Application Form
Q1Your name ……………………………………………………………………..
Q2Your paper must respond in some way to the overall subject for this year’s bursaries: “Integrated Transport and Land-Use Planning”. Appendix 1 explains the subject in more detail.You are asked to attach a proposal of no more than 500 words to this application form, setting out the topic you would like to address within this general subjectand your reason for wanting to address it. Please provide a working title for your paper (no more than 40 words) below:
Q3Your contact address:
Contact telephone number:……………………………………………………………………..………
Contact e-mail address:……………………………………………………………………………….
Q4Is your employer/university etc. supportive of your application?
If so, please tick the box and give contact details for your manager:
Name of Manager:……………………………………………………………………………….
Employer/university etc: ………………………………..………………..…………………………..
E-mail address:………………………………………………………………………………..
Telephone number:……………………………………………………………………………..…
Q5Are you an individual TPS Member? YesNo
If you are not currently an individual member of Transport Planning Society, please submit an Application for Membership through the TPS website at
Should my application be accepted by the Board of the Transport Planning Society, I understand that:
- Only paid up individual members of the Society may receive bursary payments.
- Payment of the Bursary shall become due upon the receipt of the deliverables by the Society.
- The copyright of all documents produced as deliverables shall rest with the Transport Planning Society whose intention shall be to make the deliverables freely available.
- It is the duty of the person undertaking the task to obtain the consent of all copyright owners of the data and information used in the production of the deliverables and these should be fully referenced.
- It is the duty of the person undertaking the task to do all that is reasonably practical to produce the deliverables to a high standard and by the required deadline.
Signed………………………………………… Print name………………………….……………….
Please enclose the following information with this application form:
- Your proposal (no more than 500 words).
- Your Curriculum Vitae
- Your TPS membership number or evidence of having applied for membership, with confirmation of membership to be supplied when received
Please post your application to: Transport Planning Society, 1 Great George Street, London
SW1P 3AA or email it to:
Applications must be received by the Transport Planning Society no later than
Friday 21st July 2017.
Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail at the beginning of Augustand will be required to submit their paper by 31 December 2017. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by e-mail once the successful applicants have confirmed their acceptance of the Bursary award.
We regard integration of transport planning and land-use planning as essential. There are many examples of the importance of interactions between the two, both for individual development sites and for wider areas. Many developments rely on improved transport links to support their success or transport investment can lead the way for associated development. However, in other cases land-use and transport planning have been poorly coordinated – either in operational terms or in terms of timing – and there may have been undesirable outcomes.
What TPS wants
We would like to see what lessons can be learned from past experience of transport and land-use integration, good or bad.
What you have to do
Identify a development (a site, an area) completed within the last 10 years where transport planning and land-use planning have been integrated at least to some extent. Whatever the success of the outcome, we would like you to consider issues of this nature :
-what were the objectives of the integrated planning and to what extent were they maintained or compromised during the planning phase?
-to what extent was transport an essential supporting or leading factor? Should more weight have been attached to transport issues and should transport have played a stronger role? Was funding an issue?
-what have been the outcomes in terms of both land-use development and transport? Have objectives been achieved?
-have unforeseen events overtaken the original intentions?
-how well are the transport aspects of the plan working?Should more flexibility have been incorporated into the transport plan?
We recommend research and analysis of the transport outcomes – accessibility analysis, employee surveys, trip generation surveys etc., followed by a comparative analysis with forecasts or expectations at the planning stage.
And overall, how can this experience be used to improve the land-use/transport planning process?