Membership Form

Dancehouse is about people. We have a great community of Dance Makers who support each other and support the development of our program through sharing their talent and vision with us.

We also have a great community of Dance Lovers, who support our Dance Makers in their work, buying tickets to their shows and offering their support wherever it is needed.

If you are a maker or a lover of Dance, you can show your support for Dancehouse and receive some great benefits.

We now have one membership to Dancehouse: one that embraces both the DANCE MAKER and the DANCE LOVER.

This membership puts you at the heart of a passionate, articulate and supportive community. Our members pay less for everything that we do and are the first to receive information about what is happening.


As a Dancehouse MEMBER, you’ll receive:

  • Discounted rehearsal studio hire (the cheapest in Melbourne)
  • Discounted to our performance program
  • Discounted workshops and classes
  • Discounts at businesses local to Dancehouse
  • Chances to win free tickets to Dancehouse and third party events throughout the year
  • Professional Development advice with Dancehouse staff
  • Eligibility for Dancehouse’s Housemate Residency Program, Learning Curve andSpace Grants
  • Invitations to exclusive events
  • Dancehouse newsletters delivered to your inbox
  • Access to our Greenroom Library archive

12 month Dancehouse Membership

$50.00 for individuals and $70.00 for Organisations

It’s easy to become a Dancehouse Member, simply fill out the form, choose your membership type and a method of payment and forward to the Administration and Communications Officer, Julia .


Suburb: / Postcode:
Email: / Phone:
SECTION A – Choose your membership

Dancehouse MEMBER (Individual)DancehouseMEMBER (Org)


SECTION B – Payment Options

I would like to pay by: □cheque/money order (please make out to Dancehouse Inc. and enclose)

□direct deposit (Dancehouse account details on Invoice)


□credit card

(visa / mastercard) # ______expiry date _ _ / _ _

CCV (last 3 digits on back of card) _ _ _

Name on Card ______

CONTACT SECTION (Please tick if you wish to receive emails)
Please add me the mailing list for the:□Enewsletter

How did you hear about Dancehouse membership: ______

Office use only

MEM # / Mailchimp Update / Database Update / Card sent date
INV No. / Amount / MYOB Update

Dancehouse is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, Department of Premier and Cabinet, and is supported by the City of Yarra through the use of the Dancehouse facility.

Dancehouse: +61 3 9347 2860