Pillars of Islam Poster/Collage & Sentences

I. Directions: a) Create an 8 1/2” x 11” poster illustrating the five pillars of Islam. You can make it like a collage if you want.

b) In sentence form, write a short description of how your visuals relate to each of the five pillars.

II. Poster/Collage

Your poster should:

·  include at least two pictures or a combination of pictures & words that illustrates EACH of the five pillars of Islam

·  identify the pictures with the pillar that they relate to

·  be neatly done

·  have a variety of colors

·  fill up all or most of the paper

III. Sentences

·  For the visuals/words that you include explain how they are connected to either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th pillar of Islam.

·  Your sentences can be written in this format: “The picture of the Ka’ba is included because (then explain why). . .” or “I included the phrase “God’s messenger” because as part of the _____ pillar, Muslims believe (then explain the belief ). . .”

·  At the same time, try to elaborate on the ideas that you include and write well detailed sentences.

IV. Information to use

·  “Five Pillars of Islam Facts Sheet” (this is most helpful)

·  see me for the reading packet on the five pillars of Islam if your “Five Pillars of Islam Facts Sheet” information seems too vague

·  the “Inside Islam/Hajj” video sheets

·  You should not do any research for this assignment!!!

V. Extra Credit

You can earn extra credit by having a parent/guardian look at your work and fill out the “Parent Feedback Form.” This needs to be turned in with your assignment. You can earn up to 6 points for this.

VI. Grading

This is worth 60 points (20 points for poster/collage, 40 points for sentences). Your work will be graded on its accuracy, level of detail, and how well the directions are followed.

pillar / visual/word ideas

Name ______Class ______

Pillars of Islam Poster/Collage & Sentences Grade Sheet

Topic / Excellent / Good / Average / Below Average
I. Poster (20 pts.)
·  includes at least two pictures or a combination of pictures & words that illustrate EACH of the five pillars of Islam
·  identify the pictures with the pillar that they relate to
·  is neatly done
·  has a variety of colors
·  fills up all or most of the paper / 18-20 / 16-17 / 14-15 / 13 or lower
II. Sentences (40 pts.)
·  For the visuals/words that you include sentences explain how visuals/words are connected to either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th pillar of Islam
·  elaborate on the ideas that you include and sentences are well detailed / 36-40 / 32-35 / 28-31 / 27 or lower
TOTAL (out of 60 points) / 54-60 / 48-53 / 42-47 / 41 or lower