We seek to maintain a high quality for all the training we give, and to this end monitor all training sessions carefully. We are also required by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, for the purposes of CPD accreditation, to obtain completed seminar evaluation forms from our delegates.
Please help us to evaluate the effectiveness of this event by answering the following questions.
Title: Claims Arising From Loss of Life
Speaker(s): Various – PLP Chambers
Date: 8th November 2013
Time: 09:00 – 17:30
Venue: St James’ Park, Newcastle
Level: Senior Litigator+ (APIL)
CPD Hours: 6.0
YOUR DETAILS (to enable us to update our records):
E-mail address:
Principal Area(s) of Practice and Specialisation:
Venue & Welcome (please tick) / VeryGood / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Please assess the venue for the talk
Please assess the registration procedure
Please assess the catering (if applicable)
How did you hear about this seminar? (please circle below)
Email (marketing) / Website / Colleague / Clerk / Other
Course and Content / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Please rate the overall content
Please rate the course materials / handouts.
Please assess the speaker(s) for presentation style and ease of understanding.
Roger Cooper
Stephen Friday
Andrew Axon
James Murphy
Dr Anur Guhan
Richard Copnall
Tony Eastwood
Hylton Armstrong
Georgina Nolan
Please assess the pitch of the seminar for a professional of your experience. Was it…? (please circle your choice) / Too Simple / Just Right / Too complex
What was the most valuable aspect of the course?
How could the course be improved?
What subjects would you like to see covered on future courses?
Yes / No
Was there sufficient time to discuss the topic and ask questions?
Have you instructed Parklane Plowden Chambers in the previous twelve months?
Would you consider doing so as a result of this course? (if applicable)
Would you be interested in attending similar seminars in the future?
Thank you for completing our questionnaire. You may return this form to the presenter at the end of the course or directly to William Dowling at Parklane Plowden, 19 Westgate, Leeds, LS1 2RD, DX 26404 Leeds Park Square / .