Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
Unit 2 Political Ideology
Directions: Answer the following vocabulary, questions, charts, graphs and sample test questions completely and thoroughly. NO CREDIT will be given for an answer that is copied straight from the book or any other source. This packet is not a collaborative effort. Do your own work. Ensure that there is NO QUESTION about whether you did it on your own. The entire packet MUST be hand written.
SCORING: There are 2 grades for this packet. One grade is received for completion and one for accuracy. Accuracy is scored by whether or not each answer is correct. Each part is worth 20% of your completion grade.
PART 1: Vocabulary
Directions: for each term, write a full definition (usethe definition in the chapter rather than in the glossary). Remember to stay within the context of what we are focusing on.
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
- Political party
- major parties
- party in power
- partisanship
- bipartisan
- coalition
- single-member district
- Incumbent
- electorate
- factions
- precinct
- split-ticket voting
- Nomination
- general election
- caucus
- direct primary
- closed primary
- open primary
- absentee voting
- ballot
- polling place
- coattail effect
- Political Action Committees (PAC)
- subsidy
- soft money
- hard money
- suffrage
- gerrymandering
- off-year elections
- gender gap
- party identification
- straight-ticket voting
- split-ticket voting
- independents
- public affairs
- public opinion
- mass media
- opinion leaders
- interest groups
- sample
- public opinion poll
- public agenda
- red states
- blue states
- lobbying
- grass roots
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
Part 2: Legislation/Issues/Supreme Court Cases.
Directions: For each item, write a brief explanation (2 – 3 sentences minimum) about its impact on voting. For each Supreme Court case, be sure to include the year of the case, a brief explanation of the circumstances that brought the parties to the Supreme Court, who the chief justice was, and what the outcome was.
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
- Buckley v. Valeo
- Bush v. Gore
- Motor Voter Act (1993)
- Civil Rights Act (1964)
- Voting Rights Act (1965)
- Harper v. VirginiaState Board of Elections
- 15th Amendment
- 19th Amendment
- 23rd Amendment
- 24th Amendment
- 26th Amendment
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
Part 3: Factors that affect voting
Directions: For each of the following, write one or 2 sentences explaining the affect that each has on the likelihood of people voting.
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
- education
- occupation/income
- age
- race
- gender
- religion
- marital status
- geography
- party identification
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
Part 4: Graphic Organizers
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
Directions: Complete each graphic organizer using chapter 16 in your e- book.
A: Name the 3 types of political party systems and explain how the effect they have on governing
PARTY SYSTEM / EFFECTB: Name 4 ways candidate get on the ballot and why each method has drawn criticism
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
Part 5: Sample Test questions
- Directions: write each test question out COMPLETELY (If you only write out the question and possible answer you will receive NO CREDIT for this portion of the packet.
- The term iron triangle refers to
- a tightly-knit set of lobbying groups.
- the relationship between the Congress, the military, and defense contractors.
- a small and informal but relatively stable set of bureaucrats, legislators, and lobbyists who are
concerned with promoting a particular interest.
- the strategy of lobbying all three branches of government simultaneously.
- a corrupt relationship among the president, Congress, and the Supreme Court.
2. The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)
a.allows corporations and labor unions to spend unlimited funds on campaigns.
b.limits PACs by reducing the amount of money they can raise through contributions by small donors.
c.has forced candidates for office and elected officials to make public the amounts of campaign contributions they have received from PACs and which PACs make those donations.
d.has strengthened the argument that PACs constitute a better system of campaign finance than one based on wealthy donors.
e.has forced corporations and labor unions to legally divorce themselves from the PACs they sponsor.
B.Free Response Question. (Please identify the possible points for each section—you do not need to write out this question)
Voter turnout is affected by numerous factors.
1) Explain how each of the following affects voter turnout in the US:
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
a) Registration process
b) Frequency of elections
c) Voter ID Laws
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
2) Explain how each of the following affects the likelihood of whether or not an individual votes:
Ms. Freund Unit Packet Honors Government
a) Civic duty b) Age.