Referat fra GLACIPET-chronologyKronologi meetingøte 23.03.06, NGU Trondheim
PresentTilstede: Knies, Laberg, Hjelstuen, Smelror, Ottesen, Rise.
Background: to review and discuss the age control of the Plio- Pleistocene deposits along the western and northern Barents Sea margin with particular focus on the latest results, well 7216/11-1 (south-western Barents Sea) and ODP 986 (off Svalbard). This on order to: 1) agree on an age model on which to use in the Glacipet project, and 2) discuss how we can improve this model.
1. Presentations of ongoing work within GLACIPET (Knies, Laberg)
Important goal: Compilation of new age fix points in key borehole ODP Site 986, and well 7216/11-1.
Links to presentations.
2. Result:
a) New age model for 7216/11-1:
- (a) Plio-Pleistocene boundary at ~2000 m
- (b) Base Pliocene at ~2200 m (taken into account ana hiatus of ~2 Ma)
- (c) LO Habibacysta tectata between 1800-2000 m has to be studied (M. Smelror) = possible indicator for the last 1.2 Ma (new fixpoint)
b) New age model for ODP 986:
- (a) We decided not to suggest any changes of the age model for the upper 2 Ma.
- (b) However, we suggest using biostratigraphic fixpoints in the lower part of the core giving a new age for the R7 reflector of 2.76 Ma.
- (c) The lowermost part of the core will be studied for dinoflagellate cysts (Mid Pliocene Warming, ~3 Ma) (Smelror)
- (d) A new clay mineral record for 986 will be produced for stratigraphic purposes and sediment provenance studies (Knies)
3. Correlation to the northernmost sites
- (a) Ask for possible access to seismic data from the northern Svalbard margin (see publication by Geissler & Jokat 2004). Goal: Identify the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in the seismic data.
4. General agreements:
(a) Placing the approved presentations on the Glacipet website (as PDF)
(b) Continue work on the seismic data from the southwesternsouth-western Barents Sea (Hjelstuen/Laberg/Andreassen/Hjelstuen)
(c) Investigate the possibility for studying new seismic data along the western Svalbard margin (Hjelstuen/Laberg/Andreassen)
(d) Jan Sverre Laberg compiles relevant UiTø publications (in PDF format) for the project website
(e) Get in contact with Fjeldskaar and ask him about input data for the modelling (Knies)
5. Next meeting
There was a general consensus to have this kind of informal meetings 1-2 a year. The next meeting will tentatively be in the autumn, it should include a discussion on the present status on ice distribution through time (Plio- Pleistocene) as these results have to be prepared for the modelling group (Willy). At the next meeting participants from Bergen working in the North Sea and the modelling group should be invited.
(Also: should we suggest for the steering committee to propose a special session on the development of glaciated margins for EGU 2007?)