La Fondation Franco-Chinoise
pour la Science et ses Applications (FFCSA)
Post-doctoral Fellowships 2013-2015
2nd call of offers
(18 months - 24 months in laboratories selected by the FFSCA)
Gender: / □ Male □ FemaleName Chinese & English: / Chinese English
Surname Chinese & English: / Chinese English
Age & Birth Date:
and Place of birth: / Day / Month / Year
Place of birth
Address of your Home :
Telephone number:
And mobile phone: / Home
Mobile phone
Name and address of your university/institute:
Office :
Tel Fax number / Tel
Academic Degree PhD / Type
Date obtained ( / / )
Day Month Year
Field of specialization:
Title/Current position:
E-mail address:
English language ability
(5:excellent, …..1:poor) / Reading
Exam passed in english (name, date and mark)
(for information) / English (TOEFL, TSE, GRE, IELTS ….or others)
Please send to the FFCSA a copy of the certificate of the english exam you have passed
Previous travels abroad / -Places
Current links with french research organizations or academics
If you have been previously awarded from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) fellowship or participated in another CSC research program, please indicate the name of the program and the period of your participation
Name of the Program:
Period of participation:
N° / Please mark with an / Duration of
the Fellowship / Thematic or subject / Desired Profile
1 / □ / 24 months / Cognition research, functional MRI of the brain and neuroeconomics, decision making and incitive process.
2 / □ / 24 months / Function and regulation of the Translationaly Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP), a conserved mitotic growth integrator in animals and plants. / Solid background in molecular biology. Basic knowledge in plant molecular genetics will be appreciated.
3 / □ / 18 months / New nanomaterials for solar energy and thermoelectrics / Knowledge in solar cells nano structured (fabrication or /and studies)
4 / □ / 24 months / Infra-red laser metrology and development / Femtoseond laser combs at 1030 nm and 1550nm, laser stabilization, new laser developments
5 / □ / 24 months / Nonlinear dynamics and extreme events in photonic crystals coupled cavities networks
6 / □ / 24 months / Mercury Optical Lattice Clock :from the lattice-bound Lamb-Dicke spectroscopy to the ultra-precise clock
7 / □ / 18 months / A theoretical treatment of the temporal excitation of nano resonator modes
8 / □ / 18 months / Optical components for attosecond pulses. / The goal of the postdoc position will be to develop and characterize a new kind of multilayer mirrors for attosecond pulses at photon energy >100 eV.
9 / □ / 24 months / Entangled photon pairs sources and ultra-strong coupling / Solid background in quantum optics and possibly in nano fabrication
10 / □ / 18 months / Models of Human body and biotechnologies: Science, technology , ethics and culture / Anthropology, sociology, moral and political philosophy, epistemology. Double competence in engineering sciences and in social sciences would be appreciated
11 / □ / 24 months / Interfacial reactions in lithium-ion batteries studied by surface techniques: XPS and ToF-SIMS / Prior experience in electrochemistry and physical chemistry is required. The experience in lithium batteries and surface analytical techniques (XPS, TOF-SIMS) will be highly appreciated
12 / □ / 24 months / Numerical modelization of the rheology of suspensions, biomimetic matter and blood. / Numerical implementation in fluid mechanics, fluid-structure interactions, complex
fluids, biomechanics, soft matter
13 / □ / 18 months / Functional characterization of the multifunctional Spatial/Tbata gene in mammals
14 / □ / 18 months / Brittle and ductile fracture, low cycle fatigue / Experience in numerical modeling or simulation
15 / □ / 18 months / Numerical welding simulation.
16 / □ / 18 months / Thermomecanics
17 / □ / 18 months / Serine, threonine and tyrosinekinase in bacteria. / PhD degree in microbiology, genetics or related disciplines. General competences in molecular biology and bacterial genetics are required, and experience in biochemistry and microscopy is a welcome bonus
Research Information of the applicant
Applicant’s Signature:
I confirm the information given above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I also understand that incomplete application form or application after the deadline
will result in rejection of the application.
Date Signature of the applicant
Date Signature of the Stamp
Director of University /Institute
FFCSA/CSC 2nd call of offers for the Promotion 2013