Pleasant Grove PTO
PTO Meeting Minutes
Date: MondayDecember 5,2016
Location: PGES Library 7pm
Laura Waskom, Vice PresidentAmy KyleBritte Purtee
Joelle Marqua, SecretarySara LambertJohn Steinkamp
Trael Kelly, PrincipalMelissa Northrop Shawnie Barnett
Jen Tracy, Treasurer
Specials teachers Mrs. Koehler and Mrs. Garrett
Opening:Laura Waskom opened the meeting welcoming everyone. The floor then went tostaff in attendance first.
Guest Speakers:
Mrs. Garrett explained that tech lab has been focused on typing starting with 1st graders in 2nd semester and has found that they can grasp it easier when beginning early like this. They are also working on digital citizenship with the emphasis of being safe online. She is looking into a typing program- Meavis Beacon for future use. Mrs. Koehlerstressed her appreciation for PTO providing books for the library through the book fair. She is also looking into the possibility of getting a cart to use for creating STEM activities that teachers can pull into their rooms. She will compile a list of items that can be circulated to PGES families for donating for this. She also explained strategies for getting the students to expand their reading by picking different genres and getting positive points.
OLD Business:
- F/D dance was great. An email will be sent asking all those in attendance to forward any pictures from the event to Shawnie Barnett for the yearbook. There were over 500 people in attendance!
NEW Business:
- Holiday Shoppe to be held the week of 12/5-12/9 in the LGI room. Still looking for a co-chair for this for next year.
Mr. Kelly’s Corner:
- Surprise convocation later this week with BLUE coming from Colts.
- This Tuesday is lunch with the Principal day as the reward from fundraiser
- 187 kids earned the bouncy house reward from the fundraiser as well
- “Panthering It Forward” is new program to show kindness toward others. Activity a day to do something for someone else. This is a way to recognize kids that go out of their way to do something kind for someone else and they get a paw print to be a leaf on a tree.
- Asked for ideas for lunch and how to make it better for the kids
- Parents night out from Honey Grove and Student council is $2 or canned food donation.
- PGES has both a Facebook page and Twitter page
Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting set for Monday, February6th @ 7pm in the library.