WashingtonState TRIO Association
Meeting Minutes 6-11-10
- Roll Call: The following board members were present- Dean Kelly, Carrie Staloch, Marc Coomer, and Raymond Herrera.
- Committee Reports
1. Resource and Partnership- The committee has identified a list of major stakeholders in Washington that we’d like to contact to raise awareness about TRIO. Action: Dean will identify individuals in these organizations to send information to and make initial contacts.
Action: Raymond will look into what it takes to start an account with a financial institution and will research several options. This will allow us to be ready to accept donations when they begin.
2. Public Relations and Networking- Committee identified several enhancements to the website and identified some next steps in PR. Action: Ron will check with the individuals from MN TRIO to find out how they got started with making their PR videos that are broadcast on television.
3. Advocacy- Aaron is in touch with Lucretia Folks and his committee to identify the various tasks that need to be done to plan a student leadership conference next year. He suggested that we assign different tasks to people from different campuses so that one campus doesn’t bear all the responsibility, and to encourage more involvement across programs. Action: Aaron will continue discussions with Kim R to possibly chair the conference and meet with Lucretia in July to finalize tasks.
4. Membership- Carrie shared several ideas from committee including professional development, (hot topics, best practices, state advocacy/learning, hands on activities, etc…) membership fees, (distinguish between NASP and WA State- what is benefit) and involvement (get everyone’s email, not just director, add state directory, do friendly peer visits to foster relationships) Action: Dean will bring “fee” issue up at annual NASP meeting in August and get feedback from other board members.
5. Alumni- Committee thought it might be a good idea to connect with TRIO alum who work for TRIO programs as a place to start. Over 20 individuals fit this criteria. Others thought that is might be easy to connect with TRIO alum who now work on college campuses. Facebook was mentioned as a tool to connect alum as well as at Student Leadership Conference and State professional development day. Action- Marc will connect with Heath Alexander and others involved in alumni work to learn best practices.
- Review Training on 4/29
1)Surveys were overwhelmingly positive. The board will use these surveys in planning the next state development day.
2)Some other ideas shared were to rotate the conference or have it in a central location, and to have it on a college campus to save money and make connections with TRIO programs around the State.
- Call with Heath Alexander
1)Dean will invite Heath to one of our State meetings in the fall to further discuss state initiatives and next steps for Washington. This will include follow up on the training we completed in April as well as connecting with legislators at home.
- Upcoming work
1)ELI training- Dean will begin accepting nominations 7/1/10. WashingtonState can identify up to 4 individuals for the training. Full applications will be due on 7/30/10.
2)NASP Conference- Annual conference is in Boise10/24-10/27. Individuals can register now and get a discounted rate.
3)Nominations for WA Board- Open positions for this coming year will be Treasurer, Active non-TRIO and President-Elect. Dean will solicit nominations beginning 9/1/10.
4)COE annual conference- In San Diego 9/1-9/4. Marc and Aaron are attending the State initiative/Leadership sessions in preconference.
- Other
1)Dean encouraged committee chairs to further their work during the summer months and continue progress towards annual goals
2)The schedule for fall phone meetings from 1-2 pm are 9/10, 10/8, and 11/12.