East Coast Outkast

Operation Pilgrimage

28-29 March 2009


A Wing of the International Cessna 150-152 Club

The Plan

FRIDAY, 27 March:

Ron will depart SFZ and Dan, Dave, and Joe will depart DSV to pre-position at 69N for the Great Hershey Bears Symposium.

SATURDAY, 28 March:

POTOMAC FLIGHT: Bill will depart MRB to arrive at MFV no later than 1000. Mark will depart W32 and join Bill en-route to MFV over the Shannon Airport (EZF) and become the Potomac Flight. Cliff will depart CPK to arrive at MFV no later than 1000. All aircraft will refuel. At MFV the Potomac Flight will join the Hudson and Keystone Flights and become the Outkast Flight.

KEYSTONE FLIGHT: Mike, John, Eric, and Fred, will depart N94 as the Keystone Flight and stop at 0W3. Robert will depart N47 and fly to 0W3 to pick-up Joanne and join the Keystone Flight. The Keystone Flight will depart 0W3 to arrive at MFV no later than 1030. Bill Dobson will join the flight as they pass the town of Denton, MD (38.53.0N / 75.50.0E / 12 NM NE of ESN). All aircraft will refuel. At MFV the Keystone flight will join the Hudson and Potomac Flights and become the Outkast Flight.

HUDSON FLIGHT: John will depart LWM, Kirk will depart BDR, Mitch will depart SFZ, Mike will depart FRG, and Steve will depart 93G so as to arrive 69N no later than 0845. They will refuel, and join with Ed, Ron, Dan, Dave, and Joe as the Hudson Flight. Kirk will lead the Hudson Flight to MFV. All aircraft will plan to arrive at MFV no later than 1100. All aircraft will refuel. At MFV the Hudson Flight will join the Keystone and Potomac Flights and become the Outkast Flight.

OUTKAST FLIGHT: The Outkast Flight will depart MFV, and Mike will lead to 42VA. All pilots will tour the Fighter Museum. The Outkast Flight will depart 42VA and Mark will lead the flight to FFA. All pilots will tour the First Flight Memorial. The Outkast Flight will depart FFA and Cliff will lead to CPK. All aircraft will RON at CPK.

SUNDAY, 29 March

OUTKAST FLIGHT will depart CPK and fly to 9VG for Soup. After soup, the:

HUDSON FLIGHT will depart 9VG with the Keystone Flight and stop at W41 to refuel. The Hudson Flight will depart W41 and stop at 69N to refuel. Ron, Mitch, Kirk, John, Steve, Joe, Mike, and Dan will depart 69N and RTB.

KEYSTONE FLIGHT will depart 9VG with the Hudson Flight and stop at W41 to refuel. The Keystone Flight will depart W41 and RTB. Robert will break off en-route, drop Joanne at 0W3, and RTB.

POTOMAC FLIGHT will depart 9VG. Mark, Bill J, Cliff, and Bill D. will break off en-route and RTB.

Hudson Flight

Saturday, 28 March

John Depart LWM @ 0605 260 miles 2.5 hours Arrive 69N @ 0845

Mark Depart SFZ @ 0615 229 miles 2.3 hours Arrive 69N @ 0845

Kirk Depart BDR @ 0730 115 miles 1.2 hours Arrive 69N @ 0845

Steve Depart 93G @ 0630 218 miles 2.3 hours Arrive 69N @ 0845

Mike Depart FRG @ 0730 120 miles 1.2 hours Arrive 69N @ 0845

Flight Depart 69N @ 0900 190 miles 1.9 hours Arrive MFV @ 1100

Flight Depart MFV @ 1130 65 miles 0.6 hours Arrive 42VA @ 1205

Flight Depart 42VA @ 1500 46 miles 0.5 hours Arrive FFA @ 1530

Flight Depart FFA @ 1830 50 miles 0.5 hours Arrive CPK @ 1900

Ron Stewart 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

152 N5282B 508-965-4943

Dan Newfang 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

A150M N9832J 607-346-3024

Joe Prado 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

140 N76867 585-314-3002

Dave Ward 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

172 N66986 607-725-1176

Ed Figuli (Keystone Exchange Pilot) 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150M N66695 603-332-6012

Mitch Silverman SFZ 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

152 N757FH 401-334-2855

Kirk Wennerström BDR 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150D N4425U 203-856-8001

John Ruffo LWM 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150M N704JY 603-396-8016

Steve Thomas 93G 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150F N8224F 716-812-0142

Michael DeMita FRG 69N MFV 42VA FFA CPK

A150K N8416M 917-593-9909

Hudson Flight

Sunday, 29 March

Flight Depart CPK @ 1015 60 miles 0.7 hours Arrive 9VG @ 1100

Flight Depart 9VG @ 1300 34 miles 0.3 hours Arrive W41 @ 1315

Flight Depart W41 @ 1345 165 miles 1.6 hours Arrive 69N @ 1525

Kirk Depart 69N @ 1540 115 miles 1.2 hours Arrive BDR @ 1700

Ron Depart 69N @ 1540 229 miles 2.3 hours Arrive SFZ @ 1800

Dan Depart 69N @ 1540 165 miles 1.5 hours Arrive DSV @ 1710

Mike Depart 69N @ 1540 120 miles 1.2 hours Arrive FRG @ 1700

Ron Stewart CPK 9VG W41 69N SFZ

Kirk Wennerström CPK 9VG W41 69N BDR

Dan Newfang CPK 9VG W41 69N DXV

Joe Prado CPK 9VG W41 69N DXV

Dave Ward CPK 9VG W41 69N DXV

John Ruffo CPK 9VG W41 69N LWM

Steve Thomas CPK 9VG W41 69N 93G

Mitch Silverman CPK 9VG W41 69N SFZ

Michael DeMita CPK 9VG W41 69N SFZ

Ed Figuli (Keystone Exchange Pilot) CPK 9VG W41 69N

Keystone Flight

Saturday, 28 March

Flight Depart N94 @ 0745 60 miles 0.7 hours Arrive 0W3 @ 0830

Robert Depart N47 @ 0800 56 miles 0.6 hours Arrive 0W3 @ 0830

Flight Depart 0W3 @ 0900 137 miles 1.4 hours Arrive MFV @ 1030

Bill Depart ANP @ 0925 109 miles 1.1 hours Arrive MFV @ 1030

Flight Depart 42VA @ 1500 46 miles 0.5 hours Arrive FFA @ 1530

Flight Depart FFA @ 1830 50 miles 0.5 hours Arrive CPK @ 1900

Robert Cressman N47 0W3 MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150G - N4629X

Mike Marra N94 0W3 MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150M - N714AJ - 717-448-5295

Fred Schrom N94 0W3 MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150M - N922SW - 717-377-3086

Eric Rush N94 0W3 MFV 42VA FFA CPK


John Angelini N94 0W3 MFV 42VA FFA CPK


Wayne Rearick N94 0W3 MFV 42VA FFA CPK

172N - N3546E - 717-713-1051

Bill Dobson (Potomac Exchange Pilot) ANP MFV 42VA FFA CPK

152 - N67639 - 443-995-1514

Keystone Flight

Sunday, 29 March

Flight Depart CPK @ 1015 60 miles 0.7 hours Arrive 9VG @ 1100

Flight Depart 9VG @ 1300 34 miles 0.3 hours Arrive W41 @ 1315

Bill D Depart 9VG @ 1300 miles hours Arrive ANP @

Flight Depart W41 @ 1345 145 miles 1.5 hours Arrive N94 @ 1515

Robert Depart W41 @ 1345 150 miles 1.5 hours Arrive 0W3 @ 1515

Ed Depart W41 @ 1345 165 miles 1.6 hours Arrive 69N @ 1525

Robert Depart O3O @ 1545 56 miles 0.5 hours Arrive N47 @ 1615

Mike Marra CPK 9VG W41 N94

Fred Schrom CPK 9VG W41 N94

Eric Rush CPK 9VG W41 N94

John Angelini CPK 9VG W41 N94

Wayne Rearick CPK 9VG W41 N94

Robert Cressman CPK 9VG W41 0W3 N47

Bill Dobson (Potomac Exchange Pilot) CPK 9VG ANP

Potomac Flight

Saturday, 28 March

Bill J. Depart MRB @ 0810 170 miles 1.8 hours Arrive MFV @ 1000

Mark Depart W32 @ 0900 95 miles 0.9 hours Arrive MFV @ 1000

Cliff Depart CPK @ 0900 75 miles 0.7 hours Arrive MFV @ 1000

Flight Depart MFV @ 1130 65 miles 0.6 hours Arrive 42VA @ 1205

Flight Depart 42VA @ 1500 46 miles 0.5 hours Arrive FFA @ 1530

Flight Depart FFA @ 1830 50 miles 0.5 hours Arrive CPK @ 1900

Bill Johnston MRB MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150F N8007F 304-886-3747

Mark Buchner W32 MFV 42VA FFA CPK

150L N10568 301-275-2476

Cliff Golby CPK MFV 42VA FFA CPK

172 757-274-7825

Sunday, 29 March

Flight Depart CPK @ 1015 60 miles 0.7 hours Arrive 9VG @ 1100

Cliff Depart 9VG @ 1330 60 miles 0.5 hours Arrive CPK @ 1400

Mark Depart 9VG @ 1330 95 miles 1.0 hours Arrive W32 @ 1430

Bill J. Depart 9VG @ 1330 150 miles 1.5 hours Arrive MRB @ 1500

Bill Johnston CPK 9VG HWY MRB

Mark Buchner CPK 9VG W32

Cliff Golby CPK 9VG CPK


The Outkast air-to-air en-route frequency for this operation is 122.75.


All pilots: Please text message your flight lead with your status if you are unable to make your scheduled takeoff.

·  Hudson Flight, Col Stewart, (508-965-4943)

·  Keystone Flight, Col Marra (717-448-5295)

·  Potomac Flight, Col Buchner (301-275-2476)

Col Johnston, please Text Message Col Buchner, (301-275-2476) with MRB departure time and your ETA and altitude over Shannon Airport (EZF).

Keystone Flight lead, please Text Message Outkast Lead, Col Buchner, (301-275-2476) with your 0W3 departure time and ETA to MFV, and also message Col Dobson (443-995-1514) with your ETA and altitude over Denton, MD.

Hudson Flight lead, please Text Message Outkast Lead, Col Buchner, (301-275-2476) with your 69N departure time and ETA to MFV.


Pilots are reminded that there will not be a food stop on Saturday the 28th. Everyone must bring your own lunch and any snacks and drinks you may need for the day.


There will be a $10.00 admission fee at the Fighter Factory Museum.

The normal $5.00 overnight ramp fee at CPK has been waived for all aircraft participating in Operation Pilgrimage. We have also obtained a 10¢ per gallon discount for fuel from the truck at CPK. Self Serve fuel is unchanged. (Thanks Col Golby)


All pilots billeting at Hacienda Golby bring your sleeping bag, blow-up bed (if desired) and a towel.

All pilots requesting a hotel room must make their own hotel reservations

Pilots are reminded to think safety first.

Billeting @ CPK

Hacienda Golby Hotel

Ron Stewart P

Dan Newfang (2) P

Dave Ward P

Joe Prado P

Ed Figuli P

Steve Thomas P

Robert Cressman P

Mike Marra (2) P

Fred Schrom (2) P

Joanne Jeschonnek P

Cliff Golby P

Kirk Wennerström (2) P

Mike DeMita P

Mark Buchner P

Eric Rush (2) P

John Angelini (2) P

Wayne Rearick (2) P

Bill Johnston (2) P

Bill Dobson P

John Ruffo P

Mitch SilvermanP