.
Those present were:David Tomlinson (DT) (Chair);Charlotte Murrell (CM) (Vice-Chair); Kate Care (KC) (Secretary); Vickie Kemp (VK)(Treasurer);Peter Packham (PP) (Planning); Pat Lerew (PL);Julia Wood (JW); Nick Wood(NW);Tom Yendall (TY); David Houghton (DH); Jill Gravestock (JG);
Additionally, ex officio, Andrew Joy (AJ);
Apologies for absence were received from;Glynis Watts (GW); Vernon Burford (VB); James Voller (JV);Rob Law (RL); Jeroen Hodges(JH); Tessa Laughton (TL) (Magazine); Linda Habberfield(LH); / Actions
2 / Minutes of Last Meeting
2.1 Agree Minutes
April Minutes - Proposed PL, Seconded VK
February Minutes – Proposed VK, Seconded PP
Agreement of March Minutes held over for correction.
2.2 Signing of Minute Book
April 2017 and February 2017 minutes both signed by DT.
2.3 Matters Arising
All covered in the agenda
3 / Members Open Forum
Nothing to report.
4 / Live Issues and Projects
4.1 Barley Fields/Naming of Field
HVA proposed the name ‘The Balloon Field’ at the ATC Open Spaces Committee meeting on 12-04-17. Awaiting decision by the Committee.
4.2 Footpaths and pavements
As Tesco is not developing their site on Mill Lane, the obligation to construct a pavement from Mill Lane to the Traffic Lights has never been fulfilled. As it is still an extant planning requirement, whoever buys the site may still have to provide it. However, if the Roundabout development were to go ahead, they would only be required to put in a pavement from Mill Lane to the site entrance on Montecchio Way.
PL asked for a review of an email received from Sally Lloyd r.e. the formalisation of the right of way across Cowpen Field. AJ explained that a public right of way can be applied for. Evidence that it has been regularly used over an extended period of time will be required. The groundswell of opinion on Facebook is that it should be a public right of way. DH recommended speaking to Treloar’s first, as they are the landowner, asking if they would consider making it a right of way. DH agreed to speak to Treloar’s after first speaking to Sally Lloyd.
4.3 Noticeboard
The noticeboard has been made but not is not erected. DT to follow up. Paul Taylor will maintain it. The intention is for the board to be used for village, not commercial, purposes.
4.4 No 65 Bus Route
Nothing further to report.
4.5 Goalposts
CM will contact ATC and ask the ATC to use their expertise in choosing the make and positioning of the goals. / DH
5 / Planning and Development Issues in and around Holybourne / Alton
5.1 New Planning Applications
130A London Road – partial demolition of building. This will not affect nearby properties.
5.2 Alton and District Residents’ Association(PL)
PL attended the meeting.
She reported that due to previous experiences, ADRA is now monitoring the Cadnam’s development with regard to the installation of high-speed broadband. ADRA will strongly encourage the developer to install it.
PL also explained that a group is following the Health Service review closely as there is a fear that Alton Community Hospital may be closed.
Coor’s brewery site has now been sold but there are no further details about the buyers or their plans.
The Lynch Hill planning application is awaiting decision.
5.3 Holybourne Roundabout Development
DT/JH/GW attended the planning appeal on 26/27th April 2017. DT explained that the 7 original refusal points were used as a framework for the hearing discussion. It was felt that the appeal was fairly executed by the planning inspector. The decision will be made in 4/5 weeks time.
6 / Holybourne Events
6.1 Summerfest 2017
24th June 2017 –CM reported that official permission has been sort by DT from the Sports Field Trust to hold the event. The SFT and other village groups have been asked to join the organising committee.
DT explained that the HVA would like to create an Events Committee. There would be several specific roles that will cover all events e.g marketing. Those groups that become part of the committee will receive a portion of the monies raised by each event.
CM will be chairing Summerfest.
RL will be chairing Fireworks. / CM
7 / Village Communications
7.1 Magazine
TL asked for suggestions for a ‘local star’ to be interviewed for an article. Steve Milne’s name was suggested.
7.2 Website
JG reportedthat the website does not have many events to advertise. There is now a link to the new White Hart website. She would like to have more content to add to the history pages as these are very popular. It was suggested that the video, ‘Here’s Holybourne’, made approximately 20 years ago should be placed on the website. Permission will be required to do this. CM to investigate. An invoice of £35 for hosting has been received. DT agreed that it would be paid by HVA.
7.3 Facebook
414 likes and a steady flow of visitors to the page.
7.4 Holybourne Archive Group
The visit by Jane Hurst was very successful. Six people from the Alton Forum history group visited the Holybourne Archive at The Lawn on Monday 24 April, they were very envious of our extensive and convenient archive space.Tim Charrington of Farringdon has since been exchanging information with LH.
8 / Committee Reports
8.1 Treasurers Report
Balance is £755 up on the beginning of the year. There are currently some discrepancies with the magazine advertising payments. £2663 has been received to date but £1715 is outstanding. Kay Tomlinson will follow up with the advertisers.
8.2 Friends of the Pond
The pond railing was damaged. Phil Croucher has repaired it and billed HVA. A vote of thanks to Philwas proposed.
8.3 Speed Watch
The Speedwatch equipment will now be stored in the Town Hall. Speedwatch will therefore continue.
8.4 Flood Action Group/Emergency Planning
RL and JC have meet. Neither were available to report back to HVA. / KT
9 / Any Other Business
PL passed on Alton Society Newsletter ‘Alton Now’. DT suggested that rather than send a hard copy, Alton Society should be asked to send a soft copy to the Chair. PL to report back to Alton Society and to inform that that Chair’s email address is now working.
NW commented that the resurfacing of Mill lane was looking good but not yet finished. AJ confirmed that there is still work to be done.
AJ had been asked to raise the issue of the village defibrillator and its maintenance. DT explained that The White Hart have agreed to maintain the apparatus. HVA will organise the maintenance and training for people who would like to learn how to use it. The training will be advertised. DT to move this forward.
JG asked about the recurring potholes on Brockham Hill and why they do not seem to be fixed after being reported to Highways. AJ explained that as the road is unclassified, potholes on the edge of the road (the haunches) will not be filled as they are not deemed to be part of the main carriageway. Highways responsibility ends at the edge of the tarmac. He recommended that people should continue to communicate with Highways if they feel an area to be unsafe.
CM asked if there was a sign near the pond to warn the public that there may be ducks in the road. It was agreed that there was.
DT made the committee aware that EHDC was planning to raise car park prices in Alton by 66%. ATC had not been included in the discussions that led to the decision. AJ said that the matter had been called in and would be reconsidered.
DT explained that the 2 benches that had been outside the village shop now need to be repositioned due to the shop’s revamp. These benches had been donated and were dedicated to the memory of villagers. Family permission would need to be sort. TY suggested they be placed outside the school. CM suggested by the pond. The sports field was discounted as it is not open to the public. AJ will find out whose permission is needed for the placement of the benches in these new locations. Facebook will be used to communicate these proposals to the community.
DT had been asked to form a HVA team for Eggar’s quiz night on Friday12th May. With regret, it was decided that it was too short notice to be able to participate. / PL
10. / Close and DONM
Meeting closed at 2155hrs.
NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 13th June