Plastic and Machinery Industry

Consultancy Service Areas:

1. Computer-aided Engineering (CAE) Analysis for Product Development

We offer various solutions of CAE technology to improve product design, shorten development time, and prevent costly mistakes, thereby enhancing productivity.

Plastic injection moulding flow analysis and processing faults prediction by MoldFlow MPI

Product structural analysis and virtual mechanical testing and safety compliance simulation in compliance with international quality standards by ANSYS

Fluid dynamic and thermodynamic analysis by ANSYS CFD

Virtual sheet metal forming and deep drawing analysis by PAM-STAMP

Static analysis by ANSYS


Fluid dynamic analysis by ANSYS CFD

MoldFlow MPI

Thermodynamic analysis by ANSYS CFD

Dynamic drop test analysis by ANSYS

2. Advanced Plastic Processing Technology

With the comprehensive range of plastics conversion equipment and machinery, we are well equipped to conduct technology development, process analysis and manufacturing support to local plastic product manufacturers.

LSR injection moulding

Rapid heat and cool injection moulding

Localization heating for mould

Micro-injection moulding

Microcellular foam injection moulding (MuCell?)

Fluid-assisted injection moulding (Water-assisted, Gas-assisted and Super-cool gas-assisted)

Multi-component injection and Co-injection moulding

LSR injection and overmoulding

Rapid heat and cool injection moulding

Micro-injection moulding

Microcellular foam injection moulding

Water-assisted injection moulding

Multi-component injection moulding

Co-injection moulding

3. Performance Testing for Industrial Machinery and Auxiliary Equipment

With a full set of testing equipment and comprehensive testing procedures, we can evaluate the performance and design specifications of your industrial machinery. We can also provide quick diagnosis of your machines.

Injection pressure measurement

Tie bar elongation measurement

Energy consumption measurement

Screw rotation speed measurement

Cavity pressure measurement

Clamping force measurement

4. Certification Consultancy Services

Through our professional consultancy services, we can assist your company to apply for various product certification.

CE Mark — industrial machinery to comply with the design and manufacturing requirement specified in the EC Directives in Machinery, Low-Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Green Label — variety of consumer products to comply with environmental design and manufacturing requirements.

Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) — to design and produce a modification/replacement part which complies with the requirements of respective civil aviation department for installing on a type certified aircraft registered in Hong Kong or Mainland China.

Energy Label — energy efficiency of plastic processing and auxiliary machinery.

5. Integrated Solution Services

Aim to provide an integrated and complete solution for your company, through our professional consultancy services, we can provide recommendation for your company’s technical problem. For instance, process automation, manufacturing process upgrading, manufacturing efficiency improvement. We can also assist your company to seek for respective government funding if applicable.

6. Industrial Club and Technical Publications

The PTC Industrial Club is established with the objective to enhance the competitiveness and communication among Hong Kong plastics practitioners by providing convenient access to timely and crucial information through PTC’s services, publications and activities. Club members can enjoy special privileges when using PTC’s services. Technical books, reference guides and handbooks will be published in order to introduce the latest application technology to the local industry.


Plastics Technology Centre

Materials and Manufacturing Technology Division

Hong Kong Productivity Council

LG2, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue,

Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2788 6168 / 2788 5533

Fax: (852) 2788 6169


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