
Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am–2.30pm

Carpet Bowls10.00am-12 noon

Carpet Bowls 12 noon–2.00pm

Laughter Yoga (fortnightly)11.00am-12 noon

U3A Committee Meeting (4thof month) 1.30pm–4.30pm

U3A Singing pleasure (3rd of month)1.30pm-3.30pm

Zumba6.00pm –7.00pm

WL Crafting Network (2nd of month)7.30pm–9.30pm

Management Committee (last of month)7.30pm-9.30pm

ET Scottish Country Dancing (not 1st month)7.30pm-9.30pm


Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am-2.30pm

Baby & Toddler group9.15am–11.30am

Uphall Outreach10.00am-3.00pm

50+ group (fortnightly)11.00am-1.00pm

Zumba12 noon–1.00pm

Indoor Curling1.30pm–3.00pm

U3A Art (1st of month)1.30pm-3.30pm

U3A Craft (3rd of month)1.30pm–3.30pm

Cllr D Calder (1st month)6.00pm-7.00pm

Youth Club (P7-S1)7.00pm-9.00pm


Art Group7.00pm-9.00pm

Public access P.C.s are available for members of the public to use. Please check for access times.


Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am-11.30am

Jo Jingles9.00am-12 noon

Enable9.30am – 3.00pm

U3A Book (1st of month)10.30am-12 noon

Parkinson UK (last of the month)1.00pm-3.00pm

U3A History (4th of month)1.30pm-3.30pm

Tea Dance (1st of month)1.30pm-4.00pm

U3A Open (3rd of month)1.00pm-4.00pm

Cllr C Horne5.30pm-6.30pm


Fusion Youth Club7.00pm-9.00pm

Community Council (3rd of month)7.00pm-9.00pm

Tribe West Belly Dance8.00pm-9.00pm


Playgroup (age from 2)9.15am-11.30am

Enable9.30am – 3.00pm

60+ keep fit10.30am-11.30am

Line Dancing2.30pm-3.30pm

U3A Quiz (1st month)2.00pm-4.00pm

U3A Ukulele (2nd & 4th of month)2.00pm – 4.00pm

U3A Music (3rd of month)2.00pm-4.00pm

Cooking for Kids6.00pm-8.00pm


If you are interested in any of the groups or would like to start a new group and require more information please contact the centre.

WIFI available


Playgroup (from age 2)9.15am-11.30am

U3A Poetry (1st of month)10.00am-12 noon

U3A Discussion (last of month)10.00am-12 noon

Parkinson’s UK Keep Fit11.30am-12.30pm

Cllr A Dolan (every 3 weeks – see sheet)1.00pm-2.00pm

Children’s Club (P3-P6)1.30pm-3.30pm

Youth Club (P7-S1)7.00pm-9.00pm

Membership charges

Membership of the centre is open to all community groups within the area who operate in line with the Community Centre constitution.

Group Cost from £25 per annum (September – August) In addition an entrance fee of 50p per adult, 20p per child, youth OAP or unemployed.

  1. Individuals and groups who do not pay membership but have aims compatible with the Community Centre. £2.50-£5.00 per hour.
  2. Private functions £8.00-£12.00 per hour during core hours only. At other times, price given on enquiry.
  3. Organisations and individuals using the centre to provide a service whilst earning a profit. £8.00-£30.00 per hour.
  4. Funding voluntary organisations £8.00-£12.00 per hour (price given on enquiry)
  5. Please give at least 14 days’ notice of any booking.

01506 854451