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Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P2O5), Potassium (K2O),
Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S)
Total Nutrient Uptake (lbs per acre)
COTTON1500 LB/A240 72 205 32 36
CORN200 BU/A266 114 266 65 33
CORN SILAGE32 TONS/A266 114 266 65 33
SWEET CORN90 CWT/A140 47 136 20 11
WHEAT80 BU/A166 54 184 17 20
OATS100 BU/A115 40 145 20 19
BARLEY120 BU/A180 66 180 20 24
GRAIN SORGHUM8,000 LB/A238 84 240 40 38
FORAGE SORGHUM8 TONS/A198 67 286 35 18
SUDAN-SORGHUM8 TONS/A320 122 466 48 ---
SOYBEANS*60 BU/A315 58 205 24 20
PEANUTS*4,000 LB/A240 39 185 25 21
RICE7,000 LB/A112 60 168 14 12
SUNFLOWER3,000 LB/A151 60 110 36 14
CANOLA35 BU/A105 46 83 --- 21
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Total Nutrient Uptake (lbs per acre)
ALFALFA*10 TONS/A560 150 600 50 50
CLOVER-GRASS*6 TONS/A300 90 360 30 30
BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL*4 TONS/A192 84 360 32 20
FESCUE3.5 TONS/A135 65 185 13 14
BROMEGRASS4 TONS/A144 52 236 16 16
ORCHARDGRASS6 TONS/A300 100 375 25 25
TIMOTHY4 TONS/A150 55 250 10 16
BERMUDAGRASS8 TONS/A368 96 400 26 44
RYEGRASS5 TONS/A215 85 240 40 ---
SUGARCANE50 TONS/A210 100 330 28 25
SUGAR BEETS25 TONS/A212 33 458 67 37
IRISH POTATOES500 CWT/A269 90 546 50 22
SWEET POTATOES400 BU/A103 40 210 11 ---
CABBAGE700 CWT/A270 63 249 36 64
ONIONS600 CWT/A180 80 160 18 37
SNAP BEANS4 TONS/A138 33 163 17 ---
TABLE BEETS500 CWT/A360 43 580 104 41
LETTUCE400 CWT/A90 30 185 ------
CELERY75 TONS/A280 165 750 ------
PEAS25 CWT/A164 35 105 18 10
TOMATOES40 TONS/A232 87 463 36 54
BELL PEPPERS180 CWT/A137 52 217 43 ---
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Total Nutrient Uptake (lbs per acre)
CUCUMBERS10 TONS/A90 28 174 25 ---
CANTALOUPES175 CWT/A65 21 117 12 ---
PINEAPPLE357 CWT/A153 125 586 64 14
GRAPES12 TONS/A102 35 156 15 ---
ORANGES540 CWT/A 265 55 330 38 28
APPLES250 CWT/A100 46 180 24 ---
PEACHES600 BU/A95 40 120 22 ---
COCOA900 LB/A416 108 733 119 ---
BANANAS1200 plants/A400 400 1,500 156 ---
COCONUTS12,000 nuts/A96 31 206 13 8
This information was taken from P.P.I. of Norcross Georgia.
Item #03-1360, Reference #95083. The research and education dept.
Other information that needs to be taken into consideration.
It was stated and proved over 120 years ago that growth and yields of plants are governed by nutrients in least supply. Not how much N.P.K. we apply. REMEMBER THE LAW OF MINIMUM... The nutrient in least supply determines the yield. This is referred to as Liebig’s Law of Minimum. Leibig and other 19th century soil scientists have shown that certain elements are necessary for the normal growth of plants. These elements must be present in forms usable by plants and in concentrations optimum for plant growth. In addition, there must be a proper balance among the concentrations of the various soluble nutrients in the soil. Too much calcium, for example, may interfere with phosphorus and boron nutrition or may encourage chlorosis, because of a reduction in the availability of soil iron, zinc, or manganese. These scientists have determined there are 17 essential elements necessary for plant growth. It doesn’t matter whether the plant uses them in small quantities or relatively large quantities. These 17 elements are:
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1) Hydrogen, 2) Oxygen, 3) Carbon, & 4) Carbon Dioxide: derived from air and water. Without these vital elements none of the following nutrients would have much importance. Carbon and oxygen are utilized in many molecular compounds. From 95% to 98% of the total plant mass (by weight) of green, growing crop, at the peak of the season, is made up of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, i.e., elements from air and water. Any factor which limits adequate supply or movement of these through the soil structure will have a negative effect upon crop performance.
5) Nitrogen: production of cells; production of many organic compounds such as proteins, nucleo-proteins, amines, amino acids, polypeptides, sugar complexes, etc.; chlorophyll production; and non-nitrogenous compounds such as sugars, starches and carbohydrates.
6) Phosphorus: essential to all growing parts of the plant; involved in the formation of all oils, sugars, starches, etc.; the transformation of solar energy into chemical energy; proper plant maturation; withstanding stress.
7) Potassium: enhances and/or is vital to increasing root growth and improving drought resistance; building cellulose and reducing lodging; translocation of sugars and starches to where it’s needed; reduced respiration; encourages building of protein; photosynthesis; crop quality and reduction of diseases.
8) Sulfur: essential plant food for production of protein; activity and development of enzymes and vitamins; chlorophyll formation; promotion of nodule formation with legumes; improved root growth and seed production; vigorous plant growth and resistance to cold.
9) Calcium: stimulates root and leaf development; essential to normal cell division; builds solid, strong cell walls; improves straw stiffness; neutralizes toxic compounds; influences nutrient uptake; promotes seed production and plant maturity.
10) Magnesium: vital part of chlorophyll; assists protein synthesis; aids production of sugars and oils and transportation of other plant food nutrients.
11) Boron: aids in utilization and acts as a regulator of other nutrients; aids production of sugar and carbohydrates essential for seed and fruit development.
12) Cobalt: stimulates the formation of vitamins and hormones in plants; aids nitrogen fixation by legumes.
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13) Copper: important enzyme activator; important for reproductive growth; aids in root metabolism and helps in the utilization of proteins.
14) Iron: essential for formation of chlorophyll; is the activating element in enzyme systems; is important in respiration and other oxidation systems in the plant.
15) Manganese: functions with enzyme systems involved in breakdown of carbohydrates and nitrogen metabolism.
16) Molybdenum: essential for utilization of nitrate nitrogen and protein synthesis; aids in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen; important in the reduction of nitrates and in the building of proteins.
17) Zinc: essential for the transformation of carbohydrates; regulates consumption of sugars; part of the enzyme systems which regulate plant growth.
Many factors affect the availability of trace elements, even more so than the three major elements. Some of these are soil pH, water, soil structure, and the soil balance of nutrients (Leibig’s Law of Minimum). Very small amounts of trace elements are needed to aid the plant in its pursuit of optimal growth and production. The margin between deficiency and toxicity is quite narrow. This is one of the major reasons The Catalyst Product Group believes in foliar fertilization (ask to see our in house article on Foliar Fertilization). Foliars may be an excellent way to provide plants with micronutrients that may be tied up in the soil or are not even present.
WHAT IS SOIL pH (potential hydrogen)?
Soil pH is the measurement of potential hydrogen or the negative logarithm of active hydrogen. Most soil tests give a pH figure and determine if the soil is acidic, neutral or alkaline. Almost everyone thinks the purpose of a pH test is to find out if they need lime, sulfur, or both. Many agronomists believe that low or high pH soils produce poor crops, so the “lime to neutralization” concept was born. You will notice that soils with low pH’s are usually lower in nutrient content, while high pH soils will usually be higher in nutrient content. Remember this; An excess of any of the major cations - calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium can push up soil pH. Lets look at the following chart and see how soil pH can affect the availability of nutrients and microorganisms.
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This chart will show optimal pH for each item
Fungil >
Bacterial >
Actinomycetesl >
“N”l >
“Ca” & “Mg”l l
“P”l l
“K”l >
“S”l >
“Fe”, “Mn”,
“Zn”, “Cu”,< l
& “Co”
“Mo”l >
“B”l l
NOTE: All of the above items have some availability from a pH of 4 to a pH of 9. This chart only emphasizes the optimum effect of pH on nutrient and microorganisms availability.
1) Short term: Use our foliars ( Stimulate 8-16-4, .30%S, .12%Z, .30%Fe, .03%Mn, .03%Mg, Stimulate 12-0-0, 1.5%Z, 1%Ca, .30%S, .12%Fe, .03%Mn, .03%Mg, Stimulate “Iron & Magnesium” plus traces, 2.6%Fe, 1.1%Mg, .93%Zn, .71%Mn, .20%Mo, .17%C, .051%B, 3.6%S ) or blend Integrate with all other foliars at 1 quart per acre.
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2) Long term: Increase your carbon content of the soil (Organic Matter). How do you increase the carbon content of the soil? Using composts, crop rotation, green manure crops, planting legumes or spreading manures (be careful using manures, they are often high in salts, weed seeds, pathogens like E. coli or Salmonella, and ammoniacal nitrogen. Compost is stabilized and much safer.) Basically all of the above procedures put humus back into the soil. This is time consuming and not always economically feasible. What we recommend is to use a high quality humate program with each crop. This does not mean you will see a dramatic increase in humus in the soil like the programs above. Remember this though, humus can be subdivided into three major fractions: humins, humic acid and fulvic acid. Humins are the portion of humates that need to be broken down further. They contain no immediate assistance to the soil. Humic acids and fulvic acids are the most biochemically active and plant responsive components of humus. Knowing this, we do not recommend that humates replace any of the above fertility programs, but, should be used in conjunction with these soil building programs. Or, they may be used to supplement carbon when these time consuming practices are not practical.
The Catalyst Product Group wants the consumer to be aware that not all humates are the same. Where they come from; how they are mined; how they are processed; how deep they are buried; what was the raw material laid down millions of years ago; are they fresh water or salt water deposits; all effect how they will respond in the soil. The more oxidized humates are, the faster they will work in the soil. This is also true when extracting humic acids and fulvic acids. Companies who start out with the same raw material from the same mine may not end up with like materials either. Do not buy humic and fulvic acids based on their percent, but how fast they work in the soil (this will only be something you can determine). Here are some starting points. 1) First remember that these products aren't classified as snake oils without reason. 2) Ask and insist the dealer tell you who the manufacturer is. 3) Ask the manufacturer where his raw material comes from. 4) Ask what product is used to extract their humic and fulvic acid. 5) Are their humic and fulvic acids separate extraction methods, or a series of processes used to separate them. 6) How much fulvic acid is in the raw material you start with (this can only be an estimate, but most humate manufacturers have an educated guess)? These will give you some good starting points.
The Catalyst Product Group would like to give our customers a bench mark to start with. 1) Our raw material comes from New Mexico. 2) Our humates are derived from a fresh water source of plant material laid down millions of years ago. 3) Our humates are buried from 1 to 25 feet deep, and are highly oxidized (in southwest soils our humates are used up within 6 months). 4) Our humates will test from 55% to 75% humic acid (depends on what test procedure is used). 5) Our humates contain approximately 10% to 35% fulvic acid depending on which grade of raw material used. 6) We use potassium hydroxide to extract our liquid humic / fulvic acid. Some people use ammonium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide (real cheap), or a hydrolysis process.
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7) We do not separate our humic and fulvic acid. They are left together for one product. 8) Our fulvic acid is not extracted with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, or the most common practice phosphoric acid. We have a proprietary fermentation process, much like making a quality wine. 9) Humic acids that contain high percentages of humin (the stuff that settles on the bottom of the pail or tank) provide no immediate response in the soil. A high quality humic acid should have a formula weight of more than 10,000. A typical segment of a humic acid is C130 H140 O64 N9 P, giving it a formula weight of 2,881. So the active ingredient of a humic acid molecule is less than 1/4 of its typical formula weight. It is our belief at The Catalyst Product Group to use a hands out, palms up approach to this industry. We hope we can be of some help to you, the consumer, and we hope this information is helpful.