2018Spring SelectCoach Application

Applications are due October 27, 2017.

Submission of this form is not a guarantee that you will coach during the 2017 Select Season

Email to o later than midnight on 10/27/17

Selection processwillbegin 10/28/17.

Check your email regularly as ALL communication will be conducted via e-mail

***Minimum requirements for any coach in the spring program are as follows***

Division / Minimum Coach Certification Level Requirements
U-10 / U-10 Coach
U-12 / U-12 Coach
U-14 / Intermediate Coach
U-16 / Advanced Coach
U-19 / Advanced Coach

The term of this team can be as short as the Spring Select league playwith minimal travel to as far as Hacienda Heights to Claremont. League play will be about 8 weeks with 6 weeks practice pre games and then tournaments ranging from San Diego, Ventura and/or Nevada. Depending on the number of tournaments your team selects this can take your season thru July.

Spring Select is a self funded program that your team will be required to provide all funds for uniforms, tournaments, travel, etc. All funds contributed must run through the Regional Treasurer. Your team is responsible to track all funds received from players and the amounts deposited with the treasurer so that you can balance with the Regional Treasurer at anytime.

Each team must have certified referees for league games and tournaments without calling the Regional Referee Administrator for support on your assignments.

Teams must comply with the AYSO Area guidelines for substitution.

Advancements of your players are expected by the players, parents and your league. Advanced training methods should be used to meet this expectation.

As the coach you are the ambassador for the league and team. It is your responsibility to control your sidelines at all times to ensure respect for all players and referees. Any incident with you, your parents or players must be reported immediately to the Regional Commissioner – Janine De Jarnatt.

Name: Best phone number:


Email: Current team number(s):

Coach Badge Level: U10 U12 Intermediate Advanced National Other:

Referee Badge Level: Regional Intermediate Advanced Section National

Spring program applying for: X Area Play All-Star

Division(s) applying for: Boys Girls U10 U12 U14 U16 U19

I have coached a Select, All Star, or Extra team previously: Year(s): Division(s):

Total AYSO coaching experience: Yr. Highest Division Coached:

Total Soccer Coaching Experience: Yr.

Your Primary Goals for the Spring Select Season:

Other Pertinent Experience:

Signed: Date:
(Coaches Signature)(Date Signed)

REGION 583 Use Only: Date received: _ _/__/___ Reviewed by: Div. Com. Date: _ _/__/___ Coach Admin. Date: __ /__/___
Regional Com. Date: _ _/__/___ Ref. Admin. Date: _ _/__/___ Registrar. Date: _ _/__/___ Regional Com. Date: _ _/__/___

Region #583 South Ontario Fury