Traffic Monitoring System Upgrade
Project Charter For Certification
Executive Sponsors – Tom Church, Cabinet Secretary and Tamara P. Haas P.E., Asset Management and Planning Division Director
Business Owner – Yolanda Duran, Chief Data Management Bureau
Project Managers – Sean Noonen, Staff Manager Traffic Monitoring Program and Joann Girard, IT Project Manager
Original Plan Date: March 4, 2016
Revision Date: September 12, 2016
Revision: N/A
About This Project Charter DOCUMENT
Permission to plan the project t and setting the governance structure
The Project Charter provides the project manager and project team with permission to proceed with the work of the project, within the scope delineated in this document. The Project Charter should be the outcome of a number of documents that went into the pre-planning for the project, and in many cases the agency IT Plan, Business Case for appropriations, Federal funding requests and the like.
Project sponsors sign the Project Charter signifying that they have agreed to the governance structure for guiding the direction for the further planning of the project, discovery and defining the requirements, acquiring necessary resources, and within that context the statement of work for any related contracts including a contract for the Independent Validation and Verification.
The Project Charter is also the foundation for the creation of the project management plan, and much of the thinking and writing for this charter will be immediately usable for that project management plan.
Project certification Initial phase documentation
The Project Charter is also used within the State of New Mexico IT Project Certification process as evidence of the project’s worthiness for the Initial Phase certification. The Initial Phase certification is especially critical to many state and agency projects because of its related release of the initial funds required for the project.
Initiation Phase funding is requested by an agency for use in developing project phases, developing Independent Verification and Validation (“IV&V”) plan and contract; address project review issues and/or to develop an overall project management plan. Note: Waiver of the IV&V requirement requires specific written approval by the Secretary of the DoIT.
DoIT “Project Certification” Memorandum July 2, 2007
The Project Charter and the Request for Certification Form are meant to provide a comprehensive picture of the project’s intention and initial planning, that includes the project’s place in the context of the State of New Mexico’s IT Strategic Plan, Enterprise Architecture, and DoIT project oversight process. See “IT Project Oversight Process” Memorandum July 5th 2007 on the OCIO-DoIT web site.
table of contents
About This Project Charter DOCUMENT
table of contents
1.project background
1.1Executive Summary -rationale for the project
1.2Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project
1.3 Project Certification Requirements
2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts
2.1 Agency Justification
2.2 Business Objectives
2.3 Technical Objectives
2.4 Impact on Organization
2.5 Transition to Operations
3.0 Project/Product Scope of Work
3.1 Deliverables
3.1.1 Project Deliverables
3.1.2 Product Deliverables
3.2 Success and QUALITY METRICS
4.0 Schedule Estimate
5.0 Budget Estimate
5.1 Funding Source(s)
5.2. Budget By Major Deliverable or Type of expense –
Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure
Est. Due Date
Project Phase
5.3 Budget By Project Phase or Certification Phase
6.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
6.5 Project management Methodology
7.0 Constraints
8.0 Dependencies
9.0 Assumptions
10.0 Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy
13.0 Project Charter Agency Approval Signatures
14.0 Project Charter Certification Approval Signature
Revision History
Revision Number / Date / Comment1.0 / March 4, 2016 / Baseline document
2.0 / September 12, 2016 / Planning Phase Revisions
Project Charter NMDOT Traffic Monitoring System Upgrade 1
1.project background
Traffic monitoring is performed to collect data that describes the use and performance of the roadway system. Traffic data from the State continues to be required to meet the reporting requirements of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) title 23, 420.105(b), which requires State to provide data that supports FHWA’s reporting responsibilities to Congress and to the public. Traffic data reported under this Federal regulation is submitted as part of the annual Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) report from each State.
1.1Executive Summary -rationale for the project
The Data Management Bureau current traffic monitoring database systems is used to store, validate and report data collected by the NMDOT and local Metropolitan Planning Organizations MPO’s. This program was developed decades ago and is in need of replacement as the program is designed for systems no longer supported by the manufacturer or NMDOT Information Technologies. It also poses significant productivity issues for NMDOT staff as the system is outdated and requires obsolete operational systems and hardware. Staff is unable to process annual data in a timely manner. Additionally, when staff needs to update an incorrect traffic count, they must use DOS coding to remove the incorrect traffic count. The program, at times, does not recognize the DOS commands and does not remove the count. This results in erroneous counts that must be removed during the annual reporting process. Given the obsolescence and on-going productivity impacts, this replacement is required to meet FHWA reporting requirements and NMDOT requirements.
This new program will utilize a centralized relational database of traffic data that will be updated by staff weekly for short duration counts and daily for continuous count stations. Using a centralized database will allow traffic monitoring staff the ability to provide ad-hoc reporting via a web interface and improved reporting cycles as the data will be more accessible to the end user. The new traffic monitoring database system will also generate HPMS-relevant statistics and easily create submittals for the FHWA Travel Monitoring Analysis System (TMAS).
1.2Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project
The first phase of this project will be to implement a contract with the software company for the purchase and setup of the software selected.
The second phase of this project will be to migrate the previous TRADAS database into the new database and software that is selected.
The third phase of this project will be to train NMDOT personnel on the use/operation of the new software and procedures.
The fourth phase will be training on the creation of the HPMS report through the new software program.
1.3 Project Certification Requirements
Does the project fit into the criteria for certification? Which and how?
CRITERIA / YES/NO / EXPLANATIONProject is mission critical to the agency / Yes / Federal Requirement
Project cost is equal to or in excess of $100,000.00 / Yes / Estimated cost for the entire project is $358,344.76
Project impacts customer on-line access / No / N/A
Project is one deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the DoIT / Yes / Meets NM IT Strategic Plan Objectives sponsored by DoIT
Will an IT Architecture Review be required? / No / N/A – externally hosted
2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts
The justification and objectives section relates the project to the purpose of the lead agency and describes the high level business and technical objectives for the project. The section also includes a high level review of the impact to the organization, and of the concerns for transition to operations.
2.1 Agency Justification
The NMDOT Data Management Bureau must conform to federal reporting requirements set forth by the FHWA. These requirements dictate that the NMDOT use a current software program to store, validate, error correct, report, and archive traffic data.
Number / DescriptionAgency:
New Mexico Department of Transportation / Implementation of software to meet FHWA requirements.
2.2 Business Objectives
Use the following table to list measurable business objectives
Number / DescriptionBusiness Objective 1 / Increased efficiency and productivity through a well-managed Traffic monitoring system
business objective 2 / Optimize business process, decreasing number of steps, saving time
business objective 3 / Lower the cost of government by having a more efficient work activity process tracking
business objective 4 / Improve reporting capability to executive management
business objective 5 / Successful integration and implementation of the software which meets the FHWA Data Requirements and agency performance measures.
2.3 Technical Objectives
Number / DescriptionTechnical Objective 1 / Software will be implemented.
tehcnical objective 2 / Archived data will be easily converted and migrated into new system.
tehcnical objective 3 / NMDOT Staff will be trained in the operation of the new system.
tehcnical objective 4 / Annual HPMS report will be created using the new system
Technical Objective 5 / NMDOT will be able to upload data from existing traffic counters to new software.
2.4 Impact on Organization
The impacts on the organization are areas that need to be addressed by the project through its planning process. They may not be internal project risks, but they can impact the success of the project’s implementation.
Area / DescriptionEnd user / Training will be defined and all end-users within NMDOT will undergo training. Tests will be conducted with random end-users to ensure performance and ease of use.
Business Processes / General procedures for handling maintenance and updates to data will change with the implementation of the contract.
It Operations and staffing / Training will be defined and all IT staff will be thoroughly trained on applicable processes. IT operations will be minimal.
Other / N/A
2.5 Transition to Operations
The transition to operations areas include items that are asked in the certification form to assure that the project has accounted or will account for these matters in its planning and requirements specifications.
Area / DescriptionPreliminary Operations location and staffing plans / As this is a replacement for an existing application, existing staff already expert in operations and data will manage and implement the project.
Data Security, Business Continuity / Security roles and parameters for data will be built into system.
Maintenance Strategy / Annual software maintenance agreement with vendor. Specific deliverables will be in a binding contract agreement.
Interoperability / All hardware/software components are industry standard and compatible with NMDOT’s platform and security requirements
Record retention / Retention policies will be built into new system and data will be backed up on a regular basis.
Consolidation strategy / The system will provide the capability to consolidate reported data from partner agencies and streamline the process to approve said data for reporting. NMDOT users, partner agencies and the public will be able to view approved data, based on their security role(s).
3.0 Project/ProductScope of Work
In its efforts to move from the high level business objectives to the desired end product/service the project team will need to deliver specific documents or work products. The State of New Mexico Project Management Methodology distinguishes between the project and the product.
Project Deliverables relate to how we conduct the business of the project. Product Deliverables relate to how we define what the end result or product will be, and trace our stakeholder requirements through to product acceptance, and trace our end product features and attributes back to our initial requirements
3.1 Deliverables
3.1.1 Project Deliverables
This initial list of project deliverables are those called for by the IT Certification Process and Project Oversight memorandum, but does not exhaust the project deliverable documents
Project Charter / The Project Charter for Certification sets the overall scope for the project, the governance structure, and when signed is considered permission to proceed with the project. The Project Charter for Certification is used to provide the Project Certification Committee with adequate knowledge of the project and its planning to certify the initiation phase of the projectCertification Form / The Request for Certification and Release of Funds form is submitted when a project goes for any of the certification phases. It deals with the financial aspects of the project, as well as other topics that indicate the level of planning that has gone into the project. Many of the questions have been incorporated into the preparation of the project charter
Project Management Plan / .“Project management plan” is a formal document approved by the executive sponsor and the Department and developed in the plan phase used to manage project execution, control, and project close. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost and schedule baselines. A project plan includes at least other plans for issue escalation, change control, communications, deliverable review and acceptance, staff acquisition, and risk management plan.”
IV&V Contract & Reports / “Independent verification and validation (IV&V)” means the process of evaluating a project to determine compliance with specified requirements and the process of determining whether the products of a given development phase fulfill the requirements established during the previous stage, both of which are performed by an organization independent of the lead agency. Independent verification and validation assessment reporting. The Department requires all projects subject to oversight to engage an independent verification and validation contractor unless waived by the Department.
IT Service Contracts / The Department of Information Technology and the State Purchasing Division of General Services have established a template for all IT related contracts.
Risk Assessment and management / The DoIT Initial PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT template which is meant to fulfill the following requirement:
“Prepare a written risk assessment report at the inception of a project and at end of each product development lifecycle phase or more frequently for large high-risk projects. Each risk assessment shall be included as a project activity in project schedule.” Project Oversight Process memorandum
Project Schedule / A tool used to indicate the planned dates, dependencies, and assigned resources for performing activities and for meeting milestones. The defacto standard is Microsoft Project
Monthly Project Status Reports to DoIT / Project status reports. For all projects that require Department oversight, the lead agency project manager shall submit an agency approved project status report on a monthly basis to the Department.
Project Closeout Report / This is the Template used to request that the project be officially closed. Note that project closure is the last phase of the certification process
3.1.2 Product Deliverables
The product deliverable documents listed here are only used for illustration purposes
Requirements Documents / The documents define the business, functional, and technical requirements for elements of the system which will be configured/customized for NMDOT.System and Acceptance Testing / The documents define the test procedures and acceptance criteria necessary to validate and qualify the final configured system for NMDOT.
Training and User Guides / The documents provide step-by-step user guidance for end-user and administrative functions for the final configured system for NMDOT.
3.2Success and QUALITY METRICS
Metric are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owner, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget.
Number / DescriptionQuality Metric 1 / Project does not exceed budget
Quality Metric 2 / The project schedule, assigned tasks and milestones are met within the project plan
Quality Metric 3 / System provides accurate reports
Quality metric 4 / Successful integration of software
quality metric 5 / System is secure and stable
quality metric 6 / Staff is trained and system is operational
quality metric 7 / Data integrity is maintained
4.0 Schedule Estimate
This project will be undertaken over the next 8 months. Implementation of the software and integration of data is a first step of the project. The annual HPMS report is required to be submitted May of 2017 and the system will be wholly operational to create the report and submit on time.
A schedule will be developed with the vendor when the project scope is finalized. The anticipated date to complete all deliverables and move to production is January, 2017. An estimated phase schedule is listed below:
phases / eSTIMATED SCHEDULE DATEInitiation / July 2016
Planning / August – September 2016
Implementation / September 2016 – January 2017
Closing / February 2017
5.0 Budget Estimate
Within the Project Charter budgets for the project can only be estimated. Original budgets requested in appropriations or within agency budgets are probably not the numbers being worked with at project time. Funding sources are asked for to help evaluate the realism of project objectives against funding, and the allocation of budget estimates against project deliverables.
Please remember to include agency staff time including project managers as costs.
5.1 Funding Source(s)
Source / Amount / Associated restrictionsFHWA AWP, HSIP / $363,344.76 / N/A
Total / $363,344.76
5.2. Budget By Major Deliverable or Type of expense –
Proposed Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measure
Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure
/Est. Due Date
/Project Phase
Independent Validation & Verification (IV&V) / $36,000 / August 2016 / Initiation – CloseDiscovery / $0 / August 2016 / Initiation
Software License / $107,544.76 / August 2016 / Initiation
Project Management / $14,400 / December 2017 / Implementation - Close
Annual Hosting and Support / $65,000 / February 2017 / Implementation - Close
Finalize Project Management Plan & Requirements / $0.00 / August 2016 / Planning
Legacy Data Migration From Old System / $50,000 / December 2016 / Implementation
System Configuration & Customization / $60,000 / January 2017 / Implementation
System Implementation / $2,400 / March 2017 / Implementation
Train NMDOT personnel on the use and operation of the new software / $28,000 / January 2017 / Implementation
Annual Automated Data Transfer / $0 / December 2017 / Post-Close
Total: / $363,344.76
5.3Budget By Project Phase or Certification Phase