DGI Project specs(draft)15 Oct. 2008

Initial set up by YUL

Set Voyager preferences

Default holdings/item location – set to muddgdc

Call number hierarchies – set to US Docs

Import/Replace profiles

Validation rules

Turn validation off for title, name/title, subject and subdivision

Item default – set to circ

Define import file path

Character mapping to MARC UTF-8

Color/font preferences

Set OCLC Connexion preferences

Input authorizations and passwords

Define export path

Set record characteristics

Set field export options

Set up networked printers

Load OCLC file delete program

Load current MacroExpress file and DGI macros

DGI Workflow

For items with barcodes:

Call up barcode search using macro key F7

Scan in barcode and retrieve item record

Open bib record and verify item in hand matches record

Update holdings as appropriate if a serial or MPM

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro: Shift+F4)

If item is marked as oversize, add $m Oversize (macro: Ctrl+F5)

If item is marked as Folio, enter in $k following $b <location code>

Update item record(s) as appropriate

Update enum/chron fields in item records if a serial or MPM

Add “DGI Project Edit/Copy” item stat cat (macro: Ctrl+Alt+S; select from list)

Route to barcodereplicator, if barcode

Affix duplicate barcode to outside front cover in upper left corner

Assess for preservation action

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

Insert preservation flag for items requiring treatment

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Return item to the shelf and place binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by YUL preservation staff

For items without barcodes:

Search Orbis first:

Use Title index

Key in the title from the item in hand

If a record is found in Orbis

Verify that the record matches the item in hand

Use record as is, and update holdingsif a serial or MPM

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro: Shift+F4)

If item is marked as oversize, add $m Oversize (macro: Ctrl+F5)

If item is marked as Folio, enter in $k following $b <location code>

Update enum/chron fields in item records if a serial or MPM

Add “DGI Project Edit/Copy” item stat cat (macro: Ctrl+Alt+S; select from list)

Affix barcode to outside front cover in upper left corner

If a record is found for an electronic version of the item in hand

Close all open windows

Retrieve the record for the online version

Click the New Record button on the toolbar to retrieve template

Use the Window Tile command to display the records side by side

Copy the parts of the record for the online version that apply to the print version.

Do not copy the 856 from the online to the print record

Assess for preservation action

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

Insert preservation flag for items requiring treatment

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Return item to the shelf and place binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by YUL preservation staff

If no record in Orbis:

Search OCLC using Connexion client

Use Ctrl+F2 to bring up search box

Copy title Voyager search box, paste into Connexion search box

Use “Title phrase (ti=)” index

If copy is found:

Review record for minimal matching criteria (see below)

If usable, import record into Orbis using F5 key

Open imported record using Shift+F11 macro

Save record to Orbis database

If any changes made to bib record, add $d CtY(macro: Shift+F12)

Create holdings record

Update holdingsif a serial or MPMs

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro:Shift+F4)

If item is marked as oversize, add $m Oversize (macro: Ctrl+F5)

If item is marked as Folio, enter in $k following $b <location code>

Create item record(s)

Update enum/chron fields if a serial or MPM

Add “DGI Project Edit/Copy” item stat cat to item record(s) (macro: Ctrl+Alt+S; select from list)

Affixbarcode to outside front cover in upper left corner

Assess for preservation action

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

Insert preservation flag for items requiring treatment

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Return item to the shelf and place binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by YUL preservation staff

Minimal matching criteria for bib records found in OCLC:

Acceptable encoding levels:blank, 4, 7, I, K, L, M

Matching records found in OCLC should at least contain the fields included in the supplied templates for new records:

086 SuDoc number (not required for matching record)

110 Corporate body (may not be present if title is main entry)

245 Title

260 Publication information

300 Physical description

Most additional fields can be left in the record.

When importing records from Connexion client, selected fields will be stripped out when exported from OCLC.

Requirements for records created by DGI:

If no record is found in Orbis or OCLC, then create new record using supplied template

For monographs, including multi-volume sets (MPMs):

Leader: prepopulated

008: prepopulated; add date of publication, or dates if MPM

020 / $a <add if available>

If an ISBN is readily available, add a 020 field and transcribe ISBN.

040 / $a CtY $c CtY

In template, prepopulated with Yale institution ID.

086 / 1 / $a <SuDoc number>

In template; transcribe SuDoc number from item in hand using prescribed punctuation and spacing.

110 / 1 / $a United States. $b <add subordinate body>

In template; transcribe subordinate body as it appears on item to $b if appropriate. Use abbreviation Dept.

245 / 1 / $a Title <transcribed from item> : $b <add if appropriate>

In template; transcribe title as it appears on the item. Transcribe subtitle, if present. Do not transcribe statement of responsibility.

250 / $a <edition statement>

If an edition statement is found on item, add a 250 field and add using abbreviations 1st ed., 2nd ed., etc.

260 / $a Washington : $b U.S. G.P.O., $c <add date>

In template; add date of publication.

300 / $a ; $c cm.

In template; add pagination and size.

490 / 0 / $a

If series is found on item, add 490 0_ field and transcribe series statement as it appears and numeration, if present, in $v.

500 / $a Shipping no.: <add>

In template; transcribe number.

710 / 1 / $a

Add other names of corporate bodies as appropriate if item is issued by more than one body.

After keying in bib record

Create MFHD and update holdings, if MPM

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro: Shift+F4)

If item is oversize, add $m Oversize (macro: Ctrl+F5)

If item is folio size, enter $k Folio following $b <location code>

Add 866 field(s) for vol. Holdings if MPM

Create item record(s)

If MPM, add enumeration

Add “DGI Project Original” item stat cat to item record(s) (macro: Ctrl+Alt+S; select from list)

Affix barcode to outside front cover in upper left corner

Assess for preservation action

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

Insert preservation flag for items requiring treatment

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Return item to the shelf and place binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by YUL preservation staff

For serials:

Leader: prepopulated

008: prepopulated; add dates of publication

022 / $a <add if available>

If an ISSN is readily available, add a 022 field and transcribe ISSN.

040 / $a CtY $c CtY

In template, prepopulated with Yale institution ID.

086 / 1 / $a <SuDoc number>

In template; transcribe SuDoc number from item in hand using prescribed punctuation and spacing.

110 / 1 / $a United States. $b <add subordinate body>

In template; add subordinate body to $b if appropriate. Use abbreviation Dept. (others?)

245 / 1 / $a Title <transcribed from item>

In template; transcribe title as it appears on the item. Do not transcribe subtitle, if present. Do not transcribe statement of responsibility.

250 / $a <edition statement>

If an edition statement is found on item, add a 250 field and add using abbreviations 1st ed., 2nd ed., etc.

260 / $a Washington : $b U.S. G.P.O.,

In template; no date of publication required.

300 / $a v. ; $c cm.

In template; add size.

310 / $a <frequency>

Add frequency if readily determined using term from supplied list.

490 / 0 / $a

If series is found on item, add 490 0_ field and transcribe series statement as it appears and numeration, if present, in $v.

500 / $a Description based on: vol. , no. (date)

In template; add vol., no. and date, if available, from earliest issue in holdings.

710 / 1 / $a

Add other names of corporate bodies as appropriate if item is issued by more than one body.

If it is readily determined that there has been a title change in the serial, create a second record for the later title and add the following linking fields:

If serial was entered under corporate body use:

780 / 0 / 0 / $a<corporate body>. $t <earlier title>

In the record for the later tile add a 780 field and transcribe the name of the corporate body and title of the earlier serial.

785 / 0 / 0 / $a <corporate body>. $t <later title>

In the record for the earlier tile add a 785 field and transcribe the name of the corporate body and title of the later serial.

If serial was entered under title use:

780 / 0 / 0 / $t <earlier title>

In the record for the later tile add a 780 field and transcribe the title of the earlier serial.

785 / 0 / 0 / $t <later title>

In the record for the earlier tile add a 785 field and transcribe the title of the later serial.

After keying in the bib record:

Create MFHD and update holdings

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro: Shift+F4)

If item is oversize, add $m Oversize (macro: Ctrl+F5)

If item is folio, enter $k Folio following $b <location code>

Create item records

Add enumeration and/or chronology

Add “DGI Project Original” item stat cat to item records (macro: Ctrl+Alt+S; select from list)

Affix barcode to outside front covers in upper left corner

Assess for preservation action

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

Insert preservation flag for items requiring treatment

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Return item to the shelf and place binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by YUL preservation staff

Procedures for bound-with material

Search Orbis first:

Use Title index

Key in the first title from the item in hand

If a record is found in Orbis

Verify that the record matches the item in hand

Edit record, as needed:

Add $d CtY (macro: Shift+F12)

Change 300 field pagination to: $a 1 v. (various pagings)

Add 590 (local note) using supplied macro, and insert number of additional titles in vol.

590 / $a Bound with <number of additional titles> other titles.

Create title added entries for other titles in vol.

Transcribe additional titles in vol. into 740 fields

Omit initial articles; use 1st indicator 0, 2nd indicator 2

740 / 0 / 2 / $a <title>.

Update holdings record

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro: Shift+F4)

If item is marked as oversize, add $m Oversize (macro: Ctrl+F5)

If item is marked as Folio, enter in $k following $b <location code>

If no record in Orbis:

Search first title in volume using OCLC Connexion client

Use F2 “Title phrase (ti=)” search

If matching record is found

Review record for minimal matching criteria

Open imported record using Shift+F11 macro

If usable, import into Orbis using F5 function key

Save to Orbis database

Add $d CtY (macro: Shift+F12)

Change 300 field pagination to: $a 1 v. (various pagings)

Add 590 (local note) using supplied macro, and insert number of additional titles in vol.

590 / $a Bound with <number of additional titles> other titles.

Create title added entries for other titles in vol.

Transcribe additional titles in vol. into 740 fields

Omit initial articles; use 1st indicator 0, 2nd indicator 2

740 / 0 / 2 / $a <title>.

Create holdings record

Bring call no. from bib using Ctrl+N

Update holdings if an MPM

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro: Shift+F4)

Create item record

Update enum field if an MPM

Add “DGI Project Original” item stat cat (macro: Ctrl+Alt+S; select from list)

Affix barcode to outside front cover in upper left corner

Assess for preservation action

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

Insert preservation flag for items requiring treatment

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Return item to the shelf and place binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by YUL preservation staff

If creating new record:

Use supplied template for monographs

Transcribe issuing body into 110 field

Transcribe first title in vol. in the 245 field

For 300 field pagination use : $a 1 v. (various pagings)

Transcribe all other field information as appropriate

Add 590 (local note) using supplied macro, and insert number of additional titles in vol.

590 / $a Bound with <number of additional titles> other titles.

Create title added entries for other titles in vol.

Transcribe additional titles in vol. into 740 fields

Omit initial articles; use 1st indicator 0, 2nd indicator 2

740 / 0 / 2 / $a <title>.

Create holdings record

Update holdings if an MPM

Add $x DGI to MFHD field 852 (macro: Shift+F4)

If item is oversize, add $m Oversize (macro: Ctrl+F5)

If item is folio size, enter $k Folio following $b <location code>

Create item record

Update enum field if an MPM

Add “DGI Project Original” item stat cat (macro: Ctrl+Alt+S; select from list)

Affix barcode to outside front cover in upper left corner

Assess for preservation action

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

Insert preservation flag for items requiring treatment

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Return item to the shelf and place binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by YUL preservation staff

Preservation workflow

For DGI staff

Flag items requiring preservation treatment

Flags will be provided by DGI

Criteria for preservation action:

All paperbound material

Any damaged material (e.g., brittle paper, cracked bindings, loose pages)

Items with spiral bindings

If item has loose pages or covers, wrap with paper band

Items flagged for preservation will be returned to the shelf and placed binding down with the preservation flag extended and clearly visible for retrieval by preservation staff

For YUL preservation staff

Items that have undergone preservation treatment will be routed to GDIC staff for re-shelving or for transfer directly to LSF

Labeling of envelopes or boxes?

Workflow for material that circulates

For items pulled from areas that DGI has processed:

GDIC staff pulls item

If not flagged for preservation, then send to Eli Express

If flagged for preservation, leave flag in item

Place a hold/request from preservation pseudo-patron to generate routing slip on return of item

In Circulation module, search item by barcode

Click the Place request icon (Book with the “+” sign)

Enter preservation pseudo-patron barcode (TBD)

Select “Hold” Request type

Select *Mudd circ desk” from the “Pickup At” drop down list

Click OK

Send to Eli Express

When item is returned to Mudd Access Services staff:

If preservation routing slip is generated, place routing slip in item

If preservation flag is missing, place another one in item

Route to GDIC staff

If not flagged for preservation, GDIC staff re-shelve

If flagged for preservation, GDIC staff route to preservation (?)

For items pulled from areas that DGI has not processed:

GDIC staff pull item

If not in need of preservation, then send to Eli Express

If in need of preservation, place flag in item

Place a hold/request from preservation pseudo-patron to generate routing slip on return of item

In Circulation module, search item by barcode

Click the Place request icon (Book with the “+” sign)

Enter preservation pseudo-patron barcode (TBD)

Select “Hold” Request type

Select *Mudd circ desk” from the “Pickup At” drop down list

Click OK

Send to Eli Express

When item is returned to Mudd Access Services staff:

If preservation routing slip is generated, place routing slip in item

If preservation flag is missing, place another one in item

Route to GDIC staff

If returning to an area that has still not been processed, then re-shelve

If returning to an area that has been processed while item was circulating

Route to DGI staff for processing

If item is part of a serial, update holdings and item record

After processing, route to GDIC staff for re-shelving

Workflow for problems/questions

Charge items to problem pseudo-patron status (TBD)

Route to problem shelf

Review daily (Weekly? As needed?)