Intensive Regional Procurement Workshop held in the cities of Gbarnga, Zwedru and Tubmanburg, from April 27-May 6, 2015

PPCC Boss Stresses Efficiency & Effectiveness in Public Procurement

Mr. James Dorbor Jallah, Chief Executive Officer of the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission, has pledged his unflinching commitment in working with county authorities to narrow the procurement capacity gaps at county level,so as to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in the conduct of public procurement.

Mr. Jallah made the assertions recently when he addressed participants in Gbarnga and Tubmanburg cities at the start of the three days intensive regional procurement workshop held in three regions across Liberia. He explained that the Commission, as a way of strengthening the capacity of procuring entities will setup a procurement clinic dedicated to addressing the procurement concerns of procuring entities. The essence of this clinic, he accentuated, is to ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness, as well as value for money in the conduct of public procurement. Mr. Jallah however warned against vices that will compromise the intentions and efforts of the Commission.

The conduct of the workshop is part of efforts by the Commission to prevent corruption in public procurement with the ultimate objective of strengthening the procurement capacity of county authorities so as to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the conduct of public procurement, as well as to enhance their capacity to manage development funds and deliver services.The Commission utilized money from its core budget and the subvention from the UNDP funded project, “Strengthen Transparency Accountability Oversight and Participation (STAOP),” to effectively conduct the workshop.

A total of 152 participants attended the workshop in the three regions across Liberia. They included county superintendents and their two deputies(assistant superintendents for developmentand fiscal affairs), chairpersons of the Project Management Committee(PMC), procurement officers, county development officers, two representatives each from community colleges, hospitals, municipalities, and training institutions. The workshops in Gbarnga and Zwedru were held from April 27-29, 2015, while the Tubmanburg workshop was held from May 4-6, 2015. USAID-GEMS, a nongovernmental organization working in Liberia to improve governance partnered with the PPCC through the provision of technical support to conduct the workshop in all three locations.

Topics treated include Overview of the PPCA, Public procurement compliance requirements & checklist, Overview of procurement methods and lead time, Procurement plan requirements and templates, Understanding the Standard Bid Document, Executing the bid evaluation process, Records management, framework contracting, and Complaints, Appeals & Review Process.