TUESDAY, 26 MAY2009 AT 2.00P.M.


Report of the Director of ChildrenSchools and Families

Authors: Pauline Davis- Telephone No. 01992 555865

Kate Ma- Telephone No. 01992 555858

Executive Member:Keith Emsall

Local Member:Jane Pitman

  1. Purpose of Report

1.1To inform Cabinet of the outcome of the public consultation on the proposal to lower the age range of Jenyns First School, Braughing to create a foundation stage class,so that Cabinet can decide whether to:

(i) accept the proposals and authorise the Director to publish statutory notices;

(ii)take no further action; or

(iii)initiate fresh consultation on any alternative suggestion(s)

  1. Summary

2.1Jenyns First School has for some time expressed a wish to take nursery aged children and create a foundation stage (mixed nursery/reception) class. A statutory notice is required to lower the age range of the school.

2.2 A public consultation ran between 20 January 2009 and 14 April 2009 and a total of 25 responses were received, including 18 from pupils. All respondents were in favour of the proposal. Taking into account the favourable responses, Cabinet is recommended to accept the proposal.

3. Recommendation

3.1 Cabinet is recommended to accept the proposal to lower the age range of JenynsFirstSchool, Braughing and to authorise the Director of Children, Schools and Families to publish a statutory notice.



4.1.1Local preschool places were provided previously by Pumpkins Preschool which operated out of the village hall. Pumpkins Preschool closed in July 2008 leaving a lack of preschool places to meet local demand.

4.1.2JenynsFirstSchool currently operates an ‘Other 4s’ scheme, admitting children into its reception class early. Lowering the age range of the School will enable the admission of nursery aged children (3 & 4 year olds), creating a foundation stage class to serve local children and parents. Provision for younger children is not intended to be met within this proposal.

4.2Process and timescale

4.2.1A twelve week public consultation was carried out on the proposal, from 20 January to 14 April 2009.

4.2.2A consultation letter was sent to all parents/carers, governors and staff of the schools affected, as well as to other schools in the area and to all other statutory consultees. The letter was also available on the County Council’s website. A copy of the consultation letteris attached as Appendix 1.

4.2.3In addition to the public consultation, a drop-in session was held for parents/carers andthe school consulted its pupils.

4.2.4Should Cabinet decide on 26 May2009 to authorise publication of a statutory notice, the notice would run for six weeks during which time comments/objections may be made. Any objections received during this periodwould be presented to Cabinet on 21 September 2009. If there are no objections the Director of Children, Schools and Families will implement the decision using his delegated powers.

4.2.5The proposed change for JenynsFirstSchoolwould be effective from September 2009.

  1. Results of the public consultation

5.1 There were a total of 25 responses to the public consultation. All respondents were in favour of the proposal. The school also consulted their pupils on this proposal. Copies of all responses are available in the Members’ Room.

5.2Key issues raised were that there would be provision in the village for nursery aged pupils who would then be able to continue their primary education at the same school. Parents would not have to travel out of the village for nursery provision and this would offer continuity for the children.

6.Financial implications

6.1Revenue funding

The new Single Early Years Funding Formula, implemented in April 2009, will fund small rural settings at eight children if they have less. Although the precise definitions of ‘small rural settings’ is still being worked on, it is likely to include all those in small villages like Braughing, where the County Council has decided that local provision is necessary.

6.2Capital funding

JenynsFirstSchool buildings are able to accommodate the nursery aged children, there are, therefore, no capital funding implications and there will be no call on the County Councils capital programme.

Background Information
