DECEMBER 13, 2007
The Boonsboro Municipal Utilities Commission held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, December 13, 2007 in the town hall. Members present were Chairman Kevin Chambers, Shirley Metz, George Messner, Harold Kirby, Todd Kennedy, and Rob Hutzell. Also in attendance were Superintendent Bobby Mose and Town Manager Debra Smith. The meeting convened at 7:00 P.M.
Motion by Hutzell, second by Kirby to approve the November 8, 2007 minutes as written. Motion carried.
Motion by Metz, second by Messner to approve the Treasurer’s reports for November 2007. Motion carried.
Motion by Kennedy, second Kirby to pay the bills for November 2007. Motion carried.
40A Water Line Extension Project Update: the grant funding portion of the project was approved by the Board of Public Works yesterday in the amount of $677,500. The loan funding is scheduled to be presented to the Board on January 30, 2008.
WWTP Update: the second construction progress meeting was held yesterday, December 12th. The construction trailer has been placed on site, conduits in for phone and electric but no lines run yet, silt fence done, construction and temporary entrances are in and the stockpile is 90% stripped. Contractors will focus on site work grading, re-routing the waterline, and stormwater management for the next month. The process for payment submittals/requests was discussed and will be submitted on the 10th of each month beginning in January and will be required to be signed off by each of the funding authorities before issuing payment. Next Progress Meeting - January 16, 2008, 10:00 AM.
WWTP Funding/Developers Agreements: Attorney Wantz presented a proposed sewer tap installment payment schedule to the Mayor and Council at their November workshop representing the approximate number of sewer taps which can be purchased by each of the six interested property owners (1 tap per acre) that will provide sufficient revenues to cover the first 5-years of debt service for the construction of the new WWTP as required by both MDE and USDA. Once both funding agencies have reviewed the schedule, Mr. Wantz will include the information in draft developer agreements to be presented to each of the prospective property owners.
Boonsboro/Keedysville Regional Water Board Report: members of the Water Board met on December 11th as a follow-up to their November 7th meeting to finalize the annual true up for FY07 which resulted in Boonsboro owing Keedysville $16,367 primarily because Keedysville chose to budget their quarterly payments on 20% when they were actually 16.4%. A discussion of whether the Board should include Keedysville’s CIP costs in the annual true-up was tabled and will be further discussed at the semi-annual meeting in May.
MAYOR and COUNCIL REPORT: Mayor and Council met on December 3rd and approved the renewal of the Hagerstown Magazine Contract, TT&K Sewer Easement Agreement and Partial Termination of Easement for the new WWTP was approved, and appointed Bob Glausier and Ken Eshbaugh as new members to the Police & Public Safety Commission.
Motion by Kirby, second by Kennedy to adjourn at 7:45 PM. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Todd Kennedy