Annual Meeting May 24th 2012

Public Forum:

Five members of public attended meeting; Mrs Jenny Lawes – volunteer youth-worker reported that following on from the meeting with LCC and the Coningsby & Tattershall Lions, no further information has been heard, the volunteers and Lou Henderson’s staff are continuing to open the youth club on a Tuesday only, as soon as the paperwork is complete there are more volunteers in place to run further evenings for the young people of the villages.

Councillors in attendance - Martin Foster, Paddy Donnellan, Richard(Dick) Johnson, Ray Curtis, Kevin Moorhouse, Glyn Olive, John Ranshaw, Martin Rickard Mrs Marlene Wilson & Mrs Ruth Sharples.

Clerk Kathy Roberts.

AGENDA 7.30pm

17. Councillor Mrs Ruth Sharples gave a vote of thanks to the Councillors and the Clerk for their support over her term of office which had been thoroughly enjoyed. Nominations were called for, for position as Chairman to the Council/ Mayor for the next two years; Cllr Mrs Sharples nominated Cllr Martin Foster, seconded Cllr Johnson; no other nominations were heard vote taken all voted in favour; Cllr Martin Foster took the Chair and Chain of office, signing the declaration of acceptance of office, countersigned by Clerk.

Cllr Foster remarked he feels very privileged to be in the position of Chairman to the Coningsby Council; he is looking forward to serving the local community and hopes to be available to carry out as many functions as possible representing Coningsby.

Cllr Paddy Donnellan thanked Councillor Mrs Ruth Sharples for her work over the past two years “A true ambassador to Coningsby”; also proposing to offer the title of Mayoress to Mrs Sylvia Foster, seconded Cllr Curtis; vote taken all voted in favour, a letter will be sent out to Mrs Foster.

18. Nominations for the position of Vice Chairman/ Deputy Mayor; after discussion and several Councillors declining nominations; Proposal to defer this item to June meeting, councillors were asked to give some thought to holding office for one year only, seconded all voted in favour.

19. Review of the elected groups and committees – Councillor Donnellan to be added to the Burial Board group all other groups are to remain as agreed August 2011.

20. Apologies and Reason for absence was heard from Councillor Mrs Mary Walker, proposal to accept these, seconded all voted in favour.

21. Notes of meeting held 26th April previously circulated, Proposal to accept as true and correct record, seconded, all voted in favour RESOLVED; minutes signed and dated.

22. Police Report – not in attendance a comprehensive report was given at Annual Parish Meeting attended by Inspector Mark French and PCSO Ali Evans.

23. Reports from Groups: - Southern Area meeting had two very informative speakers Crimestoppers and Anne Shoreland from ELDC. Sports Forum management body award grants to local organisations, they are meeting twice a year to consider requests.

24. Friends of the Pingle – ELDC have not communicated with the group for some time and the group have become most annoyed, the state of the area is becoming inaccessible to walkers, the latest information received stated that ELDC will continue to maintain the area as they have done in the past; there is to be an Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Pingle on June 12th. District Councillor

Ray Curtis offered to speak with the officers at East Lindsey dealing with this and bring answers to Council asap.

25. Skate Park – Wheelscape have agreed to increase one ramp by 300mm – WREN are asking for more detailed information on seating areas – Proposal to purchase three in number bench tables that are DDA compliant at £525 each, two in number litter bins at £189 each, one bike stand price tbc. all to be placed on concrete bases between the BMX track and the Skate park, seconded, vote taken all voted in favour. RESOLVED- Clerk was asked to contact James Ward at ELDC to see if any small grants would be available to help with the cost of the above items. Wheel Scape are to be asked to quote for the concrete bases required four in total 3mts square.

26. Best Kept Village – Vote of thanks to Cllr Ranshaw with the planters placed around the village and many thanks to the volunteers for offering to water, Cllr Curtis reported that the weeds along the Highways & Footway edges is the responsibility of the Street scene/ litter picking group. Clerk will contact ELDC to get all problem areas done. The Coningsby clean-up is going well with lots of areas being worked on, still some problem sites, letters to be sent to the owners of these sites in the hope that they respond and tidy up.

27. Parish land – the previous tenants have moved out of the Coningsby area thus leaving the land to be re let; councillors visited on 10th May, the Local Allotments group have been approached and would be keen to manage the land and deal with allotment holders, Council would initially stipulate conditions of use and term of contract etc. Management group would make one annual payment to Council. Proposal to set up a meeting with the Allotments group to discuss possibility of a contract being drawn up with Council for the rent of this land, seconded, all voted in favour.RESOLVED

28. Planning- S/035/00367/12 WHITE Bull – listed building consent lanterns & hanging baskets Full planning permission. S/035/00368/12 White Bull, Notice of split decision + time limited approval.

29. Neighbourhood Plan – ELDC recommend that Coningsby & Tattershall work together on a plan, help and advice is available from Anne Shoreland, there are also model plans to follow format. Proposal to contact Tattershall with Thorpe PC and Anne Shoreland from ELDC to set up a public meeting to discuss the project, seconded, all voted in favour.

30. Finances – Proposal to pay accounts as listed also to approve clerks time sheet for next month, seconded, all voted in favour RESOLVED

Talk Talk broardband / DD / 15.31
Coningsby Community Hall / 18.00
UK Waste 2 bins Allan Barker & Cemetery / 70.73
Goodwins - Diamond Jubilee Gardens cemetery / 46.50
Malc Firth - clearance cemetery / 828.00
Smith Construction- Muga maintenance / 140.32
Sprint signs- no parking on grass signs / 12.00
WPS Insurance - Diamond Jubilee cover / 53.00
John Ward- Grass cutting April / 100.00
Mark Overton - Grass cutting / BACS / 855.20
Ramscapes - MOD graves / BACS / 90.00
Salaries / BACS / 1,857.58
Inland Rev Via Post Office / 144.84
K Roberts - Bunting Diamond Jubilee from funds / 36.00

31. Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – all plans are in place and good weather has been requested for the day, St Michaels School Choir are practicing hard on the musical entertainment, all groups have been contacted and confirmed attendance, looking forward to the day. Malcolm Jewers has donated trophies and a BMX bike for the day (small donation of £50 required from Jubilee fund)

32. District Councillor Ray Curtis reported Cllr Stan Avison has been voted in as Chairman ELDC, question of fly tipping and areas around bins from the floor; the street cleansing teams are now responsible for these issues, incidents should be reported to the District Council to be dealt with.

33. Clerks report and correspondence –

1. Invite from RBL to Church Service – Armed Forces Day – also a show and buffet at Community hall .

2. Thank you from Lindsey Blind society for donation.

3. Reply ELDC regarding problems with wheeled bins not being replaced correctly after emptied.

4. LCC informing Council of Lions bid for management of Youth building Coningsby

5. Appointment of new auditors due to changes by Audit commission, “Grant Thornton UK LLP”

6. Honey Bees swarms, local group will collect contact details to be placed on Website and Notice board.

Annual accounts are all done and ready for internal audit, the notices have been on display for public to view

Accounts since mid-April, internal auditor should be carrying out their work early June allowing the

Presentation of accounts to council for approval on June 28th. The spread sheet system has made this process

Much easier, clerk wishes to thank council for accepting this move.

Office will be closed for the week following the Jubilee weekend, taking two days annual holiday.

Meeting Closed