Mr. David Knox

The Episcopal Academy

Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach

“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.”

Bill Shankly


The section below outlines the coach’s expectations for both players and parents on the varsity, junior varsity and third team. These guidelines are intended to help clarify the player’s responsibilities to the team and their team-mates, as well as to outline the best way for both players and parents to communicate with the coaches and to support the program.

The main expectation is that you do nothing to compromise yourself, the team, your family or your school. That is doing your best to ensure that you don’t let yourself, your teammates, your family or your school down while representing EA.

Every successful venture must begin with standards for what is expected from its participants. As we enter the 2010 soccer season we must be clear about such expectations. Soccer is a game that can build confidence, responsibility and teamwork among individuals who might otherwise never be asked to put anything ahead of their own concerns. Commitment, determination and hard work are more important than talent, strength or speed; and success is commitment’s reward. This commitment begins with the responsibility and accountability for actions that might disrupt our progress. In the interest of the individual as a valued team member I have drafted the following guidelines. The signature of player and parent are indications of both agreement and intended compliance.

Player Expectations and Guidelines

Absence: If a player misses a practice without just cause then he will not start the next game. If a player is injured, unless attending rehabilitation, then he is expected to be at practice and observe the session. If a player knows that he will miss a practice or game because of illness, academic issues or other conflict then it is his responsibility to contact the coach in advance.

Academics: One of the goals of the program is to produce competent and confident student athletes. We strive to find the right balance between academics, athletics and social opportunities. The education of the players is the priority of the program. If any players are experiencing academic issues please contact a member of the coaching staff immediately.

Athletic Trainers: Players are encouraged to seek out the trainers if they are injured. The trainers are a valuable resource and you must make use of them. They are also able to put together a rehabilitation program to help you recover from injury quicker and get you back on the field sooner.

Awards: All varsity players are expected to attend the end of season Athletic Awards Banquet. At that event soccer players may receive one of three awards; The Alumni Memorial Gold Soccer Ball, The Class of 1999 Soccer Award, The EA Defender Award.

Away Games: All players are expected to travel on the bus to away games unless permission is given by the head coach. Players are allowed to leave with their parents after the game. If a player leaves with another parent written permission must be received. If no parent is in attendance the player will, return to school on the bus.

Captains Expectations: Captains are held to a higher standard and will be issued further expectations.

Coaching Staff: David Knox – Head Varsity Coach – David Dwyer – Assistant Varsity Coach – Jeremy Hark – Head Junior Varsity Coach – Steven Ramirez – Assistant Junior Varsity Coach – Ed Silvi – Head Third Team Coach – Hank Albrycht – Assistant Third Team Coach –

Collegiate Soccer: One of the goals of the program is to advance talented soccer players and encourage them to play at the collegiate level. If you are being actively recruited or have aspirations to play in college please communicate this to the head coach as soon as possible. If you are unsure if you could play at the next level please discuss with one of the coaches.

Communication: All players are expected to check their EA e-mail accounts daily for soccer related messages. Players are also given coaches cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses to enable ease of communication with the coaches.

Conduct on the Field: Players are expected to uphold the Inter-Ac Sportsmanship Code while on the field in both practices and games. Profanity will not be tolerated. Players are expected to treat their teammates, coaches, opposing players and coaches and referees with respect.

Contact: Please feel free to contact Coach Knox (Head Coach) at any time; 610-805-0070 (Cell) 484-424-1796 (School) (E-Mail). Coach Dwyer (Assistant Coach);

Ejection: If a player is ejected from a game for any reason, he may be suspended from the next game at the discretion of the head coach. Depending on the severity of the offense he may be subject to further disciplinary action.

Game Days: Players will be told prior to each game when they are expected on the field or in the bus pick-up area. All players must report for games on time wearing their game uniform and with all the necessary equipment. Responsibilities regarding team equipment must also be carried out.

Game Uniforms: Game uniforms are expensive items and should not be used for practice. They should also not be worn to school unless under direct instruction from the head coach.

Hazing: Hazing will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the team and further consequences.

Injury: Injuries sustained in practice or in a game must be reported to the coaches and the training staff.

Late Arrival to School: All athletes must adhere to the Upper School rule which requires students to be at school on the day of a game by 9.00 a.m. in order to participate in that day’s game.

Observations and Recommendations: All players will receive a pre-season and mid-season critique on their playing ability. This must be returned signed by both the players and the player’s parent. Space is provided for the player to give his opinion.

Outside Activities: Players must understand that during the season practices and games take priority over any club soccer responsibilities or other non-soccer activities outside of school. Players will be excused in the event of illness, family bereavement or a family emergency at the discretion of the head coach.

Player Concerns: If a player is concerned about their playing time, position, or any other aspect of their role on the team, they should speak with the head coach directly. Players should approach the coach before or after practice, or make an appointment for a mutually acceptable time.

Playing Time: All players are treated equally. The one exception to this is that players will not receive equal playing time. This must be earned by performance, hard work and a positive attitude.

Practice Time: During the regular school year, practices on non-game days begin at 3.45 p.m. and will end no later than 5.45 p.m. It is expected that players will be ready to begin practice, wearing all appropriate equipment at 3.45 p.m.

Pre-Game Scouting Report: Before all games players, and parents, will be issued with a scouting report of the team to be played. Players are expected to read and understand what may be expected of them

Practice Schedule: Players will be issued a practice schedule at the beginning of the season. Practice may be scheduled on weekends and/or holidays. Players must make every effort possible to attend all practices. If you are unable to make a practice advance notice is appreciated.

Physical: All players are expected to have a current physical on file with the Athletic Trainer. Failure to do so may result in the player’s inability to tryout or practice

Pre-Season Trip: After the initial week of tryouts varsity players will be required to participate in a pre-season trip. This trip will likely entail several days out of the immediate area.

Recruiting: In order to advance the program and put the very best soccer product on the field we are always looking for talented scholar athletes. The coaching staff actively recruits in the off-season. Players and parents are encouraged to share with the head coach any information on players that they may observe who would make a great addition to EA. Traditional entry points are in 6th and 9th grade, though spaces may be available in other grades.

Selection of Captain(s): At the end of the season all varsity players who are letter winners will vote on the following year’s captain. All players will tender two votes. Varsity coaches may also chose to vote. Letter winners will also cast votes for the soccer awards presented at the end of season banquet.

Summer Camps: Players are encouraged to attend off campus soccer camps in the summer. If you are unsure of which camps may be beneficial please contact one of the coaches. If you need recommendations for camps please see one of the coaches.

Summer League: An Episcopal Academy team is entered in a local summer league. All EA soccer players are encouraged to attend when possible.

Summer Workouts Package: All Episcopal Academy soccer players are given a comprehensive fitness workout package at the beginning of summer. If followed diligently this package will return the player to school in the fall in the very best condition. Fitness tests will be undertaken at the beginning of the season to determine each player’s fitness level.

Social Conduct: Per the Upper School Handbook, players who are disciplined by the school for any reason, including alcohol, tobacco or illegal drug use, may be suspended from team participation at the discretion of the head coach.

Swing Players: After tryouts all players will be assigned a team. Players may be informed at this time that their services may be required on two teams independently. Other players may be asked to train with one team and play with another team. If during the season a player is not playing at his potential then he may be moved to another team. If a player is performing exceptionally well he may also be moved to another team. Players may be moved up and down at the discretion of the coaches.

Team Building Activities: Team building activities are planned at the beginning of the year and noted on the practice schedule. These activities may take the form of team dinners, captain’s dinners or other off campus activities such as paintballing. All players are expected to attend.

Team Equipment: All players will be given a team equipment schedule at the beginning of the season detailing individual responsibilities. It is the responsibility of those charged with a duty to bring the equipment to the field/game before practice and to return the equipment to the storage area.

Tryouts: Players should be ready and able to practice twice a day during the first week of tryouts. Tryouts will be physically trying and players need to be in excellent physical condition.

Uniforms: Each player will be given an EA uniform at the beginning of the season. It is the responsibility of the player to take good care of the uniform during the season, and, return it when asked at the end of the season.

Varsity Letter Requirements: Varsity letters are given to players at the end of the season at the discretion of the coaching staff. Effort, attendance, punctuality and attitude are factors that affect the decision. This is then presented to the Athletic Committee at the end of the season.

Varsity Squad: The varsity squad will comprise of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders. In exceptional circumstances 8th graders may be considered at the discretion of the head coach after discussion with the Athletic Directors and Heads of both the Middle and Upper Schools.

The head coach reserves the right to make decisions in all of the above directives for the good of individual players, the team as a whole and the wider school community.

Parental Expectations

Captains Parents: The captain’s parents are expected to be the link between the head coach and the parents. They will distribute information, assign duties and help with communication as needed.

Coaching from the Sidelines: Parents are asked to refrain from coaching their son from the sideline. Praise and support are of course most welcome.

Communicating with Opposing Teams: Parents should not approach any player or coach from an opposing team, unless it is to congratulate them on the game. Any concerns about behavior from opposing fans and/or players should be directed to the head coach or the Athletic Director.

Contact: Please feel free to contact Coach Knox at any time; 610-805-0070 (Cell) 484-424-1796 (School) (E-Mail)

Parent Concerns: Parents should speak with the head coach directly if they are confused or concerned about their son’s role on the team. Coaches will not speak with parents about playing time, coaching decisions or another player other than their own. Please feel free to contact the head coach with any concerns about your son’s health and well being.

Referees: Parents should not direct complaints or concerns directly to a referee, either during or after a game.

Speaking with the Coach and Players during the game: Parents should refrain from approaching or speaking to the coach before, during or after the game. This applies win, lose or draw. Parents should not approach or speak to the players, including their son, unless it is an emergency.

What we ask is that all fans conduct themselves with the same level of sportsmanship and respect that they expect from their sons and the coaching staff.

At The Episcopal Academy Sportsmanship is an Expectation. So, let the players play, the coaches coach, the officials officiate, and, the spectators be positive - Grace in Victory, Honor in Defeat.