Timeline on Russian History
(to World War II)
860Rus' attack on Constantinople (one of the earliest records of Rus')
988Vladimir converts Rus' to Orthodox Christianity
1237-41Invasion and conquest of Rus' by Golden Horde (Mongols)
1547Ivan IV becomes first Muscovite Grand prince to be crowned "Tsar"
1552Muscovite conquest of the Islamic Khanate of Kazan
1649New law code completes enserfment of peasantry
1682-1725Reign of Peter I ("the Great") and westernization of Russia
1730Anne becomes Empress; "conditions" on Autocrat rejected
1772-95Incorporation of Poland into Russian Empire
1812-14Russian victory over Napoleon
1830-31Polish revolt; termination of Polish constitution
1861Emancipation of ca. 19 million serfs
1863Interior Ministry Peter Valuev's plan reform plan submitted
1879Bulgarian constitution (under Russian auspices)
1881Interior Ministry Loris-Melikov's reform plan
Assassination of Alexander II; rejection of L-M's reform plan
1904-05Russo-Japanese war ending in Russian defeat
1905-07The "Revolution of 1905"
1905Nicholas II grants the October Manifesto granting civil rights & parliament (Duma)
1906New Fundamental Law issued
1907Revision of Duma's electoral law (Peter Stolypin's "coup")
1914Outbreak of World War I (against Germany, Austria-Hunary, & Ottoman empire)
1917February: abdication of Nicholas II, creation of Provisional Government
October: the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks
1918Creation of first Soviet constitution (for RSFSR)
1918-21Russian civil war ("Reds" vs. "Whites")
1921Introduction of New Economic Policy (lasting until 1928)
1922Formation of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
1924New Soviet constitution, reflecting creation of USSR
Death of Lenin
1928Joseph Stalin solidifies power as dictator of USSR
1928-31The "Stalin Revolution": collectivization & rapid industrialization
1936New Stalin constitution
1941Nazi invasion of the USSR begins World War II for the Soviet Union
1991Collapse of the USSR, creation of 15 new independent states
Major Russian Rulers
Ivan IV ("the Terrible")1533-1584
Peter I ("the Great")1682-1725
Catherine II ("the Great")1762-1796
Alexander I1801-1825
Nicholas I1825-1855
Alexander II1855-1881
Alexander III1881-1894
Nicholas II1894-1917
Vladimir Lenin1917-1924 (as leader of the Bolsheviks)
Joseph Stalin1928-1953
Short Biographical Information
Key Figures in Russian History
Alexander II (1818-1881). Emperor & Autocrat of Russia, 1855-1881; known as "Tsar Liberator" for both his emancipation of the serfs (1861) and the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule (1878). Assassinated by radical revolutionaries in 1881.
Anna (empress). Ruled Russia 1730-40. A central figure in the government crisis of 1730, which might have established certain limitations on the autocrat in favor of a Supreme Privy Council.
Lenin (Ul'ianov), Vladimir (1870-1924). Radical revolutionary Marxist, founder and leader of the Bolshevik faction of Russian social democracy; led the Bolshevik revolution of October 1917 and the leading figure in the Soviet government from then until a series of strokes in 1922-23 incapacitated him.
Loris-Melikov, Michael (1824-1888). Interior minister in Imperial Russia, 1880-1881; author of a project to establish a consultative assembly for the participation of society in government (project was rejected after the assassination of Alexander II in 1881.
Nicholas II ( -1917). Last Emperor of Russia. Granted October Manifesto in 1905 and abdicated the throne on behaf of himself and his son in February 1917. Executed by Bolsheviks in 1918.
Peter the Great (1672-1725). Ruled Russia in 1682-1725; famous for aggressive and extensive policy of Russia's westernization and for defeating Sweden, the major power in the Baltic Sea at the time, in the Northern War.
Stalin (Jugashvili), Joseph (1879-1953). A native of Georgia, one of the inner circle of Bolsheviks. A specialist on nationality affairs., Stalin used his significant organizational skills to establish his supremacy within the Communist Party and Soviet government by late 1920s.
Stolypin, Peter (1862-1911). Interior minister and crime minister of Imperial Russia, engineer of a "coup" of 3 June 1907, which changed the electoral law of the Duma in order to minimize the number of delegates hostile to the government. Assassinated in 1911.
Trotsky (Bronstein) Lev (1879-1940). Prominent revolutionary who joined the Bolsheviks in 1917. Served as commissar for foreign affairs (1917-18) and then organized the Red Army for the civil war. Expelled from the USSR in 1929 and assassinated by Stalinist henchmen in 1940.
Valuev, Peter (1815-1890). Interior minister of Imperial Russia (1861-68), author of a plan of 1863 designed to introduction greater participation of Russian society in politics (because of growing unrest and crisis in the government that plan was never put into effect).