Great Expectations
Chapter Summaries
Chapters 1-10
* means key chapter
Chapter / Summary1* / Pip and Magwitch meet on the marsh (worksheet & questions, watch film)
2* / Pip’s home life, steals food and a file (social context, themes)
3* / Pip meets the 2nd convict and helps Magwitch (social context, themes)
4 / Pip’s company make him feel guilty and unhappy
5* / Soldiers capture both convicts and Magwitch protects Pip. (How is Pip’s conscience affected by this episode? Keeping a secret isolates him. Joe’s Christian forgiveness opposed to the ‘hunt’)
6 / Pip tired
7* / Pip to go to Miss Havishams. (Theme of title: ‘expectations’)
8* / Pip meets Miss Havisham and Estella (What was she like?)
9 / Pip unhappy and Joe’s advice
10* / Pip shown the file by a strange man. (‘Two fat sweltering one pound notes’ hints at Pip’s later expectations.)
Great Expectations
Chapter Summaries
Chapters 11-20
* means key chapter
Chapter / Summary11* / Miss Havisham’s birthday and visitors. (Hints at her history through wedding feast. Comedy and dark suspense are used, why? Pale young man introduced.)
12 / Miss Havisham asks for Joe so Pip can be apprenticed to him.
13* / Miss Havisham rewards Pip with £25 and he is apprenticed to Joe but is unhappy. (Hint at his ‘expectations’ in final sentences. Finished at Miss Havishams)
14 / Pip feels ashamed of his home.
15* / Orlick and Pip returns to see Miss Havisham. (Focus on characterisation of Orlick and his criminal tendencies compared to Magwitch.)
16 / Pip’s sister is harmed, by who?
17* / Biddy’s advice for Pip who wants to be a gentleman for Estella. (What is it?)
18* / Jagger’s arrives to tell Pip he has ‘great expectations’. (Pip believes it is by Miss Havisham. Look at characterisation of Jaggers).
19* / Pip enjoys his wealth. Some people react differently to him. Pip goes to Miss Havisham’s and then leaves home with the world before him. (Episode with convict still haunts Pip)
20 / Pip enjoys his wealth. Some people react differently to him. Pip goes to Miss Havisham’s and then leaves home with the world before him. (Episode with convict still haunts Pip)
Great Expectations
Chapter Summaries
Chapters 21-30
* means key chapter
Chapter / Summary21 / Mr Herbert Pocket is the pale young gentleman from Miss Havisham’s.
22* / Miss Havisham’s history and Pip is taught the correct behaviour of a gentleman. (Are social rules important?)
23 / Wemmick’s double life.
24 / Wemmick’s double life.
25 / Wemmick’s double life.
26 / Drummle
27* / Joe arrives and does not fit in with London or Pip’s new life. Joe tells Pip Miss Havisham wants to see him. (How does Pip feel? Embarrassed and ashamed of Joe.)
28* / Pip overhears two convicts talking about him and how Magwitch gave £2 to one of them to deliver to Pip.
29* / Pip thinks he and Estella are to be married! Miss Havisham pleas with Pip to love Estella. (What feelings are behind this plea?)
30 / Pip confides in Herbert his love for Estella.
Great Expectations
Chapter Summaries
Chapters 31-40
* means key chapter
Chapter / Summary31 / At the Theatre
32 / Newgate prison
33* / Estella arrives in London (Estella’s attitude towards wretches in prison, Pip is left alone feeling miserable, hopelessness of his love for her)
34* / Moral decline of Pip. (He is clearly no longer the morally upstanding boy he once was when he was with Joe. Pip learns his sister is dead.)
35* / Pip returns for funeral and once again leaves Joe. (Comedy and pathos – sympathy / pity – pathetic fallacy)
36 / Pip’s birthday and receives £500 but no news on who his benefactor is.
37 / Pip aids Herbert with Wemmick’s help. Why? To improve Pip in our eyes?
38* / New relationship forming between Miss Havisham and Estella. ‘How does she use you Pip?’(What is happening?)
39* / Magwitch/Provis returns and Pip learns the truth. (Do we feel sympathy for Pip and Magwitch? How does Dickens achieve this? Link idea of Miss Havisham and Magwitch owning a gentleman as an act of revenge.)
40 / Pip hides Provis
Great Expectations
Chapter Summaries
Chapters 41-50
* means key chapter
Chapter / Summary41 / Herbert and Pip plan Provis’ escape with Pip from England
42* / Magwitch’s story. (Themes of social injustice, crime and punishment, parents or lack of. For essay comment on how our sympathy has shifted towards Magwitch.)
43 / Pip meets Drummle again who is to marry Estella.
44* / Pip asks Miss Havisham to help Herbert and confronts her about her cruelty to himself. Returns to London and gets a note warning him not to go home (cliff hanger ending).
45 / Pip is anxious.
46 / Pip concerned for Magwitch, building suspense.
47* / Pip is watched by a sinister figure (the convict Magwitch fought with)
48* / Pip believes Jagger’s housekeeper is Estella’s mother. (Theme: Parentage)
49* / Miss Havisham’s repentance is very melodramatic.( Reflects Dickens’ interest in melodrama)
50* / Pip realises Magwitch is Estella’s father. (Keep a secret?)
Great Expectations
Chapter Summaries
(Chapters 51-59)
* means key chapter
Chapter / Summary51 / Pip is asked by Jagger’s what good it would do to reveal Estela’s parentage.
52 / Pip learns how cruel he has been to Joe and does one good deed from his expectations for Herbert.
53 / Pip is held captive by Orlick who confesses he murdered Pip’s sister. Pip rescued. (This confrontation helps Pip purge his darker self.)
54 / Magitch is captured and Pip stays beside him. (Pip has now lost all his expectations. ‘I only saw in him a much better man than I had been to Joe’)
55 / Herbert makes Pip a clerk!
56 / Trial. (Dickens’ morality and social criticism). Pip tells Magwitch about Estella.
57* / Joe cares for Pip. (Does he deserve it?)
58* / Pip returns to see Joe and Biddy married
59* / Ambiguous ending: will Pip and Estella part forever?