Honors Program Protocol Requirements

For students accepted to the Honors Program on or after Fall 2009

All Honors students including the Centralis Scholarship recipients must complete each of the following Honors Protocol components if they desire to graduate with Honors Program distinction. Completion of the Honors Protocol will result in “Honors Program Graduate” being noted on the student’s permanent transcript. The Honors Protocol requirements are as follows:

(1)  Complete at least 22 credits of Honors coursework before graduation from CMU, (in addition to HON 499), of which three credits must be HON 100 and 9 credits must be taken at the 300 level or above. Honors coursework is defined as HON classes, H-designated classes, and Honors Contracts successfully completed. Honors Contracts may be used to fulfill a maximum of 6 of these 22 credits, with the approval of the Honors Director.

(2)  To enhance exposure to cultural diversity (the study of a cultural aspect substantially different than one’s own either in or outside the United States for college credit), complete a minimum of 6-8 credit hours of the following at the college level:

·  Foreign language courses

·  American Sign Language courses

·  Study Abroad Courses for college credit

·  Honors Cultural Diversity courses approved by the Honors Council

(3)  Participate in a university or community volunteer service project, completing 120 hours of volunteer service during one’s four years at CMU.

(4)  Complete a Honors Senior Project and enroll in HON 499. The senior project involves research or a creative endeavor conducted with a faculty advisor from the student’s major or minor discipline. Before beginning the senior project, students must complete an Honors Senior Project Proposal form outlining the goals of the project and have it signed by the faculty advisor. Students are encouraged to begin planning for the senior project during their junior or third year of study at CMU. The Senior Project Proposal is due two full semesters before the student plans to graduate (excluding summer semesters). The completed senior project and all other Protocol requirements are due at least one full semester before the student plans to graduate. Students are expected to present their project at the Student Research and Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE) the spring semester of their senior year.

NOTE: A student must maintain a cumulative CMU grade point average of 3.25 to remain active in and graduate from the Honors Program. Students are required to earn a grade of at least “B-” in all H, HON, or Honors Contract courses. An Honors course may not be counted in more than one of the four areas of the Protocol. For example, if a student takes ASL 101H the student must decide if he / she would like to count it in area one as an Honors course or in area two as a foreign language / diversity offering.


As a member of the Honors Program at Central Michigan University, you are participating in a community of scholarship based on the values of honesty, respect, fairness, and responsibility. You are expected to adhere to the CMU policies on academic integrity stipulated in the CMU Bulletin. In all of your academic work, you must adhere to the highest standards of integrity. You will not cheat, plagiarize, or receive or provide inappropriate assistance on any course activity for which a grade or credit is awarded. Membership in the Honors Program is based on academic performance and all forms of cheating call into question the validity of a student’s grades. Participation in the CMU Honors Program is a privilege, and failure to adhere to standards of academic integrity may result in dismissal from the Honors Program.
