Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am–2.30pm
Carpet Bowls10.00am-12 noon
Carpet Bowls 12 noon–2.00pm
Laughter Yoga (fortnightly)11.00am-12 noon
U3A Committee Meeting (4thof month) 1.30pm–4.30pm
U3A Singing pleasure (3rd of month)1.30pm-3.30pm
Zumba6.00pm –7.00pm
WL Crafting Network (2nd of month)7.30pm–9.30pm
Management Committee (last of month)7.30pm-9.30pm
ET Scottish Country Dancing (not 1st month)7.30pm-9.30pm
Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am-2.30pm
Baby & Toddler group9.15am–11.30am
Uphall Outreach10.00am-3.00pm
50+ group (fortnightly)11.00am-1.00pm
Zumba12 noon–1.00pm
Indoor Curling1.30pm–3.00pm
U3A Art (1st of month)1.30pm-3.30pm
U3A Craft (3rd of month)1.30pm–3.30pm
Cllr D Calder (1st month)6.00pm-7.00pm
Youth Club (P7-S1)7.00pm-9.00pm
Art Group7.00pm-9.00pm
Public access P.C.s are available for members of the public to use. Please check for access times.
Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am-11.30am
Jo Jingles9.00am-12 noon
Enable9.30am – 3.00pm
U3A Book (1st of month)10.30am-12 noon
Parkinson UK (last of the month)1.00pm-3.00pm
U3A History (4th of month)1.30pm-3.30pm
Tea Dance (1st of month)1.30pm-4.00pm
U3A Open (3rd of month)1.00pm-4.00pm
Cllr C Horne5.30pm-6.30pm
Fusion Youth Club7.00pm-9.00pm
Community Council (3rd of month)7.00pm-9.00pm
Tribe West Belly Dance8.00pm-9.00pm
Playgroup (age from 2)9.15am-11.30am
Enable9.30am – 3.00pm
60+ keep fit10.30am-11.30am
Line Dancing2.30pm-3.30pm
U3A Quiz (1st month)2.00pm-4.00pm
U3A Ukulele (2nd & 4th of month)2.00pm – 4.00pm
U3A Music (3rd of month)2.00pm-4.00pm
Cooking for Kids6.00pm-8.00pm
If you are interested in any of the groups or would like to start a new group and require more information please contact the centre.
WIFI available
Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am-11.30am
U3A Poetry (1st of month)10.00am-12 noon
U3A Discussion (last of month)10.00am-12 noon
Parkinson’s UK Keep Fit11.30am-12.30pm
Cllr A Dolan (every 3 weeks – see sheet)1.00pm-2.00pm
Children’s Club (P3-P6)1.30pm-3.30pm
Youth Club (P7-S1)7.00pm-9.00pm
Membership charges
Membership of the centre is open to all community groups within the area who operate in line with the Community Centre constitution.
Group Cost from £25 per annum (September – August) In addition an entrance fee of 50p per adult, 20p per child, youth OAP or unemployed.
- Individuals and groups who do not pay membership but have aims compatible with the Community Centre. £2.50-£5.00 per hour.
- Private functions £8.00-£12.00 per hour during core hours only. At other times, price given on enquiry.
- Organisations and individuals using the centre to provide a service whilst earning a profit. £8.00-£30.00 per hour.
- Funding voluntary organisations £8.00-£12.00 per hour (price given on enquiry)
- Please give at least 14 days’ notice of any booking.
01506 854451