English Didactics III
Hansjörg Perino Claudia Sabo
Lesson Plan: Learning new vocabulary
Lesson Aim: Students will have learned new vocabulary (Queen, palace, royal guard, crown, jewels, throne, servant, carriage, to reign)Stage and Aim / Procedure T (instruction /role) / Procedure Ss
(content / interaction) / Material / Time
Starter / - Teacher (T) shows picture of Buckingham Palace[1] on OHP and elicits word “palace” and its definition. / - Students (Ss) listen and try to come up with definition / - Transparency with picture of Buckingham Palace, OHP / 2-3’
Vocabulary Exercise
Match description with word
Lexical set / - T hands out worksheet and asks Ss to work in pairs and match words and with their definition. (1st exercise) and then to do the 2nd exercise. With the help of their dictionary, they should find:
1. two antonyms for “palace”
2. build a word family for “servant”
3. verb form of “carriage”
4. three words with similar meaning to “jewel”
5. noun for “to reign”
- T asks for volunteers to provide solution / - Sts follow teacher´s instructions / - T prepares a worksheet containing the words to be learned and their definitions (from the OED) / 20’
Homework / - Ss write a story containing as many words learned as possible
[1] http://images.google.ch/imgres?imgurl=http://static.flickr.com/103/278988405_c370df6000_o.jpg&imgrefurl=http://panoramicearth.blogspot.com/2006/10/buckingham-palace-london.html&h=369&w=800&sz=103&hl=de&start=68&tbnid=IWQOqe-yMLjxxM:&tbnh=66&tbnw=143&prev=