PIP showcase return to:
Showcase template[1]
Your contact details
Name, organisation, job title, email address
Give background about the practice you are sharing (~100 words).
Case for change
Write what you are trying to change with the practice you are sharing (~100 words).
List the objectives of the practice you are sharing (~50 words).
Outline key time periods of the implementing practice/pilot. E.g. time from application to approval of the project. If possible provide timeline of essential steps needed. E.g. time period of project team definition, patient recruitment, data collection/analysis, project evaluation.
What funding does your practice require to be put into practice (e.g. new staff or equipment)?
Process of developing the practice
List the different steps taken to develop the model of care (e.g. appointment of new staff, purchase of equipment, changes in protocol, administration process, key roles of teams,pathway protocols etc).
Report any outcomes (qualitative or quantitative; survival data, experience data, emotional impact, cost benefits, emergency-(re)admissions benefits, impact on timelines). Include any preliminary/anecdotalevidence you may haveas well.
List the main key messages/recommendations.
Future directions
Give an overview of any additional steps relevant to the project. Include any additional support you need to achieve better outcomes.
Case study
We would like to develop casestudies with patients who underwent the implemented practice. We would be grateful if you could bring us in contact with patients who would be willing to share with Pancreatic Cancer UK their experience in this care practice.
Confidentiality and consent
The content of this showcase will only be used to provide information about the practice of care you share. Any personal data is held by Pancreatic Cancer UK in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. By sharing your practice, you are giving your consent to PCUKto use the information provided to as part of the Promoting Innovative Practice initiative and relevant activities.
PIP showcase return to:
Please return to: Georgia
Tel: 0203 757 5409
Pancreatic Cancer UK
6th Floor Westminster Tower
3 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7SP
[1]This is just a template and it is subject to change to fit within the context of the practice