Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the Village Hall, Colnbrook on Tuesday 7th October 2014, commencing at 7.35 pm.
Members Present: Chairman - Cllr P. Hood
Vice-Chairman - R. Angell
Cllrs. Bryant, Mrs Cheema, Laxman, Smith, Jones, MacDougald,
Mrs Underhill and Mrs Verma
Officer Present: Mrs K. Jones - Clerk & Finance Officer
Members of the Public: 0
PC/14/58 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from the PCSO
The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd September 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Cllr Laxman informed the meeting that although minute PC/14/51 – WW1 Project, was correct at the time, the Church had confirmed that the event only cost £671.00.
The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th September 2014 were submitted by Cllr Laxman. RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.
i) The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th September 2014 were submitted by the Chairman RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.
ii) List of Payments
The list of payments in the sum of £ 8,707.94 (Inc. VAT) from 2nd July 2014 to 15th August 2014 were received. RESOLVED:- that the list of payments be confirmed and approved.
Cllr Smith declared an interest as he is on the planning committee at the Borough Council, and took no part in the discussions.
The following applications were received for consideration the outcome being;
i) Ref: P/15929/000 , 3 Hunstanton Close, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 0RL Proposal: CONSTRUCTION OF LOFT CONVERSION INTO HABITABLE ROOMS IN THE ROOF SPACE AND INSERTION OF ONE ROOF LIGHT IN THE FRONT AND REAR ROOF SLOPE ELEVATIONS. Members agreed to leave this to neighbours observations / comments.
ii) Ref: P/10697/009, Lanz Farm Ltd, Galleymead House, Galleymead Road, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 0NT. Proposal: ERECTION OF NEW BUILDING TO HOUSE NEW RECYCLING FACILITY WITH REVISED ACCESS AND INTERNAL LAYOUT. The Chairman advised that he had received an invitation to visit the site to view the proposal. It was agreed that Cllr Jones would also attend and a date to be arranged.
Members also noted the decisions made by the Borough Council on the planning addendum list circulated at the meeting.
PC/14/64 LETTER TO AIRPORTS COMMISSIONCllr Smith circulated a draft of the letter he had prepared to go to the Davis Commission on behalf of the parish council regarding both the Heathrow expansion proposals and the Heathrow Hub. He outlined the contents and gave all members present a copy. They were asked to give any comments and additions either to Cllr Smith or the Chairman by the 14th October 2014.
The Chairman advised that he been informed by HAL that they had met with Mr Jock Lowe of Heathrow Hub, and had decided NOT to object to their proposal, but would not put their name to it as a second option. However whichever one may be chosen, if any, following the commission’s report it will be a Heathrow Development Project.
The Chairman advised that the CCTV camera was in and working with a few teething problems. The pan and tilt mechanism at the moment clashes with the street light column and will need resolving. The Chair and Vice Chairman have arranged to attend the operations room at Slough B. C. to see the camera in operation and will report back.
i) Slough Borough Council – notification of a Gating Order adjacent to 80 Torridge Road, to restrict access due to anti-social behaviour and fly tipping. Members agreed with this proposal.
ii) Keep Britain Tidy Diamond Jubilee Awards – the deadline for applications and nominations is 28th November 2014. Members to send suggestions to the Clerk who will liaise with Cllr Angell. Cllr Bryant to send information regarding local schools’ input.
iii) Electoral Services Manager, Slough Borough Council – confirmation that several roads in Colnbrook did have an incorrect postal address on their records. This has now been amended. Members thanked the parishioner who bought this to our attention.
iv) Notification of the Slough Forum on the 8th December 2014. Chair and Vice Chair to attend.
v) The Chairman advised that following a site meeting to discuss the flowers in the village a quotation had been received from Windowflowers Ltd for the removal, cleaning, storing and replanting of the lamp column planters and troughs with bedding flowers for both Winter 2014 and Summer 2015. Cllr Angell advised members that there had been some problems with the existing contractor, and they had been instructed not to remove these for the time being. The Chairman proposed that Windowflowers be instructed to proceed on the basis that their quotation was significantly less than that paid this year He further proposed that as well as the Summer baskets and planters, Winter baskets and planters be ordered for the centre of the village. RESOLVED:- To proceeding with this proposal. All in favour
vi) The Chairman advised that he had received an email from Cllr Burke regarding the arrangements for a Bonfire Display in Scott Field as last year – subject to church approval. This was on behalf of the youth Club and the CCA and requested a contribution from the Parish Council to go towards fireworks and food. Following discussions it was RESOLVED:- Not to support this venture with funding. All agreed.
Cllr MacDougald circulated copies of the HAL newsletter.
Cllr Bryant ask for the date of the next Parish Surgery and the Chairman advised these were held on the last Saturday of each month in the Village Hall.
Cllr Bryant also asked about the Apple Fair and requested that a working group be set up, with other representatives from the community. Cllr Mrs Underhill advised that this year’s event had already been arranged to be held at The George P.H. The Chairman advised that originally this had been set up to raise funds for the building of the Village Hall by the Residents Association and then it had been run by the scouts to raise funds. This year’s event seemed to be a commercial venture and it was unclear as to where the proceeds would be going. Cllr Laxman agreed to look into the matter and discuss it with the CRA to see if they would be willing to take back control.
Cllr Laxman advised that arrangements for the Scottish Evening were progressing well. He also advised of St Thomas’s Harvest Supper and Quiz night on Friday 10th October at 7.15 pm and urged as many members to come as possible to continue the good relationship.
Cllr Angel advised the meeting of the following items;
1) Colnbrook Community Partnership
Pippins Park Tennis Courts
The grand opening with the Mayor of Slough performing the opening ceremony all went very well and was well publicised. The tennis coach organised games and gave instruction on the game. Small racquets and special balls were supplied for youngsters and adult racquets and balls for adults to encouraged for both youngsters and adults alike to get involved.
The new court is alongside the MUGA and the floodlights for the tennis courts will be added to as soon as possible.
Colnbrook Village Hall
The Partnership are part funding the refurbishment of the ladies, gents and disabled toilets. Work has started on this work and they will be finished shortly.
New Projects
The CCP are looking for new projects so any suggestions would be welcome.
2) Colnbrook Village Hall Trust
The trust held it’s AGM on the 25th September 2014 where the accounts for the financial year 2013 – 2014 were presented and accepted by the meeting.
This was followed by the election of new members and the acceptance of the representative group nominees.
Therefore, a new board of trustees has been set up for the 2014 – 2015 year.
Representative Groups
1 / Colnbrook & Poyle United Church / Keith J. Ayres2 / Colnbrook with Poyle Parish Council / Safia Akram
3 / Colnbrook Church Wives / Ann Coleman
4 / St. Thomas’s Church / Will Fitzmaurice
5 / Colnbrook Over 50’s Club / Barbara Underhill
6 / Colnbrook Amateur Stage Theatre / Joe Mallows
7 / Colnbrook Residents Association / David MacDougald
8 / Colnbrook Scout Group / Alistair Metcalfe
9 / Colnbrook Community Partnership / Ray Angell
10 / Colnbrook Village Hall Club / Remained vacant
11 / Slough Borough Council / Madhu Bedi
12 / Colnbrook Baptist Church / Remained vacant
13 / Colnbrook Whist club / Remained vacant
14 / Chris Darbon / Elected
15 / Raymond jackson / Elected
16 / Sheila Underwood / Elected
17 / Bill Jeeves / Elected
18 / Sylvia Jeeves / Elected
Co-opted member at the first meeting of the trust
19 Neelam Verma Co-opted
The refurbishment work has started with the meeting rooms and disabled toilet almost finished and the work on the ladies and gents has started. Work on stripping out the kitchen has also begun.
The Chairman advised of a Flooding Technical Meeting which had been held and which would issue a report at the end of the month. They had recommended; a wider mesh grill on the Horton Weir to stop the build-up of rubbish blocking the water flow; a protocol would be put in place and an operational guide issued re the Penn Stop Gates on the lakes at Grundon’s, and that the Environment Agency had monies to carry out a survey on the levels of the bunds and the toll house estate drainage.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm
SIGNED: …...... DATE …......