Present:Cllr. Mr S Jones – Chairman (SJ)Miss D Groves - Clerk (DG)

Cllr. Mr J Steed(JS)

Cllr. Mr D Goodwin(DG)Cllr. Mr J Fothergill(JF)

Cllr. Mrs J Slack(JS)Cllr. Mrs P Wyatt(PW)

Cllr. Mr S Fletcher(SF)

Minute / Action
2014/01 / Opening and Introduction by Chairman
The Chairman, Cllr. Mr Jones opened the meeting at 7.15 pm and all were welcomed. Apologies for late arrival (7.20pm) received from Cllr. Mr Fothergill
2014/02 / To Receive the Chairman’s Report for the Year 2013/14


I was proud to serve the Parish Council as Vice-Chairman for the first two-thirds of the year, and even prouder to serve as Chairman for the last third of the year. I must pay tribute to my predecessor Mr. Keith Rye for his sterling work for this Parish not just last year, but for many previous years. He will be missed by Long Lawford but I am sure that you would wish to join me in wishing Keith the very best of luck in his new venture in Scotland.
The year has seen many and varied achievements, ones that we can all be proud of, some of which I have listed below :-
  • Installation of Skatepark including grass seeding the banks and installation of Safagrass surrounding the Skatepark
  • Completed the Installation of play equipment – toddler area King George Vth
  • Completed the Installation of CCTV
  • Long Lawford Parish Council Website designed and launched
  • Provision of 4 Grit Bins – Lawford and Lawford Heath at the request of residents
  • Provision of Signage to prevent lorries parking at the Ryelands at the request of residents and our Borough Councillor S. Bragg
  • Additional Litter Bins provided at the Skatepark
  • Pollarding of Willow Tree at Livingstone Avenue at the request of a resident
  • Litter Bins and Dog Bins at Back Lane/Tee Tong Estate are due to be provided
  • Provision of additional benches (4) 2 in King George Vth (to provide seating for spectators of Skatepark users) and 2 in Cherwell Way (to provide seating for football supporters) These benches are in addition to the installation of picnic benches in King George Vth, Cherwell Way and Lawford Heath and a further bench in all three areas in 2012.
  • Flower beds had a major maintenance overhaul and trimming down of bushes, replenishment of bark chips
  • To mark the anniversary of the First world War, Poppy seeds are to be planted in one of the flower beds.
  • The Council agreed to reduce the number of flower beds from 18 to10 i.e. a reduction of 2 each year for the next 4 years, when the flower beds will again be reviewed for the purpose of keeping the maintenance at a manageable and sustainable level.
  • Hedges that are the responsibility of the Parish Council in King George Vth field (School St and Townsend Lane boundaries) have been cut as well as the hedge at the boundary in Cherwell Way field.
  • The Council instigated various repairs and replacements of Street Lighting equipment within the Parish, which will be ongoing throughout the coming years due to the age of some of our Street lighting.
  • Long Lawford Parish Council officially amalgamated with Little Lawford in December 2013
  • The council continued to provide support to the Youth Club; FOLLY, the Village Football Teams by providing a line marked pitch at the start of the Season and the use of the Pavilion during the year. Also the Fete Committee with use of the Pavilion for storage of equipment and use of the Pavilion on Fete Day.
  • The Council has provided support for a WCC project for young people by giving access to the Pavilion.
I apologize if I have missed anything from this list, but I am sure you will agree that 2013/2014 has indeed been a year to be proud of.
And now I have some more personal thanks to mention.
I would like to thank Corporal David Rye who led the parade on behalf of the council on Remembrance Sunday.
I would like to thank our Maintenance Man, Mark for all his hard work during the year, many of the projects listed would not have been achieved without his diligence . He has seen his workload much increased during the year, particularly with the advent of the skatepark and the increased litter etc this has involved. Mark has been trained this year in hedge cutting and weed spraying by attending specialist training courses. This is in line with the council's policy of saving costs versus contractor prices.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow parish councillors for their support and hard work over the past year, and also to thank Sally Bragg, Claire Watsonand Derek Poole our borough councillors, and Maggie O'Rourke our county councillor for their attendance at our meetings, and their support and assistance throughout the year.
My thanks also to our parish clerk Debbie Groves who has worked tirelessly to ensure that all of our projects were managed and completed in a timely manner. My transition to Chairman would have been so difficult without Debbie's help and guidance .
And finally I would like to thank the members of the public who turn out each month to give us their views. We appreciate your attendance, and sincerely hope that we have, in many ways met our joint aspirations to make Long Lawford a better place to live.
2014/03 / To Approve the Minutes of 2012/13Annual Parish Meeting
The Minutes had been circulated. It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Slack, seconded by Cllr. Mr Fletcher to accept the Annual Parish Meeting Minutes of 2012/13. 6 votes in favour, 1 abstention due to absence from the meeting.
2014/04 / To Receive Reports from Groups within the Village
No further reports received.
2014/05 / To Receive Reports from Borough/County Councillors
Due to elections, no reports were submitted.
The Meeting was declared closed at 7.25pm


Chairman, Cllr. Mr Stephen Jones


My docs/Parish Council/Minutes/Annual Parish Minutes