Please return to the Extension Office by the date indicated by the handbook (revised 2/2016)

Grady County 4-H Special Awards Form

Name ______

Club ______Year ______

Yes, I have completed a record book in the following project area/s: ______

I would like to be considered for a special award in:

Award / Jr. / Sr. / Award / Jr. / Sr. / Award / Jr. / Sr.
Agriculture / Beef / Breads
Citizenship / Childcare / Conservation
Entomology / Fabric & Fashion / Food Science
Geology / Health & Fitness / Horticulture & Plant Science
Horse / Leadership / Outdoor Life
Performing Arts / Poultry / Public Speaking
Safety / Science & Technology / Sheep
Shooting Sports / Swine / Vet. Science

Juniors are 3rd – 7th grade; seniors are 8th grade and above. Member must submit a record book for the current year. Only work done in the current 4-H year should be included on this form. Members can receive each special award once as a Jr. and once as a Sr. and may apply for more than one special award each year. A Special Awards form must be completed for each awarda member would like to be considered for.Forms that list more than one special award will be disqualified or includes project work outside the scope of the award project area. (Example: Showing Cattle would be project work in Agriculture and Beef but is outside the scope of Leadership or Swine) Members are encouraged to list more than the required activities because Special Awards forms will be evaluated against one another. Forms can be completed by hand or electronically.

Additional space and pages may be added.

1. 4-H Project Work – List 4-H projects completed that were specified for your year of project work. (include only work done in 4-H should be included in the section) This includes everything that you did specific to this project. (ie. public speaking, recipes tried, workshops attended, live actions, exhibits made, news articles written, etc. – must completed at least 5 activities in project work)

2. Non 4-H Project Work – List projects completed at school, church or other youth organizations.

3.What Have You LearnedIn This Project?(must learn at least 2 new skills or pieces of information)

4. Citizenship(must complete at least 2 citizenship activities in the project area & 1 other citizenship activity)

Project Related Citizenship Activity:

Other Citizenship Activities:

5. Leadership(must complete at least 2 leadership activities in the project area & 1 other leadership activity)

Project Related Leadership:

Other Leadership:

6. Awards in this project (optional)