Deadlines for applications: noon on Wednesday 23 May 2018 and Wednesday 28 November 2018
This grant is to support Nurse Members who are seeking funding:
  • for a research or audit project to enhance nursing/clinical practice
  • to produce preliminary data for a full application for a competitive Doctoral Research Fellowship at the start of a PhD programme
Up to £10,000 is available per year with this grant being available once to a particular member in their career
Value: Up to £5,000is available per grant deadline
Grants are available to nurses who have been a member of the Society for a minimum of one year
Deadlines: noon on Wednesday 23 May 2018 and Wednesday 28 November 2018


Please type or use block capitals

Name of applicant: ...... Membership number:......

Name of Institution: ......

Name of Department:......

Work Address:......

Email address:......

Telephone number (work):......

Position held (with start date):......

Academic and professional qualifications:......

PIN number:......

Summary of project

To include: Title, background, and rationale of research or audit, aim; research or audit question, methodology, population/sample/recruitment, data collection, confidentiality & anonymity, analysis, ethics & governance, resources/cost, clinical implications/service improvement.

(no more than 1000 words excluding references. Any figures and legends should not exceed one page)

Summary of costs:
Description of item/s / Rationale / Cost
Total costs requested:
Justification for funding (max 500 words) to include:
  • Benefit to applicant - What are your professional goals and how will the activity contribute to your professional development?

  • Benefit to endocrine research/nursing or clinical practice - Please describe the perceived benefits to patients/users/carers. (e.g, improvements in direct care or how findings will directly improve care)
  • How will you disseminate your findings? (e.g, publications, conference)

Details of any other funding relating to this initiative? Please include both current funding and applications for funding:
Details of any other grants, including Society grants awarded in the last 2 years
What would constitute a successful outcome of this grant?
SECTION 2 - Details required from the Head of Department
Confirmation that this application data is correct and has my approval on behalf of the hospital/Trust department and in acceptance of the Society’s terms & conditions. These can be found at the end of this application form.
Name of applicant:......
Name of Head of department:......
Head of department contact details:
Name of department:......
Name of hospital/Trust: ......
Work address:......
Email address (work):......
Telephone number (work):......
Head of department signature:......
SECTION 3- Details of research supervisor or supervisory team leader
Research must have academic support; please provide your research supervisor/supervisory team leader contact details.
Research supervisor/supervisory team leader details:......
Name of university:......
Email address:......
Research supervisor/supervisory team leader signature:......
Applicant signature:......
Please submit all parts of the application form electronically to the Bristol office
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Terms and conditions
  • Applications submitted by a member based at a recognised Higher Education Research Institute and/or Medical Institution will be considered
  • The Society for Endocrinology is a small charity, which is able to support the work of a limited number of members by providing grants to support the direct costs of research/audit projects. Acceptance of this grant, if awarded, will imply that the institution is prepared to meet the full economic costs from its own sources of funding
  • Each eligible member may receive one Endocrine Nurse Grant during their career
  • The Society requires two written reports from the applicant no later than 12 months after receipt of the grant, unless otherwise agreed by the Society for Endocrinology. One academic report (max 1000 words) should demonstrate how the grant benefited the applicant and the report should also include details of any publications resulting from the grant or papers submitted. We also require a second short lay summary article (100-200 words) for publicity and/or publication in The Endocrinologist or on the Society’s website. This should focus on how the award has improved or changed the successful applicant’s career.
  • The Society reserves the right to publish successful applicants' final reports
  • The successful applicants must recognise the award on their departmental website with a link to the Society website for a minimum of six months after receipt of the grant
  • If conference/meeting abstracts have been funded by the grant this should be acknowledged
  • Only one application permitted per grant cycle
  • Funds awarded are final and do not include overheads
  • Funds must have been used by 12 months after the date awarded, unless otherwise agreed by the Society for Endocrinology.
  • Funds are awarded on the understanding that they are used for the purpose stated in the application form. If support is obtained elsewhere or any part of the grant is unused, the balance will be refunded to the Society for Endocrinology.
  • Grants cannot be awarded retrospectively
  • All applications will be marked by a Grants Panel comprising Nurse and Clinical Members of the Society, who have no conflict of interest with the applicants
  • The decision of the Grants Panel is final and not subject to appeal
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered
  • In the event of your application being unsuccessful, we are unable to provide feedback.
  • Resubmissions will be accepted, but the applicant should make it clear how the application has been improved