Department of Physical Education
PHED 102a: Weight Training
Spring 2014
Section 49707: TTH 11:00 – 11:50am
Instructor: Steve Hsu
Office: PED 213
Office Hours: Arranged on an as-needed basis
Phone: (213) 740-6301
Course Description:
An introductory course designed to help each student: improve muscular strength, gain knowledge and understanding of weight training theory and practice, develop a personalized weight training program.
Course Objectives:
- To understand basic anatomy and application of exercise physiology.
- To gain fundamental knowledge of physiological principles: strength training benefits, strength training effects, and strength training principles.
- To develop an individualized program based upon student goals: emphasizing muscular strength, muscular hypertrophy, muscular endurance, muscular flexibility, or a combination of any of these.
Course Reading:
Weight training manual provided on Blackboard.
Proper workout attire, water, towel, notebook, and pen/pencil are required. You will not be allowed to participate in the designated physical activity if you do not have proper workout attire and will lose participation points. Grademaster scan form(Scan #25420) is required for Midterm and Final Exams.
Locker Rooms:
USC Physical Education IS NOT responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged property. If you choose to bring any valuables to class, it is strongly recommended that they be locked up during class. Lockers are available in the PE building and Lyons Center.
Class Meeting Information:
Classes will meet in the Cardinal Room of the Lyon Center. Students must bring their USC student ID’s in order to enter the building. Access to the Lyon Center will be denied if you forget your USC student ID – you will have to purchase a $10 day pass in order to enter (no exceptions).
Class information will be posted. We will use resources posted on BlackboardTMin addition to the course textbook.
Consistent attendance and active participation is a minimum requirement for completing a performance class and is a large determinant and component of your final grade.
Grading Policy and Evaluation Criteria:
Cognitive = 50% (125 points)Psychomotor = 50% (125 points)
- Final Exam = 20%1. Active Participation = 30%
- Midterm Exam = 20% 2. Fitness Pre-Test = 5%
- Muscle Quiz = 5%3. Fitness Post-Test = 5%
4. Nutrition Quiz = 5%4. Workout Log = 10%
225 – 250 points = A
200 – 224 points = B
175 – 199 points = C
125 – 174 points = D
Below 125 points = F
*Plus and minus grades will be issued accordingly for each letter grade range based on grade
percentage earned.
*Extra credit work and make-up work are not available. You are not permitted to make-up absences in another section. Make-ups will not be given for any of the cognitive or psychomotor components. It is your responsibility to attend class consistently and fulfill the requirements of this course.
Academic Accomodations:
Students requesting academic accommodations based on a disability are required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP when adequate documentation is filed. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 am -5:00 pm. The office is in Student Union 301 and the phone number is (213) 74
USC Weight Training - Spring 2014
Week 1
January 14, 16
/ Course Introduction: Review of Syllabus and Introduction to Weight TrainingCOURSE READER: What is Weight Training and Why Lift Weights?
Week 2
January 21, 23
/ Weight Training Safety & EtiquetteCOURSE READER: Weight Training Safety
and Weight Room Etiquette / Weight Training Safety & Etiquette
COURSE READER: Weight Training Safety
and Weight Room Etiquette
Week 3
January 28, 30
/ Training Principles & Program DesignCOURSE READER: Training Principles & Designinga Personalized Program; Warm-Up, Cool-Down & Stretching / Muscle Anatomy and Physiology
COURSE READER: Muscle Structure &
Physiological Effects of Weight Training
/ Aerobic Class Format
Chapter 8
Friday, january31
/ Last Day To Register & Add/Drop ClassesDrop Class Without Mark Of “W” Or Change enrollment option to P/NP Or Audit &purchase/waituition
Week 4
February 4, 6
/ Weight Training Truths & MythsCOURSE READER: Weight Training Myths, Misconceptions
& FAQ’s / Fitness Pre-Testing
Week 5
February11, 13
/ Free Weights vs. MachinesCOURSE READER: Free Weights vs. Machines / Muscle Quiz
Week 6
February 18, 20 / Weight Training Exercises & TechniquesCOURSE READER: Weight Training Exercises
Week 7
February 25, 27
/ Weight Training Exercises & TechniquesCOURSE READER: Weight Training Exercises
Chapter 13 – Trunk Flexion and Extension Exercises
Week 8
March 4, 6 / MIDTERM Review /MIDTERM Exam
Week 9
March 11, 13
/ NutritionCOURSE READER: Nutrition Basics
Week 10
March 25, 27
Spring BreakMarch 17 - 22 / NutritionCOURSE READER: Nutrition Basics
Week 11
April 1, 3
/ Body Composition, Measuring Body Fat & BMICOURSE READER: Body Composition
Friday, April 11
/ Last Day To Drop Class With Mark Of “W”Week 12
April 8, 10
/ Nutrition Quiz /Advanced Weight Training
COURSE READER: Troubleshooting Lack of Progress &Taking it to the Next Level
Week 13
April 15, 17
/Advanced Weight Training
COURSE READER: Troubleshooting Lack of Progress &Taking it to the Next Level / Fitness Post-Testing
Week 14
April 22, 24
/Evaluate Programs and Collect
WorkoutLogs /Collect Workout Logs
Week 15
April 29, May 1 /FINAL Review
*Please note this is a tentative outline and may be subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class and/or via email.