(July 2012)
Unit Statement: This unit offers activities that develop enhanced spatial awareness through basic gymnastics and tumbling. The focus is on improving coordination, balance and body awareness. The student is challenged to try stunts and skills that are beyond their comfort range. The student will also analyze how these activities develop muscle endurance, strength, and flexibility.
Essential Outcomes: (assessed for mastery)
1. The Student Will demonstrate sportsmanship through effort, attitude, cooperation, leadership and safe movement choices.
2. TSW demonstrate care and respect for equipment and facilities.
3. TSW will demonstrate proper spotting techniques.
4. TSW demonstrate tumbling and inverted skills separately and in combination.
5. TSW demonstrate climbing, supporting skills on various apparatus.
6. TSW demonstrate various body positions while elevated or jumping (Use different apparatus if available).
7. TSW demonstrate vaulting skills (Use different apparatus if available)
8. TSW demonstrate partner and group stunts.
9. TSW demonstrate improvement in skills and fitness through effective practice.
Introduced and Practiced: (not assessed)
1. The Student Will discuss and practice proper spotting.
2. TSW create and perform a gymnastic routine.
1. Teaching Developmental Gymnastics- Skills to take through Life - (TDG) , (TDG) pp 4-11, (mats), 20-21, 22-27, 72-76, 78-79, 80-85, 130-143; (jumping) 29-31, 34, 36-37, 88-95,146-153; (bar) 40-49, 98-109, 156-167; (inclined mats) 56-59, 111-117, 170-175; (beam) 62-69, 120-127, 178-185. See suggested assessments for individual stunts
2. Dynamic PE (Dyn. PE) – pp. 456-510
3. Lesson Plans for Dyn. PE – pp. 241-244, 251-253, 262-264, 287-289, 317-318.
4. SPARK Physical Eduction Program Grades 3-6 – Chapters: Stunts and Tumbling.
Access to a gymnastics gym or equipment that you might have at your facility may vary and need to be adapted for gymnastic purposes (ie. benches, playground equipment, lines on the floor, boxes, mats, climbing ropes, etc.)
Your school may gradually acquire a balance beam, parallel bars/uneven bars combo, climbing rope, horizontal bar, foam Swedish box, jumping box, or short horse, hanging rings, tumbling mats and safety mats. Any parts or pieces of the listed equipment can be used to create a fun and challenging fitness unit.
Suggested Evaluation:
TSW will show increased confidence in attempting mastery and/or showing progress towards mastery of 80% the gymnastic movements and stunts presented to the class. Many of these stunts and activities do not require any special equipment. If equipment is necessary and not available, try to make modifications. Spotting should be conducted at all times. If there are no mats, an adult should be with the children and in some cases a hand should be on the student.
Tumbling: Mats can be purchased locally or from the Gopher or Flaghouse catalog
-Knee Drop (Dynamic PE 475)
-Log Roll (Dynamic PE 453, Lesson Plans for Dynamic pp.22)
-Power jump-from Knees jump to stand (TDG 15; Lesson Plans for Dynamic p. 144)
-Forward Roll (TDG 83, Lesson Plans for Dynamic pp.23, 123)
-Forward roll to a walkout (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p. 123)
-Forward Roll then Jump
-Back Shoulder Roll (TDG 85)
-Backward roll hand clasp position (Dyn. PE p. 490; Lesson Plans for Dynamicp.123)
-Backward roll (Dyn.PE p. 490)
-Tripod (TDG 78; Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.144)
-Mule Kick (Dyn. PE p. 489, Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.143)
-Switcheroo (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.
-Cartwheel (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.144, TDG 135))
-Leg Dip (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.123)
-Handstand (assisted)(Dyn. PE 494)
-Headstand (spotted)(TDG 137, Dyn.PE p. 491)
-Dbl. Knee up/ Frog headstand (TDG 137, Dyn PE p.492)
-Walk Walk up (Dyn. PE p 510)
-Heel Click (side) Dyn. PE p 510)
-Walk through (Dyn. PE.p 511)
-Jump through (Dyn PE p 511)
-Single Leg Circle (Dyn. PE p. 512)
Balance Beam: Gymnastics apparatus, a bench with no back, a four by four placed on the floor, a painted line.
-Front support mount (TDG 46)
-Stand (rise to a stand on an object that is 90cm or higher)
-Knee-Lift Stand (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.42)
-Stork Stand (Dyn. PE p. 481,Lesson Plans for Dynamic pp.42)
-Knee Scale (TDG 184, Dyn PE 457)
-Walk Forward (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.23, 194)
-Walk Backward (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p. 194)
-Crazy walk (Dyn. PE 461-462)
-Slide (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p. 194)
-Tip toe (pivot) turn (TDG 121)
-Jump off (TDG 30, Lesson Plans p.193)
- Spread Eagle dismount(TDG 81, Lesson Plans for Dynamic p. 194)
-Jackknife (pike)- (Lesson Plans p. 193)
-squat jump dismount (Lesson Plans p. 193)
Benches : a bench with no back (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p. 158-159)
Copyright © 1988-2012
- skip
- gallop
- step on and off
- jump on and off
- hop on and off
- jump over the bench
- Pike dismount
- Straddle dismount
- Jump forward roll
- Back jump backward roll
Copyright © 1988-2012
Parallel Bars: Gymnastic apparatus or playground bars that are the same height
-move the length of the bars
-swing the body back and forth
-straddle walk length of bars
-basket (if bars are the same height or higher than the students)
-inverted hang
Uneven Bars/Horizontal Bar: Gymnastic apparatus or a bar on piece of playground equipment.
-forward roll dismount over the low bar(TDG 105)
-forward roll dismount over the high bar (TDG 105)
-front support (TDG 150)
-hip hug (TDG 47)
-Underswing dismount from a sit or stand on the Low Bar ((TDG 156)
-Back Pullaway from stand on low bar
-swan balance on low bar(Dyn.PE 421), Swan Balance (HB) (Dyn.PE 421)
-Single leg swing back (TDG165)
-Dbl. Leg swing back (TDG 165)
-Seat Kicker( TDG 108)
-Castaway dismount (TDG 51)
*1/2 turn dismount (TDG 10)
* Back Hip Pullover(TDG 163)
Horizontal Bar: any bar that is higher than a child’s reach
Copyright © 1988-2012
-Hang and swing (TDG 40)
-single leg swing up
-Basket(TDG 107
-Space walk (TDG 43)
-Knee bender (TDG 43)
-Toe touch (TDG 101)
-1 leg balance (TDG 158)
-Single leg cuts (TDG 161)
-Hip Swivel (TDG 160)
-Overgrip hand walk (TDG 44)
-1/2 turn from a long hang
-full turn from a long hang
-Skin the Cat Dsmt. (Dyn. 418)
Copyright © 1988-2012
Rings: hanging rings or a bar that is higher than the reach of the child
-Straight-Arm Hang ((Dynamic PE 417)
-Double-knee lift (Dynamic PE 417)
-Straight Arm Hang with Bicycle Pedal (Dynamic PE 417)
-half lever (same as rope Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-full lever (same as rope Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-Toe touch (TDG 48)
-Bat Hang (TDG 48)
-Inverted Hang (Dyn. 417)
-Skin the Cat (Dyn. 418)
Rope: or pole
-Pull up from a sit & return (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-Descend to a prone position on floor & return to stand (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-Bent Arm Hang (#3) – hold 5 seconds
hold 10 seconds
hold 20 seconds (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-Bicycle Hang (#4) (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-Half Lever (#4) (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-Full Lever (#4) (Lesson Plans for Dynamic p.200)
-climb up and climb down (2- 3 meters)
Vault: mats or other surface that is about 50-60 cm tall and at least 40 cm deep.
-onto an object using 2 foot takeoff
-squat vault over an object using 2 foot takeoff
-straddle vault over an object using 2 foot take off
Stilts: various heights can be locally made or purchased
-walk forward 3 meters, 10 meters, 15 meters, 20 meters on different heights of stilts
-walk backward, turns, kicks, jumps
Jumping Board, Traveling rings, Horizontal Ladder, Wall Ladder, Trapeze, stilts are just a few other pieces of equipment that you might want to include in your gymnastics unit. Quality Schools International disapproves use of Trampolines for liability issues.
Unit Assessment Tools:
· To achieve mastery the student must have an ‘A’ or ‘B’ evaluation for each segment of the assessment rubric below.
· A student is “not yet” if they have not shown mastery of all the areas.
· There are two parts to the assessment of each unit: 1) an “evaluation guide” for evaluating TSW 1 and TSW 2 and 2) the “assessment rubric”
· To receive an ‘A’ in a unit the student must have ‘A’s’ in four of the six areas in TSW 1 and TSW 2 on the assessment rubric and at least a ‘B’ in all the other TSW’s on the assessment rubric.
· An ‘E’ (Exposure) can be given if a student shows diligent effort at achieving mastery but is unable to show mastery because of something out of their control (ie. physical challenges, sight challenges, poor attendance).
Evaluation Guide for TSW 1 & 2
/ · Effort – Does not try in physical activity· Attitude – Has a negative attitude, is not nice when winning and/or says unkind things
· Cooperation – Will not work with others
· Leadership – Needs to be asked three or more times to do things
· Safety – Is unsafe in physical activity and or endangers another student
· Equipment – Does not treat equipment with respect
‘B’ / · Effort – Puts forth required effort
· Attitude – Has a positive attitude and appropriate Sportsmanship (winning & losing)
· Cooperation – Works appropriately with others, listens and follows directions most of the time
· Leadership – Shows leadership (by voice or by example)
· Safety – Makes safe movement choices and has self control
· Equipment – Treats equipment as expected, takes care of equipment when asked
/ · Effort – Puts forth an obvious exceptional effort, goes beyond what is asked by teacher, makes individual improvement· Attitude – Is verbally positive about activities, verbally encourages others
· Cooperation – Works well with others, volunteers to work with others, helps students with lesser ability
· Leadership – Is quick to follow directions, encourages others to do the same
· Safety – Makes safe movement choices, shows self control
· Equipment – Voluntarily picks up equipment
A =Exceptional
Students’ names
Student names
TSW 1Effort
Safe movements
Care and respect of
Equipment and facilitiesTSW 3
Demonstrate spotting
Tumbling stunts (separately/in sequence)Inverted balances
(separately/in sequence)
Body awareness Climbing, and supporting skillsTSW 6
Various body positions while jumpingTSW 7
Variety of vaulting skillsTSW 8
Partner and group stuntsTSW 9
Improvement in skills and fitness through practice.
Copyright © 1988-2012