Little Hulton and Walkden Neighbourhood

Youth Task Group

25 January 2011 6.00 pm

Walkden Gateway


Aled Owen / Walkden High (chair)
Vinny Nash / Neighbourhood Manager / / 779 8086
Natalie Craig / Salford Comm. Leisure / / 778 0564
Tim Rumley / YS - Teenage Pregnancy / / 603 6878
Martyn Shaw / Salford Youth Service / / 799 6674
Jordan Moore / SYC / / 07525 194396
Jay Brennan / PCT / / 779 8078
Daniel Zahler / Salford Foundation / / 07841 679537
Tracie Ross / Salford Foundation / / 07790 339823
Nic Gallagher / SMART Team / / 743 0167
Steve Canning / CSD / / 921 2295
Sue Barry / Admin, NM Team(Mins) / / 779 8071


Matthew Barker / Salford Play Service / / 778 0492
Sarah Whittaker / Nacro / / 832 6898
Sue Downey / GMP / / 856 5243
Suzanne Potter / YS - Wuu2 co-ordinator / / 603 6835
Tim Rumley / YS - Teenage Pregnancy / / 603 6878
Claire Fewings / Assistant Neighbourhood Manager / / 779 8072
Tracy Jacobs / Community Development Worker / / 779 8070

1. Any actions from last meeting not on agenda

(p1) Media Cafe

More people accessing now, including young people. There are plans to extend hours and open in evenings for youth groups. JB is meeting John Bowler next week to discuss projects the HIT can put on there.


To report back at next meeting.

(p2) 3.

VN has spoken to Alison, CRIIS.

(p2) 4.

Flood lighting is back on at ParrFoldPark.

2. Youth Forum

The Youth Forum is in a transition period, not meeting yet as they are still recruiting in Walkden High and Harrop Fold. Boothstown Youth Forum is still running; they are doing a lottery heritage bid re: the BridgewaterCanal.(MS)

JM is at the development stage of a community audit project with a group of young people. MS is planning to do a similar one in St George’s with Y7.


YS to report back at next meeting.

3. Salford Foundation – Daniel Zahler

(cards with contact details distributed)

DZ informed the meeting re: their project in Ordsall and Langworthy over the previous year involving young people in performance based workshops. This culminated in a musical, Oliver Twist with songs and script re-written with a contemporary theme including rap and street dance. Young people were involved in writing, producing, performing and back stage. A web site has been set up and videos & interviews of the show are on u tube ‘Oliver Twist’.

DZ & TR will be running a similar project in this area for the next 12 months for 13 – 25 year olds. They have already signed up 25 young people. Sessions will be held weekly at same time & place. This is big lottery funded and free for young people. Drop in workshops are being held at half term on 17 + 18.2 at Harrop Fold, including drama, circus skills, music production and street dancing. The project will also include trips, e.g. concerts, theatre and theme parks. Venues were discussed for a production in our area. Their target is to prove they have changed 400 people’s negative perceptions.


AO to discuss with Walkden High;

DZ to meet with St George’s next week.

4. Information Share from around the table

Sports Development Team - Natalie Craig

(‘Whats on _Winter_Hulton’ circulated & distributed via email)

Teenage Kicks commences 27.2.11. Approx 40 young people have registered for the 1st evening; there will be 7 teams.

Friday night primary school multi-sports continues, 4-6pm at Harrop Fold street dance.

Activities take place during February half term, 14-18.2.11, (see leaflet) including:

‘I love my park’ at Parr Fold park, 1-3pm 14.1.11;

Aiming high for disabled (funded up to March 11);


Events in libraries.

Different options will be considered next year, including nominal funding.

Funding - VN

It is not clear as yet what the budget will be after March. There is currently some money in the devolved budget and an application will be submitted to the Budget Group for SCL’s services.


VN to update once information received.

Health Improvement Team – Jay Brennan

HIT are Chlamydia testing in WorsleyCollege on Thursdays;

Talks re: sexual health & alcohol awareness take place at Rathbones;

A young people’s cooking group is starting in 3 weeks;

They are planning Food Hygiene Certificates and a dads and sons cooking group;

JB is visiting the Community Café to see what HIT can do there.

Salford Foundation – Tracie Ross

TR indicated Salford Foundation Peer Team deliver sexual health workshops by young ambassadors and drug awareness & alcohol, all free. Tel: 787 3839 (Beckie Tapper)

Salford Foundation Trust offer grants of £500 per year to talented young people in Salford aged over 5. They have to have lived in Salford for 3 years. The next round is in 3 weeks; the form is an online.

SMART Nic Gallagher

The SMART Team have an alcohol session 3-6pm every Monday. It is preferable people have been referred previously but they can drop in (bus passes provided). They have a specialist alcohol worker, Dan, who NG can bring into LH.

NG is available in LH at the Haysbrook Centre 12-2pm.


NG to forward JB’s details to Dan;

NG to invite DZ & TR to a team meeting one Friday;

NG to email DZ info re: SMART Team.

5. Any other business

(SC) They are looking at re-branding the Children’s Centre, which is currently not used weekends and evenings.

MS thanked those who donated food to the UPS project which sent out 170 food parcels.


MS to link JB & AO into next project re: groups who will donate.

6. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 12.4.11 6.00 – 7.00 pm Walkden Gateway Community Room 2

  1. Information Share from around the table
  1. Any other business