Grade 1 Mathematics

Possible Scope and Sequence

Curriculum Cluster 1
Number, Operation, and Quantitative Reasoning
Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking
Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools
25 days: 45 minutes per day
1.1  Use whole numbers to describe and compare quantities.
1.3 Recognize and solve problems in addition and subtraction situations.
1.5 Recognize patterns in numbers and operations.
1.11 Apply Grade 1 mathematics to solve problems connected to everyday experiences and activities in and outside of school.
1.12 Communicate about Grade 1 mathematics using informal language.
1.13 Use logical reasoning.

Possible Scope and Sequence, Grade 1 Mathematics Curriculum Cluster 1

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Grade 1 Mathematics

Possible Scope and Sequence

TEKS / TAKS Obj. / Instructional Scope / Possible Resources /
Instruction / Assessment / District /
Read and write numbers to 99 to describe sets of concrete objects. / 1 / Reading Numbers 0 – 20
§  Use sets of concrete objects to represent quantities from 0-20.
Ask the students, “How many counters are in the set?”
Answer: Ten counters
Writing Numbers 0 – 20
§  Given a set of concrete objects, write the corresponding number.
Ask students, “How would you write the numeral that describes the number of counters in the set?”
Answer: 12 / Please note that the TERC activities cover more than one TEKS and also address the TEKS at the problem solving level (1.11, 1.12, 1.13
Mathematical Thinking at Grade 1
McGraw Hill (Primary):
1-4 Numbers 1-10 pp.23-26
1-5 Numbers 1-15 pp. 27-28
*Homework: p.28
1-6 Numbers 16-20 pp. 29-30
Homework: p.33
Assessment: pp.31-32
13-4 Numbers to 50 pp.423-426
Additional Resources:
*Chapter 1, 8, 13 Resource Masters
Math Songs: 98 Pink Elephants (p.66 in Hands-On Activity Tools and Resources) #13
Compare and order whole numbers up to 99 (less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models. / 1 / Comparing Whole Numbers 0 – 20
§  Given sets of concrete objects, compare whole numbers and describe the sets of concrete objects using vocabulary such as less than, greater than, or equal to.
Set A /
Set B
Ask the students, “How does the number of counters in Set A compare to the number of counters in Set B?”
Answer: “Set A is greater than Set B.
Set B is less than Set A.”
§  Use pictorial models to compare whole numbers and describe the pictorial models using vocabulary such as less than/fewer than, greater than/more than, or equal to.
Set A / 9
Set B
Ask the students, “How does the number of apples in Set A compare to the number of apples in Set B?”
Answer: “Set A is less than Set B.
Set B is greater than Set A.”
Ordering Whole Numbers 0 – 20
§  Use sets of concrete objects to order whole numbers.
/ /
Set A / 3
Set B / 8
Set C
Ask the students, “How can you put the numbers in order from least to greatest and/or greatest to least?”
Answer: Least to greatest 3 – 8 – 16
Greatest to least 16 – 8 – 3
§  Use pictorial models to order whole numbers.
Set A / 9
Set B / 14
Set C
Ask the students, “How can you put the numbers in order from least to greatest and/or greatest to least?”
Answer: Least to greatest 7 – 9 – 14
Greatest to least 14 –9 – 7 / Mathematical Thinking at Grade 1
* Handfuls, Math Their Way, page 125.
* Stack, Tell, Spin, and Win, Math Their Way, pages 126-127.
* Chapter 3 Activities, * Developing Number Concepts, pages 52-75.
* Math Their Way Newsletter Chapter 4
* Math Their Way pages 166-179
* MTC lesson for addition grade 1
Create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to describe, compare, and order whole numbers.
Use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems. / 1
6 / Describing Sets of Tens and Ones
0 – 20
§  Create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to describe whole numbers.
Ask the students, “Which number is represented by this set of tens and ones?”
Answer: 14
Ask the students, “How can you represent 17 using tens and ones?”
Comparing Sets of Tens and Ones
0 – 20
§  Create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to compare whole numbers.
Ask the students to compare sets of concrete objects that represent tens and ones.
/ / /
16  12
Set A Set B
Ask the students, “How does the number of counters in Set A compare to the number of counters in Set B?”
Answer: “16 is greater than 12.
12 is less than 16.”
Ordering Sets of Tens and Ones
0 – 20
§  Create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to order whole numbers.
Ask the students to use sets of concrete objects that represent tens and ones to order whole numbers from least to greatest or greatest to least.
Ask the students, “How can you put these sets of marbles in order from least to greatest and/or greatest to least?”
Answer: Least to greatest 6-13-18
Greatest to least 18-13-6 / McGraw Hill:
Chapters: 8-1, 8-2, 13-1, 13-2, 13-4, 13-5, 13-7, 13-8
Chapter 8- CD Math Adventures-Starfish Theater (H), Workmat Ten Frame, activity in T.E., Chapter Resource Masters, & Math Their Way-p. 314
Chapter 13- CD Math Adventures-Scrambled Egg City (14A), Math Their Way- p.308-309, 310, & 315, Chapter Resource Masters, & Activity in T.E., Math Online Games (
Chapters: 3-2, 4-6, 7-2, 10-7, 10-8, 11-7, 13-5
Chapter 3- CD Math Adventures- Scrambled Egg, Math Online, Math Their Way 192, Activity in T.E , & Chapter Resource Masters.
Chapter 7- CD Math Adventures- Scrambled Egg City (10B), Math Online Games, Chapter Resource Masters , Activity in T.E.
* Mathematical Thinking at Grade 1
* MTC lesson for place value grade 1
* Math Their Way Newsletter Chapter 4
* Math Their Way pages 267-298
* Developing Number Concepts page 154-155
* Math Their Way chapters 7, 8, 9
Compare and order whole numbers using place value.
Relate informal language to mathematical language to symbols. / 2
6 / Use Place Value to Compare Whole Numbers 0 – 20
§  Use place value to compare whole numbers.
Use an instructional strategy, such as a place value chart, to compare whole numbers from 0-20.
Prompt the students to look at the greater place value (tens) to see which number has a greater value.
Tens / Ones
1 / 0
1 / 6
1 / 9
If the digits in the tens place are the same, prompt the students to look at the next larger place value (ones) to see which number has a greater value.
Tens / Ones
1 / 0
1 / 6
1 / 9
Prompt the student to compare the digits in the ones place to determine which number has the greatest value.
Ask the students, “How do you know which number is the greatest?”
Answer: “All the numbers have the same number of tens but 19 has the greatest number of ones.”
Ask the students, “How do you know which number is the smallest?”
Answer: “All the numbers have the same number of tens but 10 has the smallest number of ones.”
Use Place Value to Order Whole Numbers 0 – 20
§  Use place value to order whole numbers.
Prompt the students to look at the greatest place value (tens) to see which number has a greater value.
Tens / Ones
1 / 1
1 / 5
If the digits in the tens place are the same, prompt the students to look at the next largest place value (ones) to see which number has the greatest value.
Tens / Ones
1 / 1
1 / 5
Prompt the students to compare the digits in the ones place to determine which number has the greatest value.
Ask the students, “How can you put the numbers in order from least to greatest?”
Answer: 9-11-15
Ask the students, “How can you put the numbers in order from greatest to least?”
Answer: 15-11-9 / * Mathematical Thinking at Grade 1
* Math Their Way, Chapters 7, 8, 9
McGraw Hill
Chapter: 8-4
Literature Connection:
Out for the Count: A Counting Adventure by Kathryn Cave
Mc Graw Hill:
Throughout the text/examples:
2-1, 2-2 2-3,3-6,3-7
Read It! Draw It! Solve It!
Groundworks Reasoning with Numbers
Model and create addition and subtraction problem situations with concrete objects and write corresponding number sentences.
Identify mathematics in everyday situations.
Solve problems with guidance that incorporates the process of understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness.
Select or develop an appropriate problem-solving plan or strategy including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, or acting it out in order to solve a problem.
Justify his or her thinking using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology. / 1
6 / Addition: Sums to 10
§  Use concrete objects to model addition problem situations with sums to 10 and write the corresponding number sentence.
Use tools such as the Part/Part/Whole mat and concrete objects such as counters to model addition problem situations.
Part / Part
Payton had 2 teddy bears, her sister gave her 3 more. How many teddy bears does Payton have all together?
Model by placing 2 teddy-bear counters in one “part” of the Part/Part/Whole mat and 3 teddy bears counters in the other “part” of the Part/Part/Whole mat.
Move the “parts” to the whole section since the question asks to find the number of teddy bears she has all together.
Remind the students that Payton started with 2 bears and her sister gave her 3 bears. She ended up with a total of 5 bears.
Model for the students how to write the number sentence.
Number Sentence: 2+3=5 or 3+2=5.
§  Use concrete objects to create addition problem situations with sums to 10 and write the corresponding number sentence.
Use tools such as a Part/Part/Whole mat and concrete objects such as counters to create addition problem situations.
Part / Part
Provide the students with 10 two- colored counters. Prompt the students to use the 10 two-colored counters to create an addition problem situation and write the corresponding number sentence.
Example of an addition problem: “Makenzie had 6 pencils, and her friend gave her 4 more. How many pencils does Makenzie have in all?”
Possible Answer:
The students place 6 two-colored counters in one “part” of the Part/Part/Whole mat and 4 two-colored counters in the other “part” of the Part/Part/Whole mat.
Since the question asks to find the number of pencils she had in all, the students will then move the “parts” to the “whole” section.
The students write the number sentence that matches the problem.
Answer: 6 + 4 = 10
Subtraction: Difference from 10
§  Use concrete objects to model subtraction problems and write the corresponding number sentence.
Use tools such as a Part/Part/Whole mat and concrete objects such as counters to model separating or comparing sets.
Part / Part
Monika had 7 ants in her ant farm. If
5 of the ants got out of her ant farm, how many ants would Monika have left in her ant farm?
Model placing 7 counters in the “whole” part of the mat.
Place 5 of the counters on a “part” of the part-part-whole chart.
Explain that the remaining counters represent the number of ants remaining from the “whole” and the number of ants that are left in Monika’s ant farm. Move the remaining ants to the other “part” of the Part/Part/Whole mat.
Remind the students that Monika started with 7 ants, and then 5 of the ants left the ant farm. She now has
2 ants in her ant farm.
Model for the students how to write the corresponding number sentence.
Number Sentence: 7 – 5 = 2
§  Use concrete objects to create subtraction problem situations with differences from 10 and write the corresponding number sentence.
Use tools such as a Part/Part/Whole mat and concrete objects such as counters to create subtraction problems.
Part / Part
Example: Provide the students with
8 linking cubes. Prompt the students to use the 8 linking cubes to create a subtraction problem situation and write the corresponding number sentence.
“Natalie had 8 seashells in a sand pail. She gave 3 of the seashells to her sister. How many seashells does Natalie have left in her sand pail?”
The student places 8 linking cubes in the “whole” part of the Part/Part/Whole mat.
Then the student places 3 of the linking cubes in one “part” of the Part/Part/Whole mat. The 5 linking cubes remaining in the “whole” section of the mat represent the 5 seashells that Natalie has left in her sand pail.
The student writes the number sentence that matches the problem.
Answer: 8 – 3 = 5
Using the Problem Solving Model with Joining and Separating SetsExample:
Kevin had some pieces of bubble gum. His friend gave him 3 more pieces of bubble gum. Now Kevin has a total of