1. General provisions.
1.1. The following regulations concern participation in the 14th International Tourism Fair
”BESKIDY‘2003” organised by the City of Bielsko-Biała and ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA.
1.2. The Regulations are an integral part of the Fair Participation Agreement.
1.3. Any additional specific rules established by the Organiser of the Fair will form an integral part of the following regulations.
2. Regulations concerning participation; payment conditions and deadlines.
2.1. The participant is entitled to take part in the Fair after signing the agreement with the Organiser.
2.2. Representatives of an Exhibitor are obliged to sign the ‘Application-Agreement’ form.
2.3. Any consequences resulting from an inappropriate filling of the ‘Application-Agreement’ form are borne by the Exhibitor.
2.4. The Organiser decides about admittance to the Fair by confirming the receipt of the ‘Application - Agreement’ form.
2.5. Should the Organiser refuse admittance to the Fair, an applicant is entitled to reimbursement of all the payments he/she has made. However, the applicant is not entitled to any further claims concerning the refusal.
2.6. The agreement is concluded the moment the participation in the fair is confirmed by the Organiser.
2.7. Together with submitting the application form the Exhibitor is obliged to effect an advance payment in the amount of 45 % of the Net Total (without VAT) resulting from the ‘Agreement-Application’ to the ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA bank account. Failure to make the advance payment releases the Organiser from rendering the service.
2.8. The Exhibitor is obliged to effect the rest of the payment, i.e. 55 % of fee plus VAT, not later than 30 days before the opening of the event. The presentation of the proof of payment is a prerequisite for entrance to the stand.
2.9. Failure to effect the full payment resulting from the ‘Application - Agreement’ until the deadline as stated in par. 2.8 equals withdrawing from participation in the Fair and bearing the consequences specified in par. 4.2.
2.10. All services rendered on the Exhibitor’s request which are not covered by the ‘Application - Agreement’ (such as phone calls, additional equipment, etc.) shall be invoiced within 7 days after the end of the Fair. The value of these services is not subject to any discount.
2.11. Within the payment for the Fair, the Organisers provide a place for one person at an official dinner. In case empty seats are available, other exhibitors may join in upon making an additional fee.
3. Cancellation of participation.
3.1. Should the Exhibitor cancel his/her participation in the Fair not later than 30 days before the beginning of the Fair, he/she is entitled only to reimbursement of the amounts above the advance payment, as defined in these Regulations.
3.2. Should the Exhibitor cancel his/her participation in the Fair later than 14 days before the beginning of the Fair, he/she is obliged to effect the whole payment, as defined in the ‘Application - Agreement.’
3.3. The cancellation of participation in the Fair by the Exhibitor should be submitted in a written form. The date of receipt of the cancellation letter by "ZIAD Bielsko-Biała" S A is deemed the date of cancellation of the participation.
4. Withdrawal from the participation.
4.1. Failure to enter the stand by the participant in due time specified in the Regulations or leaving the stand during the Fair is deemed the withdrawal from the participation.
4.2. The exhibitor who fails to abide by the agreement by not participating in the Fair or participating in the Fair in part time or in partial scope only is obliged to effect the whole payment, as specified in the ‘Application - Agreement’ form, and also to pay all documented additional costs incurred by the Organiser because of this failure.
5. Arrangement of the exhibition.
5.1. The Organiser provides basic standard arrangement of the stand in accordance with the Exhibitor’s order.
5.2. Any individual design of the stand arrangement suggested by the Exhibitor must be approved by the Organiser. If the design differs from a standard type, the Organiser may carry it out at additional fee, agreed with the Exhibitor.
5.3. If the stand is not arranged by the Organiser, its design must be approved by the Fair Office.
5.4. The Organiser reserves the right to change stand location, if the allocated exhibition space does not meet technical specifications of the design or if the stand arrangement does not conform to building or fire-protection regulations. The Organiser is obliged to inform the Exhibitor about any possible change.
5.5. Arrangement of the stand and its furnishings are provided in accordance with the ‘Application - Agreement’, at Exhibitor’s cost and risk.
5.6. The Organiser reserves the exclusive right to arrange the exterior sides of the stand walls.
5.7. During preparation/removal of the exposition, the exhibition space is made available to the Exhibitor from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.. The Organiser can, in justified cases, consent to carrying out of work at different time.
5.8. The Organiser makes the stand available for the Exhibitor 24 hours before the opening of the Fair. The stand is commissioned on the basis of the delivery-acceptance act within the time limit, as specified in par. 5.7. Failure to meet this requirement may be treated as a withdrawal from the participation in the Fair.
5.9. The stand must be removed not later than 24 hours after the end of the Fair. The stand may not be removed when the Fair is still in progress.
5.10. Removal of the exposition or of any exhibits is not allowed before the official close of the Fair.
5.11. After the disassembly of the exhibits, the Exhibitor is obliged to tidy the stand and give it over to the Organiser on the basis of the delivery-acceptance act.
5.12. Should the Exhibitor leave the stand without its prior give-over to the Organiser, the stand will be officially commissioned, and the delivery-acceptance act will form a basis for the settlement of accounts between the Organiser and the Exhibitor.
5.13. Should the Exhibitor fail to leave the exhibition space in due time, as stated in par. 5.9, the Organiser has the right to move the commodities left by the Exhibitor at Exhibitor’s cost and risk, even if such a removal did not comply with the necessary requirements and those defined by their owner.
6. Safety regulations.
6.1. The Exhibitor is obliged to comply with all the appropriate building and assembly, fire-protection and occupational safety and health regulations in force at the Fair premises.
6.2. The Exhibitor is fully responsible for any damages arising out of functioning of his/her equipment and work of people employed by him/her during stand mounting and removal or during its functioning at the Fair.
6.3. The exhibits may not be located in the walking passages along the stand and the presentations of equipment can neither obstruct or block completely safe passage of Fair participants and audience, nor disturb them.
6.4. The Organiser reserves the right to ban those exhibits from installing, which the Organiser regards as dangerous or noxious in any way.
6.5. The Exhibitor is obliged to remove all the packages of his/her exhibits from the stand and Fair area before the opening of the Fair.
6.6. Any repairs or changes in the arrangement of the stand may be performed only during the time when the Fair is closed for the audience.
6.7. The personnel working at the Exhibitor’s stand during the Fair is obliged to wear badges received from the Organiser.
6.8. If the stand is occupied by two or more exhibitors, it must be determined, which of them is an exclusive representative to the Organiser.
6.9. The Exhibitor is obliged to comply with the Regulations and all the instructions given by the Organiser and the Exhibitor is responsible for any violations of those committed by him/herself, the staff employed at the stand and his/her co-exhibitors.
6.10. During Fair opening hours the stand should be open for the audience. Any temporary close of the stand requires Organiser’s permission.
7. Catalogue, advertising, taking photographs and filming.
7.1. Every Exhibitor is obliged to include entry information in the Fair catalogue and has the right to include additional information or an advertisement there at an additional fee.
7.2. Each company, whose entry information or an advertisement has been placed in the catalogue, receives a copy of the catalogue and a packet of symposium materials free of charge.
7.3. The Organiser bears no responsibility for any consequences of mistakes or omissions in the catalogue that occurred because of the Exhibitor’s fault.
7.4. The Exhibitor has the right to advertise his/her products inside the stand only, provided this does not disturb the work of other Fair participants.
7.5. Advertising outside the Exhibitor’s stand is paid and requires prior permission from the Organiser.
7.6. Radio commercials are paid and may be broadcast only via the Fair radio studio.
7.7. The Organiser reserves the right to film and take photographs of the stands and use the film/photo materials for Organiser’s own purposes, with no obligations towards the Exhibitor or third parties.
7.8. The Exhibitor has the right to film and photograph his/her own stand, provided this does not disturb the normal course of the Fair.
7.9. Any cases of taking photographs or filming Fair premises, stands and exhibits by third parties requires permission from the Organiser.
8. Insurance and safeguard of the Fair.
8.1. The Organiser bears no responsibility for any accidents that happened to people during the Fair or any damages to the equipment located at the Fair premises before, after and during the Fair. Nor does the Organiser bear any responsibility for any damages caused by personnel, audience or third parties.
8.2. The Organiser bears no responsibility for any damages caused by theft, fire, flooding, lightning stroke, explosion, water, gas or power stoppage or any other causes of this kind, or resulting from force majeure.
8.3. The Exhibitor is obliged to notify the Organiser of any damage that have occurred, immediately.
8.4. The Exhibitor is obliged to obey all the instructions given by the Organiser concerning fire protection and all the other instructions concerning safety.
8.5. The Organiser provides protection of the Fair premises during the time when the Fair is closed for the audience.
8.6. The Exhibitor is advised to have third party insurance resulting from the participation in the Fair as well as to insure the exhibits.
9. Complaints and claims.
9.1. Any complaints or claims concerning the participation in the Fair should be submitted in a written form before the end of the Fair, so that their justification could be checked.
9.2. Any agreements reached between the Exhibitor and the Organisers and any decisions following them must be in written form under pain of invalidity.
10. Final provisions.
10.1. The participants in the events organised by the City of Bielsko-Biała and ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA are obliged to follow all the rules and the regulations contained herein and any detailed regulations. The participants who fail to follow the rules contained herein bear responsibility for any damages and losses incurred to the Organiser and third parties.
10.2. Should any circumstances occur that the Organiser has no influence upon, especially these caused by force majeure, including changes in customs or tax laws, changes in currency exchange or any new regulations introduced by the state or local authorities, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel, shorten, postpone the Fair, change the fees, change the way the Fair is organised or to partly close the event. In such cases, the participants in the Fair have no right to claim damages or a reduction in fees paid for the participation in the Fair.
10.3. In case the regulations contained herein prove ineffective, the provisions of the Polish Law remain in force.
10.4. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the participation in the Fair will be settled by competent courts in Bielsko-Biała.
10.5. The Regulations are valid from 1 January 2003.
The Fair Office