Situated in the Upper Thames valley Lechlade lies within in an area of extensive prehistoric and Roman settlement. On the western side of the village a multi-period landscape of prehistoric, Roman and medieval sites is designated as a scheduled monument forming a significant constraint on the expansion of the settlement in this direction. This includes the site of the former proposed relief road.
Lechlade itself has Anglo-Saxon origins, and the medieval core of the settlement lies within a Conservation Area where many of the buildings are listed.
To the south east of the village the site of St John’s Hospital is designated as a scheduled monument.
The significance of the local historic environment should be highlighted in the strategy.
Land at Bushyleaze Trout Fisheries, Lechlade – LEC_E3
421556 201697
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1006338 Ring ditches and enclosures approximately 500m north
SM 1003420 Roman villa 600yds (550m) north east of Great Lemhill Farm approximately 500m north west
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 550m south west of the site
Few LBs within 1km, none within site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description2446 / Probable settlement, Lechlade.
22041 / Modern archaeological assessment, geophysical survey, evaluation and watermeadow survey at Great Lemhill Farm, Lechlade.
30312 / Modern Archaeological Assessment of Lechlade Bypass Corridor. Lechlade
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
D1A and H1 HLC categories - Riverine pasture/meadow and Disused industrial site respectively.
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the high density of archaeological features in the vicinity although much of the site has been quarried.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken of any areas not previously subject to gravel extraction prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land at Bushyleaze Trout Fisheries, Lechlade – L_29
421556 201697
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1006338 Ring ditches and enclosures approximately 500m north
SM 1003420 Roman villa 600yds (550m) north east of Great Lemhill Farm approximately 500m north west
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 550m south west of the site
Few LBs within 1km, none within site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description2446 / Probable settlement, Lechlade.
22041 / Modern archaeological assessment, geophysical survey, evaluation and watermeadow survey at Great Lemhill Farm, Lechlade.
30312 / Modern Archaeological Assessment of Lechlade Bypass Corridor. Lechlade
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
D1A and H1 HLC categories - Riverine pasture/meadow and Disused industrial site respectively.
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the high density of archaeological features in the vicinity although much of the site has been quarried.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken of any areas not previously subject to gravel extraction prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land at north Lechlade – LEC_E2
421664 200972
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 125m south west of the site
Few LBs within 1km, none within site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description2446 / Probable settlement, Lechlade.
3209 / Roughground Farm Romano-British Settlement, Lechlade.
22041 / Modern archaeological assessment, geophysical survey, evaluation and watermeadow survey at Great Lemhill Farm, Lechlade.
30312 / Modern Archaeological Assessment of Lechlade Bypass Corridor. Lechlade
3Historic landscape character
Significant archaeological sites (see table above) mapped by NMP not visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
H1 HLC category - Disused industrial site
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the high density of known archaeological features on the site and in the vicinity. Much of the site has been quarried.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken of any areas not previously subject to gravel extraction prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land at Lechlade Manor, south east of Katherine’s Walk, Lechlade – L_13
421736 199651
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003424 Halfpenny Bridge approximately 400m south west
SM 1003442 St. John’s Hospital approximately 550m south east
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 650m north west of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within site
Lechlade conservation area immediately to the south of the site
Church House, Lechlade Registered Park and Garden (RPG 1000769 – Grade II) approximately 150m south west of the site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description3358 / Turnpike Road
44872 / 2013 archaeology and cultural heritage assessment of land off Faringdon Road, Lechlade.
44873 / 2013 geophysical survey of land off Faringdon Road, Lechlade.
45107 / 2013 evaluation of land off Faringdon Road, Lechlade.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP but ridge and furrow visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
F1 HLC category - Surviving post-medieval designed ornamental landscape
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is limited potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the surveys and evaluation detailed below.
5Recent planning history
In May 2013 a pre-application consultation prompted desk-based assessment (SW12145; HER44872), geophysical survey (SW12146; HER44873) and trial-trenching (HER12236; SW45107). Roman agricultural boundaries were present in the northern part of the site, elsewhere deposits of alluvial silts suggest that the site was periodically inundated by flood water.
In October 2013 aplanning application (13/04265/OUT) for residential development prompted a recommendation that a condition should be attached to any planning permission in order to secure archaeological recording. Planning permission was refused in December 2013.
An agreed mitigation strategy to cover:
- Archaeological recording of assets to an appropriate level
Land off Moorgate, Downington, Lechlade – L_18A and L_18B
420883 199758
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 100m north
SM 1003424 Halfpenny Bridge approximately 450m south east of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within site. Three immediately adjacent – Lodestone, Downington (LB 129002 – Grade II), Tollgate, Downington (LB 129001 – Grade II) and Downington Grange, Downington (LB 129000 – Grade II)
Lechlade conservation area immediately to the south of the site
Church House, Lechlade Registered Park and Garden (RPG 1000769 – Grade II) approximately 600m south east of the site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description3377 / Neolithic Pottery Find in Maiden's Field
43357 / Heritage desk-based assessment of land off Moorgate, Lechlade.
44444 / A geophysical survey was undertaken over land off Moorgate, Lechlade-on-Thames.
44582 / Evaluation excavation undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology of land off Moorgate, Lechlade-on-Thames.
44591 / Prehistoric and medieval field systems located during the evaluation excavation undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology of land off Moorgate, Lechlade-on-Thames.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Within the post medieval area of Lechlade from the historic towns survey.
G4 HLC category - Existing settlement - present extent
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is limited potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the surveys and evaluation detailed below.
5Recent planning history
In 2012 a pre-planning application consultation relating to both L_18A and L_18B prompted a desk-based assessment (SW11623; HER43357).
Subsequently a planning application (12/04339/OUT) for residential development of L_18A was made and this prompted geophysical survey (SW11919; HER44444) and trial-trenching (SW12084; HER44582). The work revealed linear boundaries and a scatter of pits. While poorly dated these would seem to relate to both a prehistoric field system and to medieval activity. It was recommended that a condition should be attached to any planning permission to secure excavation. This planning application was refused in April 2013. In June 2013 an appeal against refusal was made, but the appeal was withdrawn in September 2013.
A second planning application (13/02642/OUT) for a similar scheme was made in June 2013 and was permitted in September 2013 with a condition to secure archaeological mitigation.
An agreed mitigation strategy to cover:
- Archaeological recording to an appropriate level
Land north of Butlers Court, Lechlade – LEC_E1
420683 200023
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 25m north
SM 1003424 Halfpenny Bridge approximately 900m south east of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, one within the site – Stable immediately behind Butler’s Court to north west (LB 129007 – Grade II). One immediately adjacent – Butler’s Court with gate piers and wall to south east (LB 129006 – Grade II)
Lechlade conservation area approximately 125m to the south of the site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
(Arch sites, unlisted buildings, other relevant features)
HER No. / Area Description26922 / Programme of building analysis at Butler's Court, Lechlade. Mostly C19 or modern with the exception of the stables.
28430 / Roman field boundaries recorded during a modern evaluation at Butlers Court, Lechlade.
30460 / Post-excavation assessment for land near Butler's Court Farm, Lechlade.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Partially within the post medieval area of Lechlade from the historic towns survey.
A2 HLC category - Less irregular enclosure partly reflecting former unenclosed cultivation patterns
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is limited potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the evaluation detailed below.
5Recent planning history
In 2006 a planning application (06/01042/FUL) for employment development prompted field evaluation (SW8651; HER28430) which found Roman remains. A condition to secure excavation was attached to the planning permission, but this does not appear to have been implemented. The permission is now out-of-time.
An agreed mitigation strategy to cover:
- Exclusion of any heritage assets meriting preservation from the application area (to include designated sites and undesignated sites meriting exclusion)
- Archaeological recording of other assets to an appropriate level
- Mitigation ofthe impact of the development on the setting of designated assets
Land south of A417, Lechlade – L_30
421738 199517
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003424 Halfpenny Bridge approximately 350m south east
SM 1003442 St. John’s Hospital approximately 550m south east
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 750m north west of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within site.
Lechlade conservation area immediately to the west of the site
Church House, Lechlade Registered Park and Garden (RPG 1000769 – Grade II) approximately 200m west of the site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description2436 / Medieval Church Pathway Lechlade
3358 / Turnpike Road
44872 / 2013 archaeology and cultural heritage assessment of land off Faringdon Road, Lechlade.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP but faint traces of ridge and furrow visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
D1A HLC category - Riverine pasture/meadow
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the density of known archaeological features in the vicinity and previous lack of investigation of this site.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land south of Butlers Court, Lechlade – L_19
420505 199875
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 300m north east
SM 1003424 Halfpenny Bridge approximately 1km south east of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within site.
Lechlade conservation area immediately to the south east of the site
Church House, Lechlade Registered Park and Garden (RPG 1000769 – Grade II) approximately 1km east of the site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description17039 / Lechlade Bypass Evaluation. Iron Age settlement features identified.
19838 / A417 Lechlade bypass, soil investigation.
19961 / Land at Butler's Court
20464 / Evaluation on land to the west of Butler's Court, Lechlade.
30460 / Post-excavation assessment for land near Butler's Court Farm, Lechlade.
42714 / Excavation undertaken by the Oxford Archaeological Unit during November 2009 in advance of development by New College at The Wern, Lechlade.
42715 / Series of Medieval tree throw pits partly excavated by Oxford Archaeological Unit during November 2009 at The Wern, Lechlade.
42716 / Medieval settlement - field boundary ditches, rubbish pits and possible building - partly excavated by the Oxford Archaeological Unit during November 2009 at The Wern, Lechlade.
42717 / Deep Post Medieval ploughsoil partly excavated by the Oxford Archaeological Unit during November 2009 at The Wern, Lechlade.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
A2 HLC category - Less irregular enclosure partly reflecting former unenclosed cultivation patterns
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is limited potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the previous investigations on and around this site.
5Recent planning history
In 1997 a planning application (CT1316/A) for residential development prompted a field evaluation (SW4529; HER19961) in the eastern part of the allocation, revealing numerous undated and medieval archaeological features.
In 1999 the application site was amended to include the remainder of the allocation site and the proposed site of a roundabout on the A417 road, and further field evaluation (SW5168; HER20464) was undertaken. Again numerous archaeological features were observed, but dating evidence was poor.
However, when in 2000 a revised application (CT1316/B) was made, (determined at appeal in 2002) the allocation was excluded from the area of development (which produced extensive prehistoric and medieval remains). Mitigation recording is therefore required within the allocation.
An agreed mitigation strategy to cover:
- Archaeological recording of other assets to an appropriate level
- Mitigation ofthe impact of the development on the setting of designated assets
Land north of Hambridge Lane, Lechlade – L_17
421297 200369
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
Within SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade
SM 1003424 Halfpenny Bridge approximately 1km south of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within site.
Lechlade conservation area approximately 300m to the south east of the site
Church House, Lechlade Registered Park and Garden (RPG 1000769 – Grade II) approximately 850m south of the site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description15344 / The Cursus: desk based assessment
22365 / A modern archaeological watching brief at 22, The Cursus, Lechlade.
30312 / Modern Archaeological Assessment of Lechlade Bypass Corridor. Lechlade
44410 / An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology on land adjacent to 2, The Cursus, Lechlade.
3Historic landscape character
Ditches mapped by NMP but not visible on AP.
Within the modern area of Lechlade from historic towns survey.
G4 HLC category - Existing settlement - present extent
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
The site is known to contain archaeological deposits of national importance.
5Recent planning history
In 1999 a pre-planning application enquiry for the proposed development of a new dwelling prompted evaluation (SW6037; HER316). The results confirmed the presence of prehistoric remains.
Following the evaluation English Heritage advised the prospective developer that thesite should be considered to be of national importance and that it should therefore be preserved against development.
This site is entirely within a Scheduled Monument and English Heritage have advised that it should be preserved against development.
Telephone Exchange, The Loders – rectangular shaped building, to the south behind town centre with two buildings towards the road frontage, Lechlade – L_1
421206 199658
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003434 Multi-period settlement, cemetery and ceremonial complex west of Lechlade approximately 200m north west
SM 1003424 Halfpenny Bridge approximately 300m south east
SM 1003442 St. John’s Hospital approximately 1.1km south east of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within site.
Lechlade conservation area immediately to the north and south of the site
Church House, Lechlade Registered Park and Garden (RPG 1000769 – Grade II) approximately 300m south east of the site
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description19964 / Land to the rear of Sherborne House
32428 / Prehistoric ditches, pits and occupation layers at Sherborne House, Lechlade
32429 / Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age occupation features including three roundhouses at Sherborne House, Lechlade
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Within the modern area of Lechlade from the historic towns survey.
G3 and G4 HLC categories - Existing settlement - extent by mid 19th century and Existing settlement - present extent respectively
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is high potential for currently unknown heritage assets due the density of known archaeological sites in the immediate vicinity and the lack of previous investigations on this site.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.