Please make the following changes to the answer to “Who can serve as a Designated UST Operator?” at:

Persons wishing to act as a Designated UST Operator are required to possess a current ICC California UST System Operator certificate. In addition, it is the responsibility of any person wishing to act as a Designated UST Operator to ensure that they comply with other applicable state, federal or local requirements. The Designated UST Operator could be the facility owner, operator, employee, service technician, or a third party.

At: there is a series of three questions, as follows: “Who can serve as a “Designated UST Operator”? What tasks is a Designated UST Operator required to perform? How many UST facilities can an individual be the Designated UST Operator for?” Please revise the answer to the first question as shown below, and split the questions apart so that they read:

“Who can serve as a “Designated UST Operator”?

There is no restriction on who can serve as a Designated UST Operator, as long as the individual possesses a current California UST System Operator certificate issued by the International Code Council. As long as the individual is certified by ICC, the Designated UST Operator could be the UST facility owner, operator, employee, service technician, or a third-party. Persons wishing to act as a Designated UST Operator are required to possess a current California UST System Operator certificate. In addition, it is the responsibility of any person wishing to act as a Designated UST Operator to ensure that they comply with other applicable state, federal or local requirements. The Designated UST Operator could be the facility owner, operator, employee, service technician, or a third party.

What tasks is a Designated UST Operator required to perform?

The Designated UST Operator has two primary responsibilities: 1) conduct monthly visual inspections of the UST facility, and 2) provide basic on-the-job training for “facility employees” every twelve months, starting July 1, 2005. These tasks must be performed by the Designated UST Operator, and cannot be delegated.

How many UST facilities can an individual be the Designated UST Operator for?”

Therefore, theseThe number of tasks that the Designated Operator is required to perform effectively limit the number of UST facilities for which that a Designated UST Operator can be responsible for. In addition,. Ssome UST owners/operators may wish to identify several Designated UST Operators for each of their facilities.

Finally, on please add copies of the three questions and answers above (Who can serve, What tasks, and How many).