The Women’s and Men’s Health specialist Physiotherapists based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital offer three ante-natal classes, focussing on the physical aspects of pregnancy and childbirth.

Class 1 Managing the Changes Occurring in the Body During Pregnancy

(Ideal for between 12-18 weeks, but you are welcome at any time)

·  Posture advice, back care and lifting advice

·  Early ante-natal exercises and an explanation of the pelvic floor muscle group

·  Physical problems occurring due to hormonal and circulatory changes will be discussed

Class 2 First Stage of Labour (Suitable from approximately 28 weeks onwards)

·  Recap of Class 1 information

·  Practical demonstration of different positions in labour and breathing awareness

·  Practice of local relaxation i.e. back massage and relaxation techniques

·  Use of T.E.N.S. (for pain relief)

Class 3 Second Stage of Labour (Suitable from approximately 28 weeks onwards)

·  Positions for the second stage of labour

·  Breathing awareness

·  Distraction techniques and relaxation

·  Perineal massage

·  Helpful hints on coping with instrumental deliveries and Caesarean-section

·  Advice on exercise in the postnatal period

There will be an opportunity to ask questions/discuss concerns at each class.

Partners are welcome at all of the sessions.

Please return the slip below to book your place. Booking early is recommended due to high demand. If your preferred choice is fully booked we will offer you alternative venues. A letter to confirm your booking will be sent to you, please remember to bring this with you to each class.


Please return to: Women’s Health, Physiotherapy Department, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XX

Name ...... DOB...... Due Date......

Address ......


Post Code Tel. No.

I would like to attend the classes on the following dates:

Class 1 Venue ...... Date ......

Class 2 Venue ...... Date ......

Class 3 Venue ...... Date ......