DATA for 2005 / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q
A Name of UNIT / Del pa / Del prim / SVD's / Instru del / CS / Cat4 CS (elective) / Cat4 CS prim / n RA for labour / n RA for labour in prim / Total n GA / Total n de novo GA / n SSS / De novo Epi / TopUp epi / De novo CSE / TopUp CSE
Enter as much data as available for 2005 in the empty row above
A / Name of Unit
B / The number of deliveries (women not babies) in your obstetric unit per annum (including midwifery led deliveries)
C / The number of deliveries (women) of primiparous patients in your obstetric unit per annum (including midwifery led deliveries)
D / The number of women having spontaneous (unassisted) vaginal deliveries
E / The number of women having assisted vaginal deliveries (forceps and ventouse)
F / The number of women having Caesarean sections
G / The number of women having category 4 (elective) Caesarean sections
H / The number of primiparous women having category 4 (elective) Caesarean sections
I / The number of women having regional analgesia (regional block for pain relief initially and NOT for Caesarean section initially)
J / The number of primiparous women having regional analgesia (regional block for pain relief initially and NOT for Caesarean section initially)
K / The number of women having Caesarean sections under general anaesthesia
L / The number of women having Caesarean sections under de novo general anaesthesia (without previous regional anaesthesia)
M / The number of women having Caesarean sections under single shot spinals
N / The number of women having Caesarean sections under de novo epidurals
O / The number of women having Caesarean sections under topped-up epidurals
P / The number of women having Caesarean sections under de novo combined spinal epidurals (counting also the CSE in which the epidural catheter was not used)
Q / The number of women having Caesarean sections under topped-up CSE's (ie topped-up epidural catheters which were put in as part of a CSE for labour analgesia)

Please return by email to ; by post to OAA Secretariat, PO Box 3219, Barnes, London SW13 9XR or by fax: 020 8741 0611