Data Entry Guidance – Completing and Online Annual or Interim Review of an EHCP - POST 16

Name: / Must be Legal Name not name “known as” from data entered on the portal about the pupil / NCY Taught In / Choose from pick list
DOB: / Pick from calendar / CIC: / Yes/No
School/provider: / (100 character text field)
Student’s Address: / Pupil’s home address from data entered on the portal about the pupil
Phone Number: / Home telephone number of the pupil from data entered on the portal about the pupil.
If the pupil is a child in care please provide status / Accommodated
Interim Care Order
Full Care Oder
Local Authority Name: / (50 character text field)
Review Type / Annual Review
Interim Review
If Interim, please choose reason / Change of school
Significant change to needs
Current provision not meeting needs
Date of Review Meeting / Pick from calendar
Date current EHCP issued / Pick from calendar
Primary Need (after review): / SPLD - Specific Learning Difficulty
MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty
SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty
PMLD - Profound and Multi Learn Difficulty
HI - Hearing Impairment
VI - Visual Impairment
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment
PD - Physical Disability
OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability
SLCN - Speech, Language or Communication Difficulty
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
PRS - Pierre Robin Syndrome
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Diagnosis: (if any) / (200 characters text)
Does the student have Mental Capacity? Please include Mental Capacity Assessment if appropriate. / Yes/No
Parent/Carer Name: (Use the Add More button to add more than 1 parent/carer) / (100 character text)
Relationship to child/Young person / (100 character text)
Address if different from above: / (200 character text)
Phone Number: / (20 character text)
Detail any special arrangements necessary for communication with parent or young person: / (200 character text)
Child/Young Person’s views of the past year and aspirations
What really helped me over the last year – with reasons
(2500 character text)
What am I good at
(2500 character text)
What didn’t go so well – with reasons
(2500 character text)
What do I want to achieve next year?
(2500 character text)
If not actually written by child/young person please ensure this is reflected
(100 character text)
What employment is undertaken if any, paid or otherwise? / (2500 character text)
Employment aspiration? / (2500 character text)
Is the student employment ready? / Yes/No
Please provide details of any skills gaps. / (2500 character text)
Parent/Carer views of the past year and aspirations (Use the Add More button to add the views of more than one parent/carer.)
Parent/Carer Name:
What was good/not so good about last year – with reasons
(2500 character text)
What I want my son/daughter to be able to achieve next year
(2500 character text)
Preparation for Adulthood
The review must focus on preparation for adulthood including independent living, employment and participation in society. Record discussion of future plans and aspirations for the young person, this discussion MUST include relevant professionals from schools/provider, CareersSW (from Year 11) and adult services as appropriate;
Education & Employment
Further education and or employment- this includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self- employed and help from supported employment agencies / (2500 character text)
Independent Living
Having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living and understanding their benefits. / (2500 character text)
Participation in Society
Having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community. / (2500 character text)
Healthy Living
Being as healthy as possible in adult life / (2500 character text)
Following conversation, please ensure relevant referrals are made and outcomes proposed

SEN 0-25: Review of EHCP Post 16 v4 Version date 29/08/2017

Review of Educational Provision to meet outcomes in current plan
Link to SECTION B of EHCP Summary of Need / Link to SECTION E of EHCP
Desired Outcome within EHCP / Link to SECTION F of EHCP
What has been done to achieve this? (Provision) / Has Outcome been achieved? / Is Outcome still appropriate?
(2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / Yes/No / Yes/No
Impact of Provision on achievement of Outcome:
(2500 character text)
What is the recommended updated Outcome?
Need (from EHCP) / Proposed Outcome / Proposed Provision
(2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / (2500 character text)
Review of Health Provision to meet outcomes in current plan: must be reviewed by a Health professional
Link to SECTION C of EHCP Summary of Need / Link to SECTION E of EHCP
Desired Outcome within EHCP / Link to SECTION G of EHCP
What has been done to achieve this? (Provision) / Has Outcome been achieved? / Is Outcome still appropriate?
(2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / Yes/No / Yes/No
Impact of Provision on achievement of Outcome:
(2500 character text)
What is the recommended updated Outcome?
Need (from EHCP) / Proposed Outcome / Proposed Provision
(2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / (2500 character text)
Review of Care Provision to meet outcomes in current plan: must be reviewed by Care professional
Link to SECTION D of EHCP Summary of Need / Link to SECTION E of EHCP
Desired Outcome within EHCP / Link to SECTION H1/H2 of EHCP
What has been done to achieve this? (Provision) / Has Outcome been achieved? / Is Outcome still appropriate?
(2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / Yes/No / Yes/No
Impact of Provision on achievement of Outcome:
(2500 character text)
What is the recommended updated Outcome?
Need (from EHCP) / Proposed Outcome / Proposed Provision
(2500 character text) / (2500 character text) / (2500 character text)
Has this young person been assessed for continuing Health Care? / Yes/No
Has this young person met their preparing for adulthood worker? / Yes/No
Does this young person meet the threshold for adult social care services? / Yes/No

SEN 0-25: Review of EHCP Post 16 v4 Version date 29/08/2017

Post 16 Progress and Attainment
P Scale Judgements for Young People working at P Scale level / Current P Scale
P1i – P3ii, or P4 – P8
P Scale English (P1i – P3ii only) / P1i
Not Applicable
P Scale English Reading (P4 – P8 only) / P4
Not Applicable
P Scale English Writing (P4 – P8 only) / P4
Not Applicable
P Scale English Speaking (P4 – P8 only) / P4
Not Applicable
P Scale English Listening (P4 – P8 only) / P4
Not Applicable
P Scale Maths (P1i – P3ii only) / P1i
Not Applicable
P Scale Number (P4 – P8 only) / P4
Not Applicable
P Scale Using and Applying (P4 – P8 only) / P4
Not Applicable
P Scale Shape Space & Measures (P4 – P8 only) / P4
Not Applicable
Functional Skills Subjects
Course / Qualification Level / Progress / Achievement
ICT / Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2 / Emerging
Achieved / Achieved
Not Achieved
Not Applicable
Post 16 Courses of Study being undertaken including 6th Form
Course / Qualification Level / Progress / Achievement
(Text 250 characters) / Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3 A Level
Level 3 Vocational
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Other / Emerging
Achieved / Achieved
Not Achieved
Not Applicable
Supported Internship
Is the young person undertaking a supported internship / Yes/No
Which Supported Internship is the young person undertaking? / (300 character text)
Is the young person on track to become work-ready by the end of the internship? / On-track
Working Towards
Not On-track
Is the young person undertaking an apprenticeship? / Yes/No
Which apprenticeship is the young person undertaking? / (300 character text)
Is the young person on track to complete the apprenticeship? / On-track
Working Towards
Not On-track

SEN 0-25: Review of EHCP Post 16 v4 Version date 29/08/2017

Contributors to the Review
Role / Name and Email address / Invited to review meeting / Report/Advice provided for Review Meeting / Attended review meeting / Will contributor receive a copy of the review report / Additional advice required
Choose from pick list (and additional 50 character text if required) / (100 character text)
(100 character text) / Yes/No / Yes/No / Yes/No / Yes/No / Yes/No

SEN 0-25: Review of EHCP Post 16 v4 Version date 29/08/2017

Additional comments:
If recommendations differ between the school/provider and those of others attending the review meeting, please provide details.
(2500 character text)
Please provide details of any additional comments about the young person or their circumstances, relevant to the Review.
(2500 character text)
Is the young person provided with transport funded by the LA? / Yes/No
If Yes, please describe the arrangements: / (100 character text)
Is Independent Travel Training appropriate? / Yes/No
Review Recommendations
Is it appropriate to maintain the EHCP? / Yes/No
It is appropriate to amend the EHCP? / Yes/No
Is a review of funding required? / Yes/No
Personal Budget
Has a Personal Budget breakdown requested? / Yes/No

It should be made clear to those in attendance that the recommendations can be made, but the LA will make the final decision on whether to maintain or amend an EHC Plan.

Supporting Documents To Be Uploaded
For LAC Only: Please upload a copy of the pupil's PEP or PEP Review to the Local Authority.
All Young People: Please upload a copy of the current and previous school/provider level plans and targets to the Local Authority.
All Young People: Please upload all written advice submitted for this review to the Local Authority.
How many complete documents/reports have been uploaded to support this review? / (3 character number)

Please submit the Review Report and all supporting evidence to the SEN 0-25 team within 10 days of the meeting. Supporting evidence that cannot be uploaded may be e-mailed to  quoting the name of the pupil and date of the online form submission.

Review Sign Off Name / (100 character text)
Role of review signatory / (50 character text)
Review Online Submission: Name / (100 character text)
Role of submission signatory / (50 character text)
Name of School or Education Provider / (100 character text)
Date of Review Report / Pick from calendar

Annual review Appendix: Changes to Needs

Complete this only if this is an end of Key Stage Review for a young person in NCY 11, OR there have been significant changes to educational, health or care needs within the last 12 months.
Educational Needs
Based on professional reports and advice received, outline any changes to needs
Communication and interaction:
(2500 character text) / Provision:
(2500 character text)
Suggest a SMART Outcome to meet the above need:
(2500 character text)
Cognition and learning:
(2500 character text) / Provision:
(2500 character text)
Suggest a SMART Outcome to meet the above need:
(2500 character text)
Social, mental and emotional health
(2500 character text) / Provision:
(2500 character text)
Suggest a SMART outcome to meet the above need:
(2500 character text)
Sensory and/or physical needs
(2500 character text) / Provision:
(2500 character text)
Suggest a SMART outcome to meet the above need:
(2500 character text)
Health Needs
Describe the barriers to progress – identify each health need.
Please add comments from health professionals in attendance and attach copies of reports used to inform the comments
(2500 character text)
SECTION D: Care Needs
Describe the barriers to progress – identify each social care need
Please add comments from care professionals in attendance and attach copies of reports used to inform the comments
(2500 character text)

SEN 0-25: Review of EHCP Post 16 v4 Version date 29/08/2017