ð  Constantly accuse you of being unfaithful?

ð  Discourage your relationships with family and friends?

ð  Prevent you from working or attending school?

ð  Criticize you for little things or blame you for everything that goes wrong, call you names, or shout at you?

ð  Anger easily when drinking or using drugs?

ð  Control all finances and force you to account for the money you spend?

ð  Humiliate you in front of others?

ð  Destroy personal property or sentimental items?

ð  Harm or kill your family pets?

ð  Threaten to hurt you or your children?

ð  Hit, punch, slap, kick, or bite you or your children?

ð  Use or threaten to use a weapon against you?

ð  Force you to have sex against your will?

ð  Insult or drive away your friends or family?

ð  Ignore your feelings?

ð  Use lies and contradictions to manipulate you?

ð  Humiliate you in private and/or public; refuse to socialize with you?

ð  Mock or insult your personal beliefs, religion, race, or heritage?

ð  Regularly threaten to leave, or tell you to leave?

ð  Threaten to get custody of the children?

ð  Threaten to kidnap the children?

ð  Abandon you in dangerous places?

ð  Drive recklessly or force you to drive reckless?

ð  Hide or take away your car keys?

ð  Lock you out of your house or apartment?

ð  Prevent you from taking medication, eating, using the bathroom?

ð  Refuse to help you when you are sick, injured, or pregnant?

ð  Demand that you account for your daily activities, expenses, travel?

ð  Use a hidden tape recorder or camera to spy on you?

ð  Stalk you either physically or through email or repeated phone calls?

ð  Check your mail, answering machine, caller ID, email?

ð  Insist you dress in a more sexual way than you want?

ð  Minimize the importance of your feelings about sex?

ð  Become jealously angry; accuse you of sexual activities with others?

ð  Insist that you perform sexual acts which make you uncomfortable?

ð  Forbid you to use protection against sexually transmitted diseases?

ð  Forbid you to use birth control?

ð  Force you to have sex with others or force you to watch others having sex?

ð  Videotape you during sex?

ð  Pressure you to view or read pornography?

ð  Force you to incur debt or ruin your credit?

ð  Control your money?

ð  Hide income, bank accounts or investment?

ð  Gamble, borrow money that forces you into debt?

ð  Refuse to pay family bills?

ð  Force you to sign fraudulent claims, checks, or tax returns?

ð  Threatens to call your employer and lie about your mental health or personal history?

ð  Forbid you to work, go to school, or accept a promotion?

ð  Force you to regularly be late to work, absent, and/or leave work early?

ð  Corner you, push you, and/or throw you down?

ð  Slap or grab you?

ð  Scratch or bite you?

ð  Choke you?

ð  Kick or punch you?

ð  Deny or prevent your access to necessary medical attention?

ð  Inflict any type of physical abuse during pregnancy?

If you find yourself saying “yes” to any of these questions, now is the time to call a battered women’s program for confidential support and information.

Pearl Crisis Center

Toll Free 24-hr Crisis Number:
